ALKI-AREA SURVEY: Your thoughts sought on 10 potential concerns

If you didn’t already see it via City Councilmember Lisa Herbold‘s weekly e-mail/online update, the city is circulating a short survey about 10 possible concerns in the Alki area, all involving vehicles/driver behavior. It asks your thoughts on those concerns, plus an open-ended question on whether you’re “concerned about anything else.” You can answer the survey by going here.

23 Replies to "ALKI-AREA SURVEY: Your thoughts sought on 10 potential concerns"

  • Gene August 25, 2017 (4:32 pm)

    Quick- easy- done.

  • Jeannie August 25, 2017 (5:44 pm)

    It’s a good survey. It covers a lot of the issues that concern us. Things are getting out of control with obnoxious drivers spewing their noise and fumes, and not paying attention to pedestrians. What happened to our anti-cruising laws? Are they not being enforced? If people want to meet up at Alki for a party, that’s great. But obnoxious driving is not.

  • Mark August 25, 2017 (5:59 pm)

    Another item is vehicles parked on the street encroaching into the shared bike lane.  Aka if the wheels are over the edge stripe they are encroaching into the shared bike car lane, reducing safety for bicyclists

  • Atomicoven August 25, 2017 (8:38 pm)

    Unfortunately it does not cover ‘the lighter side of law; such as illegal fires, littering, public urination and partying at 4:00 AM . Please use the comments section of the survey to voice these and other concerns. The stories need to be told.

    • Mike August 25, 2017 (9:19 pm)

      add in gun shots, stabbings, sexually harassing underage girls, using dogs to threaten by-passers, blocking traffic while walking, graffiti graffiti graffiti graffiti graffiti graffiti graffiti graffiti graffiti graffiti graffiti graffiti graffiti graffiti graffiti graffiti graffiti graffiti graffiti graffiti graffiti graffiti graffiti graffiti graffiti graffiti graffiti graffiti graffiti graffiti graffiti graffiti 

  • JB August 25, 2017 (9:00 pm)

    Problems are not only the Alki area, California Ave, by Hamilton View Point is another problem, speeding out of the park, rubber burning, loud music, drinking, and using the park after closing.

    • WSB August 25, 2017 (9:09 pm)

      If you looked at the survey, you’d note that the last part asks whether the respondent lives in Alki, Admiral, or elsewhere. // Meantime, regarding its relatively narrow focus, I don’t know who wrote the survey – it bears some resemblance to the research that a private citizen named Jesse Robbins was doing via the Alki Community Council (he’d also met with a few other local groups) – the results of his noise surveys were linked in our report on the June ACC meeting:

      He eventually acknowledged he was part of a team working on some sort of proprietary technology to deal with the problem, especially with regards to motorcycles.

      Anyway, this survey is hosted on the city website so whomever is behind it, you might as well have the choice to respond to it. – TR

      • Greenlakeslover August 25, 2017 (11:39 pm)

        Tracy, Jesse Robbins was not involved with this survey.  I recommend you check in with Lisa Herbold’d office to find out more about the survey’s origin  and purpose. 

  • Ernie August 25, 2017 (9:02 pm)

    About 25 loud-ass motorcycles just went down Admiral while I was reading this LOL. 

  • Mike August 25, 2017 (9:17 pm)

    Will be interesting to see what comes of this.

    • My two cents ... August 26, 2017 (12:09 pm)

      Given the track record of Councilmember Herbold don’t expect a lot.  Issue won’t drive enough votes or publicity for her.

  • lez August 25, 2017 (11:33 pm)

    Motorcycle noise? You ought to live on Fauntleroy and awaken to the 5:00 & 5:40 am ferry motorcycles. Great way to start the day. I haven’t complained because SPD is not going to do anything anyway. Stolen bikes?  My car has been stolen three times and each time SPD has tried to talk me out of filing a report. Anti SPD rant? I guess so

    • Mike August 26, 2017 (6:40 am)

      Wait, SPD tried to talk you out of filing a report?  If it’s stolen and you file a report with insurance, it’s already on record as stolen and insurance would have filed with local authorities to find the vehicle.  Did you file a claim with insurance?  The first thing I ever hear from SPD is to file a report, that’s how they can increase their budgets, they WANT you to file reports.  The city council does not, that’s how they lose budget dollars to SPD.  It’s in SPD’s best interest to have as many reports filed so they can come back to the council with statistics showing the need for funding.

  • Jeannie August 26, 2017 (2:04 am)

    Ernie, I witnessed those loud-ass motorcycles on 63rd Ave. SW, not even an arterial. I suspect it was more like 40 of them. Some were doing silly tricks and all were speeding.

  • M. August 26, 2017 (9:43 am)

    Funny how there’s so many complaints about something you have absolutely no control over. Maybe a motorcycle is their only mode of transportation to and from work? We wouldn’t want more people with out jobs around here now would we? Or God forbid, more homelessness. Pick and choose your battles people. You live in a city, expect some noise. 

    • Jim August 26, 2017 (10:30 am)

      M – That is a ridiculous argument.   We DO have control over obnoxious mufflers.  And there is no connection between a loud motorcycle and keeping a job.  Those loud “crotch rockets” are a conscious choice, not a transportation need.

  • Byron August 26, 2017 (10:22 am)

    How quickly we forget a plan being pushed to eliminate cars altogether down on Alki floating around. Could Lisa Herbold looking for another problem to solve? Just saying. 

  • Jim August 26, 2017 (10:23 am)

    This survey isn’t designed to fix EVERY problem we have.  It is focused on some that CAN be fixed if SPD will listen and enforce the existing laws.  But it needs participation to gain traction.  Put in the few minutes it takes to fill it out.

  • Concerned August 26, 2017 (10:33 am)

    This is not just about Alki! The noise pollution from screeching, racing, speeding, and illegally modified mufflers goes all over 35th, California, Admiral Way, Harbor, Marginal, Avalon, Delridge, Pigeon Point,  and the West Seattle bridge at all hours. Fill out the survey and get started on reclaiming our community!    

    • Byron August 26, 2017 (11:46 am)

      And that is my point. This questionnaire is about alki not all of west Seattle. How about a questionnaire that encompasses all areas?  We live near the high school and all the kids speed down Hanford when they get out but nothing gets done about that.

      When a questionnaire is a rifle shot question for a specific area one should assume Lisa has a solution for the expected answer.  Answering this with your problem from Fauntleroy or California ave isn’t going to help. Send an email directly to Lisa Herbold. 

  • Mark August 26, 2017 (11:42 am)

    Its not just the noise mentioned by Concerned.  

    The sound level of trains blaring their horns and emergency vehicles is way too lowd.  I get the need to make people aware of their presence, but how lowd is reasonable?  A sound level that is damaging to ears is too lowd.  

  • Maxine August 26, 2017 (3:13 pm)

    Totally agree with Jim * – we’ve got to start somewhere. Please fill out the survey.

    *This survey isn’t designed to fix EVERY problem we have.  It is focused on some that CAN be fixed if SPD will listen and enforce the existing laws.  But it needs participation to gain traction.  Put in the few minutes it takes to fill it out.

  • Greenlakeslover August 26, 2017 (3:39 pm)

    Please take a look at the survey! The questions relate to existing laws on the books that are not being enforced (scroll down past the “submit” button and you’ll see the links).  We need to show SPD and SDOT the extent and severity of these health and safety issues, so don’t be put  off if you feel your particular street is not included.  The survey says “nearby areas” — that’s YOU, so go ahead an fill out the survey (it only takes a moment) and feel free to be specific about your individual concerns.  

Sorry, comment time is over.