(Pigeon guillemot – photographed by Mark Wangerin)
Happy Tuesday! From the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar for the rest of today/tonight:
FREE LUNCH AT THE LIBRARY: 12:30 pm at Delridge (5423 Delridge Way SW) and High Point (35th SW/SW Raymond) Libraries, free lunch for kids/youth, as part of summer programs to be sure they don’t go hungry when school’s out. (Watch for more information later today on WSB about summer food programs around the area.)
DISASTER SKILLS WORKSHOP: Be prepared! 6-8 pm, city-presented disaster-skills workshop at High Point Community Center. Free! Pre-registration required – sign up here ASAP. (6920 34th SW)
ADMIRAL THEATER BENEFIT: The project to restore its historic murals will benefit from tonight’s showing of “Legends of the Road,” which tells the story of Chief Sealth (pre-International) High School students’ 5,100-mile bicycle/baseball trip in honor of the historic “barnstorming” by Negro Leagues baseball players in the first half of the 20th century. 5:30 pm $100 VIP ticket for pre-movie mingling, 6:45 pm $20 ticket for the movie and Q&A afterward. Negro Leagues Baseball Museum president Bob Kendrick is here to introduce the screening – and here’s his video invitation courtesy of the Southwest Seattle Historical Society:
Here’s our Monday report on a conversation with Bob and former Chief Sealth teacher Gary Thomsen, whose students did the research and road trip. Tickets available at the door and online. (2343 California SW)
BLOCK WATCH CAPTAINS NETWORK: 6:30 pm at Southwest Precinct, the last meeting until fall for the West Seattle Block Watch Captains Network. Along with neighborhood crime-trend updates, you’ll find out about the revived SPD Community Service Officer program. All welcome – you don’t have to be a BW captain or even member. (2300 SW Webster)
TUESDAY NIGHT SUP-PER: 7 pm at Alki Kayak Tours, SUP and kayak race – details in our calendar listing. (1660 Harbor SW)
BUSHWICK BOOK CLUB: Live music at Parliament Tavern, starting at 8 pm. No cover. 21+. (4210 SW Admiral Way)
LOTS MORE … for today, tonight, and beyond – on our complete-calendar page!
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