(Above, Dahlia Sebastian; below, Rowan Preedy)
Congratulations to the Madison Middle School students whose scientific achievements landed them in a districtwide spotlight! Thanks to science teacher Fred Jenner for the photos and report:
Madison MS had four finalists submitting projects at Thursday night’s District Science Fair at The Museum of Flight. Sixth graders Elliott Allen, Dahlia Sebastian, Rowan Preedy, and Ian Iserman showed their projects to a large crowd of visitors and twenty plus judges. Dahlia Sebastian’s engineering project “The New and Improved String Instrument Cleaner of the 21st Century” won Best Overall project for engineering design and Rowan Preedy’s engineering project “Automated Chicken Door Closer” won Most Original Engineering Project award for the entire district’s 6th grade category field of projects.
(Above, Elliott Allen; below, Ian Iserman)
This year there were more engineering design projects than science inquiry projects. Congratulations to all of them for their awesome work and for making Madison Middle School proud!
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