West Seattle, Washington
19 Wednesday
By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor
Two months after Camp Second Chance became officially city-sanctioned, its Community Advisory Committee convened at the encampment on Myers Way in southeast West Seattle.
They heard updates from its operator, Polly Trout of Patacara Community Services, including her report that CSC’s population had more than tripled since it became sanctioned two months ago – from 14 to 49, counting three people who were reported to have arrived just as the Sunday afternoon meeting began. But that’s not yet the full capacity mentioned in the announcement last December that it would be one of three new sanctioned encampments in the city.
The committee – which the city decreed would be a required part of camp operations – includes a wide range of representatives from around the area, West Seattle to South Park to Top Hat to White Center, neighbors, businesses, nonprofits, neighboring senior-housing complex Arrowhead Gardens, and more. A city rep – Tom Van Bronkhorst from the Department of Neighborhoods – was at the meeting too. In all, more than 20 people were sitting in a canopy-covered circle before the meeting wrapped up.
Trout explained the camp’s operations – that it’s self-governed, with a Monday meeting where there’s a vote on decisions such as barring people who can’t follow its code of conduct, which includes “no criminal behavior, no stealing,” drug and alcohol free, being civil and ethical. The camp also has a grievance process if someone feels they’re not being treated fairly, and that can be pursued with Patacara’s board, but so far, she said, no one had done that.
She mentioned the services that have improved at CSC since signing a contract with the city on arch 8th – including: Read More
9:58 PM: Thanks for the tips/questions. We’re receiving reports that power briefly flickered around north West Seattle – The Junction, Genesee Hill, Admiral. So far no word of the cause, and no WS outage has shown up on the Seattle City Light map. (If you have completely lost power, please alert City Light, 206-684-3000 – and then let us know at 206-293-6302 – thanks!)
10:32 PM: We’ve also heard from Gatewood, High Point, and Alki – where one person says it’s been attributed to balloons getting tangled in a power line, and several report a loud noise preceding the flicker. We’re not likely to hear anything official tonight but will check with SCL in the morning.
ORIGINAL REPORT, MONDAY, MAY 8TH: Thanks to the anonymous reader who sent that photo, saying SDOT just blocked off a “sinkhole” right in the middle of the uphill (eastbound) travel lane on Admiral Way at 57th. We don’t know if a crew will be working on it tonight – if not, we’ll check on it first thing in the morning.
UPDATED FRIDAY, MAY 12TH: After noticing last night that it wasn’t fixed yet, we asked SDOT today about the repair plan. At day’s end, they said the hole was scheduled for repair today; we drove by tonight and indeed, it has been.
(WSB photo by Christopher Boffoli)
Several people have asked about a sizable police response on Admiral Way at 38th SW, which SPD blocked for a while, earlier this evening. Christopher Boffoli checked it out for WSB and here’s what he found out: It was originally reported as a possible “person in crisis” situation but police talked to the woman they were called about and eventually classified the call as a family disturbance, no crime involved, no one hurt. Police are no longer there and 38th has reopened.
We often get asked about rental/event spaces in West Seattle. Here’s a new one: Muse Gallery and Studio, in North Delridge. It’s a new venture by the proprietors of The Skylark next door. Matt Larson explains:
We are trying to provide a space for artists and artisans to show/sell/teach their craft in West Seattle. It also makes for an affordable and spacious photo studio as it includes seamless backgrounds and tall ceilings.
Muse Gallery and Studio is available to rent for a wide variety of events. Pop-up art shows, photo studio rental, private parties, classes, recitals, etc. can all be held in this warm, open space. Gallery lighting, wood floors, open floor plan, and seamless backdrops make it versatile for a number of uses. There is also plenty of free parking, and catering available. First and foremost, Muse is about finding inspiration and making connections in our art community. Our goal is to draw attention to and promote artists, studios, and collectives from all the neighborhoods in Seattle by showcasing them here in West Seattle.
Larson says you can get a firsthand look at Muse (3801 Delridge Way SW) during two upcoming events: Night Circus #5, an “art and social gathering” 6-9 pm this Thursday (May 11th) followed by music next door at Skylark, and a one-night art show May 20th by Casey Brookbush, with live acoustic music by Jake Carden, 6-10 pm May 20th, with music afterward at Skylark.
That two-page flyer explains a test that Washington State Ferries will conduct with tollbooth procedures at the Fauntleroy ferry dock next week – Monday, May 15th, through Thursday, May 18th. It’s the next step in the process we’ve been covering since January, when WSF chose a citizen task force to help come up with “quick wins” aimed at reducing traffic backups and other delays, especially headed outbound from Fauntleroy in the afternoons and evenings. When the task force finished its first round of meetings in late March – as reported here – those “quick wins” were announced as a two-part plan, changing tollbooth procedures so four vehicles could be processed each minute instead of three, and a big public-information campaign to make sure everyone knows what’s going on (including encouraging ferry users to buy advance tickets).
They also agreed that the proposed changes should be tested in May before potential official implementation in June. So that’s what will happen next week – as detailed on the flyer above. WSF spokesperson Brian Mannion tells WSB that “WSF’s internal implementation team (comprised of experienced terminal staff, vessel crew and supervisors on the route), will be on site all this week to discuss the changes with WSF workers, drivers and passengers” before the test project starts next Monday.
From north to south: Sale #145 in North Admiral to Sale #312 in south Arbor Heights …
From east to west: Sale #3 near Westcrest Park to Sale #136 near Constellation Park …
All around the peninsula, the 300+ sales of West Seattle Community Garage Sale Day 2017, coordinated by WSB, are now mapped for your planning convenience, with the big day next Saturday, May 13th, official shopping hours 9 am-3 pm (but browse the listings for some starting earlier and/or ending later). See the online and printable versions of the map/list by going here.
The listings, searchable via the online map (as explained beneath it) or via your browser’s “find” feature on the PDF version, truly have something for everyone, whatever you’re seeking. Or, you’ll find reasons to visit no matter what the merchandise, maybe just seeing what your neighbors are selling, or checking out sales with special greeters (like Tough the tortoise). And no, it’s not all stuff that people are hoping to get out of their basement, garage, storage unit forever – one sale promises cut flowers, others have fresh lemonade and/or coffee and/or baked goods … and then there’s the one with “Delicious beverages sold by cute and earnest kids.” There’s even a big multi-seller site where you can buy lunch (hot dogs, barbecue). Are you a crafter? Fabric, yarn, beading and quilting supplies are on the list … We could go on. And will – for the rest of the week, we’ll be publishing lists, starting with the benefit/nonprofit sales. Updates will be here on WSB and on westseattlegaragesale.com.
(Alki Beach last weekend – photographed by Anjanette Nelson-Wally)
As we head into Monday afternoon … here are four calendar highlights for tonight:
COMMUNITY ORCHARD OF WEST SEATTLE: 5-7 pm, it’s the Monday Meetup – stop by, learn about the orchard, help out. North end of South Seattle College (WSB sponsor) campus. (6000 16th SW)
GATEWOOD ELEMENTARY PLAYGROUND PROJECT: 6 pm in the cafeteria at Gatewood Elementary, before the 6:30 pm PTA meeting, see the final draft design for the southwest corner of the playground, as previewed here. All welcome – and then see how to help make it happen! (4320 SW Myrtle)
SEATTLE READS ‘THE TURNER HOUSE’: This year’s “Seattle Reads” book, “The Turner House” by Angela Flournoy, is the subject of two book groups meeting at local libraries tonight, both at 6:45 pm – at Southwest Library and at West Seattle (Admiral) Library. All welcome. (P.S. – The author will be visiting SW Library on Wednesday afternoon!)
MONDAY QUIZ: 7:30 pm at The Skylark, no cover, all ages, prizes! Details here. (3803 Delridge Way SW)
Back in late March, we reported on Sushi Samurai taking over the ex-Subway spot at 2758 Alki SW, between Top Pot Doughnuts and Pegasus Pizza. Now, we have an update from co-proprietor Ray Maranonn, who tells WSB, “We are happy to announce that we will be opening on Wednesday, May 10th, at 11:30 am. Our hours for now will be 11:30 am-7 pm Wednesday-Sunday, and I anticipate those changing to Monday-Sunday in the next few weeks.” This is Sushi Samurai‘s second location; its first is on Queen Anne.
Two reader reports in West Seattle Crime Watch:
HIT-RUN DRIVER LEAVES BUMPER BEHIND: The photo and report are from Angela:
My family woke up this morning to our car totaled by a hit and run. We live on the increasingly dangerous street of 49th and Admiral. This is the SECOND TIME it has happened in 2 months! As much as we love paying $500 deductibles, this is getting ridiculous. The way people drive up Admiral from the beach and whip a right onto 49th is scary and reckless.
We have lived here for 6 years and have seen at least 7 or 8 hit and runs just on our block. I’ve reported it to the city before, but the fact that it’s a main arterial they said they can’t do anything about it?
We have called the police and are keeping an eye out for a Land Rover that has the front bumper gone this morning (photo above). … I would really love to catch this person!
We’ll add the SPD incident number when available. (ADDED 11:13 AM: 17-160911)
CAR PROWL: From Joe:
Our car was broken into during the early morning of 5/7 in the Gatewood area on SW Willow between 38th and 39th. No signs of forced entry. Various items including golf clubs were taken.
WSB crime coverage is archived here as well as on the Crime Watch page.
(SDOT MAP with travel times/video links; is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE)
6:55 AM: Good morning! No traffic incidents in/from West Seattle so far this morning.
If you are passing Fauntleroy/Alaska and notice a Seattle Fire response outside Spruce/LA Fitness, with people standing outside, it’s a fire-alarm call but no fire. According to this photo tweeted by Cami, the units are on 39th SW so not affecting the arterials.
BRIDGE CLOSURE: Crews are back to working the westbound bridge for streetlight repair as of early today – we’ll be checking to verify whether another closure is planned tonight.
7:15 AM: The aforementioned SFD call at Spruce has closed, which means it’s over and all units have left.
8:05 AM: WSDOT reports a crash on the NB 1st Ave S bridge, right lane.