(SDOT MAP with travel times/video links; is the ‘low bridge’ closed? LOOK HERE)
7:30 AM: Good morning. Bridge trouble right now – “a stall is blocking the left lane on the EB West Seattle Bridge after Fauntleroy Way SW,” according to SDOT.
7:39 AM: And SDOT says it’s cleared.
7:41 AM: No alerts from Metro but two people have e-mailed to report the 7:09 Route 56 apparently didn’t run today – as a result, Steve says, “The 57 is full before Belvedere and not stopping.”
7:54 AM: We mentioned that on Twitter and Michelle tweeted this in response to confirm “57 full to the gills.”
8:45 AM: If you’re headed for I-5 northbound, beware – WSDOT reports: “NB I-5 at I-90. A disabled vehicle is blocking the center lane.”
9:01 AM: Via e-mail, Lisa says the Route 57 bus set to leave The Junction shortly after 8 am didn’t show up either. No Metro alert.
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