The Harbor/Spokane/Avalon project mentioned here on Thursday is one of two community-proposed West Seattle projects to get Neighborhood Street Fund money this year. Today, SDOT is launching the feedback process for the other one – now going by the title Chief Sealth High School Walkway Improvements, for a stretch of city right-of-way between the school and Westwood Village, east of Southwest Athletic Complex. Here’s the description of what’s being planned:
The project will improve connectivity, walkability, and safety for residents and students who currently use two unimproved and overgrown paths on 25th and 26th avenues SW, between SW Trenton and SW Cloverdale streets. Project elements include:
Two 10-foot wide asphalt walkways on 25th and 26th avenues SW running between SW Trenton St and the cul-de-sac to the north
Pedestrian lights along the two paths
Removal of overgrown vegetation and installation of new trees and plants where appropriate
Possible new plaza space at 25th Ave SW and SW Trenton St, either defined by paint or constructed with concrete
This is the first phase of outreach and we’d like to hear from you! Email us by April 9 to let us know:
What do you like about the design so far?
Do you have any concerns?
What would you like to see at the possible plaza area at 25th Ave SW and SW Trenton St?
How would you want to use this space?
What else would you like us to know about how you use this area?
What improvements would you like to see?
Do you have recommendations for how to keep people informed about the project?
Send your answers, and any other comments, to The project is being designed this year, for construction next year. Here’s the SDOT document for the review of the original concept, estimated to cost $465,000; here’s our coverage of one of the meetings last year where pitches were made for this and other potential NSF projects in east West Seattle.
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