(SDOT map showing “early concept” for project)
Ready to provide feedback as another West Seattle transportation project gets going? Here comes your chance for semi-early comments on the project officially known as Harbor Ave SW and SW Spokane St Intersection Improvements – covering the often-snarled area beneath and on both sides of the bridge. It affects SW Avalon Way, too, though that’s not mentioned in the title.
This is a community-proposed project that made it through the Neighborhood Street Fund process. We reported back in October that it was voted to receive funding; the cost is estimated at $352,000. It’s being designed this year and will be built/installed next year. Here’s the description from the project “fact sheet,” followed by the questions the project team is asking you to answer now:
The Seattle Department of Transportation (SDOT) will improve safety for people walking, biking and driving at the intersection of Harbor Ave SW and SW Spokane Street in West Seattle. In 2016, the Harbor Ave SW and SW Spokane Street Intersection project was one of 12 selected by the Levy to Move Seattle Oversight Committee to be funded through the SDOT’s Neighborhood Street Fund (NSF) program. The NSF program funds projects requested by the community.
â– Adding a signal to give people biking a protected crossing from the northeast to the southwest corner of the intersection
â– Adding a curb bulb to increase space to stand and visibility at the corner
â– Removing segments of a jersey barrier along the Alki Trail approaching Harbor Ave SW
â– Restriping the crosswalk
â– Trimming overgrown landscaping on the northeast corner
â– Adding bike ramps on SW Avalon Way
â– Painting a bike turn lane on SW Manning StMaintaining transit and freight access to Harbor Ave SW and SW Avalon Way is a key element of the project.
Adding the protected bike signal will increase wait times at this intersection during some peak times of the day.
■Increase visibility of and safety for people walking and biking across Harbor Ave SW and SW Spokane St
â– Clarify a bike-only turning movement at SW Manning St and SW Avalon Way
The project team is asking for your comments on the early concept – via e-mail, at NSFHarborandSpokane@seattle.gov. Their questions are:
*What do you like about the design concept presented on our website? Do you have any concerns?
*Do the project elements address any problems you have at this intersection?
*What is your experience at this intersection when you are walking? Biking? Driving?
*Do you have recommendations for how to keep people up to date about the project?
If you’re interested in the original concept for the project – here’s the SDOT document summarizing it (in far more detail), prepared for last fall’s review/decisionmaking process.