(From the WSB Flickr group: Vashon water taxi M/V Sally Fox passing Alki, photographed by Raul Baron)
Good morning and welcome to a new week! Four highlights from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar for the rest of your Monday:
BREASTFEEDING SUPPORT GROUP: New moms, this free monthly drop-in group is for you and your baby, 10:30-noon at Neighborhood House‘s High Point Center. (6400 Sylvan Way SW)
FREE TAX HELP: The deadline is getting closer, and if you need help, you might qualify for the ongoing free tax-prep help offered at various locations around the area. Today’s drop-in session is 2-7 pm at Delridge Library. (5423 Delridge Way SW)
COMMUNITY ORCHARD OF WEST SEATTLE: You’re invited to stop by for the weekly Monday work party – bring gloves and water – 3-5 pm. North end of South Seattle College (WSB sponsor) campus. (6000 16th SW)
TRIANGLE ADVISORY COMMITTEE’S LAST SCHEDULED MEETING: 4:30-7 pm today, it’s the last scheduled meeting of the citizens’ advisory group that’s been working on some “quick fixes” for Fauntleroy-Vashon-Southworth ferry route-related problems. Here’s the agenda. All welcome to attend; meeting’s in the Fauntleroy Church Fellowship Hall. (9140 California SW)
Looking ahead … does your business/church/organization have an Easter/Passover/spring-festival/etc. event coming up in West Seattle/White Center? (Including restaurants with special brunch/dinner plans.) We’re working on our special seasonal event page and would love to get the info on what you’re planning, ASAP – editor@westseattleblog.com – thanks!
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