Reader report: Divebombing owl in SW West Seattle

An alert from Lauren:

About 5:15 pm tonight we (myself, 1.5 yr old son, and large dog) were attacked by an owl on Marine View between SW 110 St and SW 108 St. [map] It divebombed at my son and I three times as we ran inside. Luckily it didn’t catch us. I think it was going after my son’s pom on his beanie.

They’ve seen it before in the area – brown, “couple feet wingspan,” possibly a barred owl. Here’s what the state Fish and Wildlife Department says about divebombing owls.

6 Replies to "Reader report: Divebombing owl in SW West Seattle"

  • BRIAN WADE December 30, 2016 (9:32 pm)

    I was jogging up the south path in Lincoln Park, right by the downed Madrone on the evening of 11/2 and the same thing happened to me.

    Three aggressive swoops at my head.  After the second I changed my direction and quickened my pace, in a full retreat, with arms a waving and hollering at the possessed little devil on wings. I’m sure it was a sight to behold. 

  • AlkiResident13 December 30, 2016 (11:13 pm)

    Watch out everyone! My husband has a friend who’s dog was snatched by an owl while out on a walk a few years ago in north Seattle. The owl swooped down, grabbed the dog and flew away with it – with the leash getting pulled out of the owners hand and being carried away with the dog as well. This is not an urban legend. It is a crazy but true story. Owls are also silent predators so you will not hear it coming. 

  • John Q Lincoln December 31, 2016 (12:08 am)

    I was running through Fauntleroy Park a week ago and the owl dive bombed me twice.  The second time really got my attention and I had my head on a swivel from that point until I exited the park near the church.  

  • TheKing December 31, 2016 (6:40 am)

    There’s another one that hangs out on the wires by the 7-11 on 16th Ave SW at night. I couldn’t get a good picture, but it’s always there human watching. 

  • Tbone December 31, 2016 (11:48 am)

    I got ‘swooped’ on Seola Beach Drive a few years ago by an owl.  Twice on the same walk – it is eerie at how silent they are – and no fun feeling talons graze your scalp!  

  • Bobbie December 31, 2016 (6:31 pm)

    My cat lost an eye  3 months ago to an owl! We’re on Marine View and 114th…😿

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