In case you heard it too…

We were asked about a “loud boom” heard in the 35th/Avalon vicinity after 2 am. Mystery to us until we received this e-mail from another area resident:

It’s about 2 am right now and a few moments ago, I heard a loud bang. I looked out my window (down onto SW Avalon Way) and saw two individuals (one male and one female both in their teens or 20’s) walking along the sidewalk. The male was actively trying to conceal something in his jacket. I saw a cloud of smoke move along the street. The two walked further down SW Avalon Way and then stopped and I promptly saw sparks light up on a tree. Shortly after, sparks flew out like fireworks. The two continued walking down SW Avalon Way.

Yes, that IS something to report to 911. Whether or not they have an officer to send out, at least the information could solve the mystery for other callers.

5 Replies to "In case you heard it too..."

  • Mike November 11, 2016 (6:07 am)

    It amazes me how little regard for anyone else’s safety people have.  Those individuals just left a scene that could have erupted into a fire that could kill people and / or damage property.  Selfish, self-centered, useless to society.  I hope they are found and penalized for their actions.

  • WSMom November 11, 2016 (9:27 am)

     I hope this person who saw the activity at 2 am called 911 BEFORE emailing the WSBlog.

    • WSB November 11, 2016 (9:31 am)

      Actually, she said she was new to the area and wondered whether that is something to report to police. I responded as soon as I saw the note – before publishing anything – and said yes, please call 911. – TR

  • WestCake November 11, 2016 (9:44 am)

    Ah those kids are probably just still celebrating the election with some fireworks!

  • Elle Nell November 11, 2016 (6:23 pm)

    I’m curious if this has anything to do with the testing at JBLM… It’s amazing how far and strong sound waves can travel 

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