Save Puget Sound & save money: Free workshop for you and your car!

Just got word from Seattle Public Utilities that there’s room at this FREE event one week from Saturday at South Seattle College (WSB sponsor):

Oil and other automotive fluid leaks reduce the life of your engine and find their way to Puget Sound and other waterways where they pose a risk to wildlife and habitats. Seattle Public Utilities’ Automotive Maintenance Program wants to help you make sound choices.

Attend a FREE Auto Leaks Workshop to have your car inspected by a certified expert, learn how to find and fix leaks, and get a free Vehicle Maintenance Check Kit.

Upcoming class:
Saturday, July 23, 9 am-1 pm

To register go to

If you can’t make that date – check out a couple more (same link) later this year.

6 Replies to "Save Puget Sound & save money: Free workshop for you and your car!"

  • NW July 14, 2016 (6:10 pm)

    Now if Seattle Public Utilities would do this for the most common litter in this city and world wide ,cigarette butts, an educational class along with pocket ashtray(s) for smokers. I reached out to them numerous times the agreed it’s a problem nothing more. There are districts and neighborhoods where it is a substantial problem and so evident less than half mile from puget sound where all those butts end up once we get heavy rains.

    • WSB July 14, 2016 (7:11 pm)

      Another approach might be to talk to Councilmember Herbold’s staff; the committee she chairs includes SPU matters. I think the distinction here might be that more people drive than smoke, so if they have to make a choice, this could be more impactful.

  • NW July 14, 2016 (9:04 pm)

    Thanks good point on both fronts, have thought about contacting her and staff just need to take action. 

    • KM July 15, 2016 (8:35 am)

      The local chapter of the Surfrider Foundation has HOTYB (Hold On To Your Butts) canisters available right now to be installed, given to community members on a need-based basis. I would reach out to them if you have a place or an idea in mind. The RockBox on Capitol HIll has one, and it appears to be helping.

  • NW July 16, 2016 (5:10 pm)

    Their efforts on a national scale ,with some done in the region, is substantial. San Diego has made big impacts from what I have read. Locally with the amount of non smoking rooms and grounds ,area just surrounding apartments or immediate area is non smoking also with potential fines I have seen signs posted on bulletin boards within up to $200 fines. That must be why if you go across the street of the new junction flats main entrance also in front of Lutheran School you will already see a building pile of butts. I will not call the management as that is useless problem just shifts to another area. Place is going to the dogs. 

  • NW July 16, 2016 (5:18 pm)

    People have a right to smoke cigarettes by the way. 

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