We finally have the answer to the most common question we’ve been asked in recent weeks: “What’s going into the former Westside Public House space?” in The Junction, which has been vacant since November. (That’s the space that was previously home to A Terrible Beauty, which followed Table 35, which followed Ama Ama, which followed Ovio Bistro, and that’s as far as WSB archives go.) Thanks to everybody who sent notes recently that they saw workers in the space – we’ve gone by almost daily and just never found the crew, and research didn’t turn up anything in public records to give a hint, either. Then finally today, the crew working in the space was still there when we headed over after a tip: They’re told us they’re planning to open Shelby’s Family Bistro and Ice Creamery, because they saw the need for something in The Junction that’s completely family-friendly. The proprietor kindly stopped to talk for a moment while carrying a TV, so we didn’t get tons of details, but his background in the industry, he mentioned, includes working with Schwartz Brothers Restaurants. As you can see in our photo, they’re making big changes to the interior; they’re hoping to be open within a few months.
West Seattle, Washington
14 Friday