7:19 PM: If you’re seeing police, a helicopter, and/or traffic east of Roxbury, we’re checking out reports of a search for a hit-run driver after a crash in the 3rd/Olson vicinity (map).
7:37 PM: We’re at Arrowhead Gardens (2nd and Olson), where police have reportedly found one suspect. Another is still being sought. Guardian One is circling overhead; the crash scene is along Olson on the north side of the complex, and tow trucks are on scene – traffic is still getting through both ways, but slowly.
Seattle Fire Engine 11 is there and via scanner we’ve just heard them call for SDOT to come out to clean up “a significant amount of oil on the road.” We don’t have details of the crash yet but did see a private ambulance leaving as we arrived.
7:45 PM: Police tell us that two vehicles were involved – the hit-run suspects, who got out and ran (and are reported to have left a gun in the vehicle), were in a dark SUV; they hit a white car. We’ll be adding photos in a bit when back at HQ. Police confirm the suspect they have in custody is male and they are still seeking a female; no further description. They also confirm one person, from the car that was hit, was taken to the hospital by private ambulance. The Guardian One chopper is still circling over Arrowhead Gardens.