West Seattle Wednesday: HALA demystified; lunch at C & P; home-office meetup; more

(Downy woodpecker, photographed in West Seattle by Mark Wangerin)

In the WSB West Seattle Holiday Guide, today/tonight includes only ongoing daily/nightly events (lots of recent additions for upcoming days/nights, though!), so our Wednesday highlights are all from our regular year-round West Seattle Event Calendar:

PRESCHOOL STORY TIME: 10:30 am at West Seattle (Admiral) Library. (2306 42nd SW)

FOOD TRUCK AT C & P: Today’s the day that Napkin Friends is visiting C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor) for lunch, 11 am-2 pm on the alley behind the shop. (5612 California SW)

HOME-OFFICE/SOLOPRENEUR/COWORKER MEETUP: Grab your lunch there and head a few blocks south to the free weekly meetup at West Seattle’s only coworking center, WS Office Junction (WSB sponsor), noon-1:15 pm. (6040 California SW)

SOUTHWEST DISTRICT COUNCIL: 6:30 pm at the Sisson Building, join SWDC for a discussion of HALA – the Housing Affordability and Livability Agenda – with a city rep. The Seattle Nature Alliance is visiting too. Here’s our preview. (California SW & SW Oregon)

TRIVIA: 8:30 pm at Talarico’s Pizza, hosted by Phil Tavel. (4718 California SW)

BE A STAR: Open-microphone night, 8:30-11:30 pm at The Skylark, all-ages until 10. (3803 Delridge Way SW)

LOTS MORE … on our complete calendar!

2 Replies to "West Seattle Wednesday: HALA demystified; lunch at C & P; home-office meetup; more"

  • HelperMonkey December 2, 2015 (12:59 pm)

    YOU GUYS. ALL YOU GUYS. Go to the Napkin Friends truck for lunch. OMG. I am eating a sandwich made of latkes, apples and brie and am in heaven. Some guy got the matzoh ball soup and it looked and smelled heavenly. The pickles are the size of a baby’s arm! thanks to C&P for inviting a great food truck into the hood!!!

  • Stuart December 5, 2015 (5:11 am)

    I would love to try napkin friends latke sandwiches – just saw a bit on king5news about their truck! Please come back to WSEA on a weekend or evening!

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