West Seattle’s newer music-synched light show has started its season too: This is the third year for West Seattle Yuletide, presented by the Iversons, midblock on the east side of 38th SW between Genesee and Dakota. We stopped by tonight for a bit of video – apropos to another clear night, we caught “Let It Go” from “Frozen.”
The hit movie’s sisters Anna and Elsa even appear alongside your host Olaf the snowman on the south side of the yard. While you can hear the songs if you’re standing in front of the house, they’re also broadcast on short-range 101.9 FM. The schedule’s here.
P.S. You’ll find WSY listed along with West Seattle Lights (featured here last night), and the Menashe Family Christmas Lights (scheduled to start Sunday night) in our WSB West Seattle Holiday Guide.
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