Thanks to Verne for sharing this in case you or somebody you know graduated from West Seattle High School in 1970:
We are looking forward to seeing you Saturday July 18th, 12-4 pm. Class of ’70 is having “Our 45th Reunion Potluck Picnic” at Alki Shelter #1 (the only shelter) on the grass by 61st and 62nd SW and Alki Ave. Come down and join your classmates for some casual fun in the sun. We had enough funds for the shelter and 4 tables, so this is free this time. Might want to bring a chair, something to share, and beverage; we’ll have some water and paper plates available. We don’t have everyone’s emails so please forward this to your classmate friends and invite them to join us. We hope to see you there. I bet we see some kids, grandkids, and dogs too.
Your reps, Cathy Westwood McLynne and Jami Hanning Vaux
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