day : 09/07/2015 11 results

Seen on Summer Fest Eve: ‘The Hydrant,’ coming soon

A hint of a new business, noticed tonight while we were in The Junction for Summer Fest Eve:

That sign has popped up in the window of what was Terra Cole Butchery – The Hydrant, “a gathering place for people and pups.” Hoping to find out more this weekend!

P.S. Speaking of new businesses, we have it from multiple sources that the new Pellegrini Italian Market, in the ex-La Romanza space, will be open for festivalgoers to check out.

West Seattle Crime Watch: Another classic bicycle, stolen

From Michael:

Another classic bike stolen last night in the neighborhood of 59th and Stevens. Trek 8000 aluminum big fork mountain bike. Equipped with Campi pedals, Cateye computer, WTB speed V comp saddle, Grip Shift, bar ends, Mavic rims, Blackburn front and rear fenders, Blackburn headlight and tail light, Performance triangle shoulder bag, Performance mini pump bag with Blackburn mini pump, Park tool bag, dual bottle cages. Many miles and memories were put on this bike.

Please contact police if you see it.

VIDEO: West Seattle Summer Fest Eve in The Junction! WS Art Walk too.

6:39 PM: The barricades are up and people are walking in the street – must be West Seattle Summer Fest Eve in The Junction! The festival itself officially starts at 10 am tomorrow (see the basics here) but with the streets closed to vehicles – aside from those involved in setup, like the one in which festival producer Oliver Little and West Seattle Junction Association director Susan Melrose just rode by:

With outdoor dining/drinking areas set up, and live music at some venues, tonight brings a party all its own, especially with West Seattle Art Walk under way. Wander over to 42nd SW, across from Jefferson Square, where you’ll find artist Jessica Creager at Wallflower Custom Framing (WSB sponsor):

More to come! Better yet, just come down and see for yourself. And take the chance to play in the street, before all the tents get set up…

7:06 PM: Another Art Walk stop is Click! Design That Fits (WSB sponsor) on California north of Alaska, where artist Hannah Viano is featured tonight:

Also at Click! – a Summer Fest sale! Outside *and* inside throughout the festival – check out the details here.

Another important reminder tonight: The bus reroutes are now in effect:

We have them all linked here – each route, and the PDF describing where the stops have moved to, from now through late Sunday night.

7:42 PM: Sweet sounds from the Jazz Night School All-Star Big Band – we have a minute of video:

They’re playing outside West 5, one of the places you’ll find outdoor seating set up just for the festival. Another one is Bin 41, which has a “wine garden” going, while The Beer Junction, of course, has a beer garden.

8:31 PM: The tent, stage, and ride setup work is getting more intense, but it’s still a beautiful night to stop down. We’ll add a few more photos back at HQ. (Like this one …)

(Photo by Duane Bakke – starring Peg)

Watch for one more round of Summer Fest info later tonight – and then we’ll see you at the festival tomorrow, Saturday, Sunday!

UPDATE: Cellular equipment work planned on utility poles in West Seattle neighborhoods

4:06 PM THURSDAY: Just in from the city:

Seattle City Light will be supporting enhanced cellular and data services in various Seattle neighborhoods by upgrading electronic equipment on 49 existing network sites on utility poles. …

Highlights from the flier:

· The project is an expansion of existing communications networks and the equipment modifications will increase public safety and enhanced-911 capabilities. The work will also improve wireless services to areas, allowing for enhanced connectivity and faster 4G service. See the maps on the fliers for approximate construction work areas.

· Construction will begin during the week of July 13, 2015 and will last approximately seven weeks. Daily work hours are planned from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

· During this project, City Light crews will also have the opportunity to upgrade its infrastructure and replace poles that are in poor condition.

· There are no maintenance power outages planned.

· Some traffic and parking impacts are expected in the immediate work areas. Crews will be careful to try and maintain access to driveways.

From separate notification flyers you can see in this 20-page PDF – interspersed with other parts of the city (we’ll try to separate out the West Seattle flyers later if we get time) – here are the three groups of areas where City Light says crews will be working in West Seattle:

 16th Ave SW near SW Brandon St
 16th Ave SW near SW Morgan St
 SW Holden St near 12th Ave SW
 9th Ave SW near SW Cloverdale St
 8th Ave SW between SW Barton St and SW Cambridge St
 The intersection of 4th & 6th Ave S at Myers Way S

 Fauntleroy Pl SW near SW Cloverdale St
 SW Barton St near SW Henderson St
 45th Ave SW near Kilbourne Ct SW
 Marine View Dr SW near SW 101st St
 Marine View Dr SW near SW 104th St

 55th Ave SW near SW Andover St
 48th Ave SW near SW Genesee St
 SW Snoqualmie St near 57th Ave SW
 SW Edmunds St near 48th Ave SW
 SW Hudson St near SW Jacobsen Rd
 46th Ave SW near SW Findlay St
 Atlas Place SW near Beach Dr SW

We’ve sent some followup questions to City Light and will add any additional information we get.

ADDED FRIDAY: We asked City Light a few followup questions. SCL’s Scott Thomsen replied, “These 49 locations have existing cellular antennas on them. The project will replace those existing antennas, which are about 10 years old, with new, upgraded equipment. In most instances, this will not add any height to the pole. A few that are located on streetlights will add 4 feet of height. In each of those cases, the provider must get a conditional use permit from the Department of Planning and Development. The antennas on utility poles are being mounted on the sides of the poles. The old antennas stick out about a foot from the pole. The new ones stick out about 4 inches.”

West Seattle redevelopment: Harbor project under way; new plans for California, Fauntleroy, Charlestown sites

Four residential-redevelopment notes this afternoon:

1201 HARBOR SW PROJECT UNDER WAY: Harbor Avenue has had many proposals but not much action for a while. This one at 1201-1205 Harbor Avenue SW is now under way after demolition of two old houses last week (WSB photo above)city files show a 4-unit rowhouse on the way. (UPDATE: After publishing this, we received a rendering from the architects Allied 8:

You can also see a daylight version on the firm’s website.)

REDEVELOPMENT @ 5440 CALIFORNIA SW: From the city files, a new proposal to demolish this 92-year=old single-family house and “accessory unit,” to be replaced by three live-work units, two townhouses, and two single-family homes.

5652 FAUNTLEROY WAY SW: Redevelopment also continues along Fauntleroy Way, where a 101-year-old single-family house and “accessory structure” are now planned for demolition and replacement with three single-family houses.

3026 SW CHARLESTOWN: In the Luna Park area, there’s an early-stage proposal on file for a 10-to-12-apartment building on this site that’s just uphill from Avalon.

West Seattle Thursday: ‘Summer Fest Eve’; Art Walk; more

Kicking off our look ahead to the rest of your Thursday – it’s West Seattle Summer Fest Eve, starring the July West Seattle Art Walk!

The Art Walk poster image changes quarterly – this time around, it’s by Clare Johnson. And the venue list shuffles a bit each quarter too – here’s the new one:

While you’re visiting the Junction venues – which include WSB sponsors Click! Design That Fits (featuring Hannah Viano and a Summer Fest sale!), Emerald Water Anglers, Hotwire Online Coffeehouse, and Wallflower Custom Framing (featuring Jessica Creager) – enjoy the chance to wander in the streets, since the Summer Fest closures start at 6 tonight, as does the Art Walk (more venue previews, including those outside The Junction, on the official website). Besides the art, as previewed here earlier this week, tonight also includes:

*Magic and music offered by Elliott Bay Brewing Company, starting at 6
*Music offered by West 5, starting at 7
*(added) Outdoor beer garden at The Beer Junction – setting up once the streets are closed, plus a tasting event with Lagunitas Brewing 5-8 pm, five beer samples for $4

(Anything else scheduled? – thanks! And stand by for another Summer Fest preview later this afternoon!)

Also tonight:

WINE TASTING & LIVE MUSIC: Monthly event at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor), 7-9 pm – bring an appetizer to share, bring a friend, have a great time! (5612 California SW)

And a note for today:

COLMAN POOL CLOSED TO THE PUBLIC: The first of this summer’s two multi-day swim-meet closures starts today and continues through Saturday.

West Seattle Crime Watch: ‘Loose Change Bandit’ followup; P-Patch car prowl

Two West Seattle Crime Watch notes:

BURGLARY FOLLOWUP: When we included a 36th/Trenton burglary arrest in West Seattle Crime Watch yesterday, based on neighborhood e-mails, this detail was missing – the “loose change” loot, just reported via SPD Blotter:

Police are hoping a burglar changes his ways after officers caught him walking out of a West Seattle home early Wednesday carrying 65 pounds of stolen coins.

A resident in the 8600 (block of) 35th Ave SW called 911 around 4 AM after hearing glass breaking and seeing a man climb into a neighbor’s window.

As Officers Joel Nark and Jason Ross arrived at the scene, they saw the burglar emerging from the home, carrying an armload of bags. When officers shouted for the suspect to stop, he dropped everything he was carrying and took off running down an alley.

Police chased after the man, who hopped several fences, ran through yards, and jumped off a 10-foot-high deck as he fled. Neighbors spotted the suspect running from police and pointed officers in his direction. Police eventually found the suspect hiding in a shed and took him into custody.

Police recovered the 65 pounds of change – which the homeowner reportedly saves to give to his son – and a stolen humidor, and booked the suspect into the King County Jail for Investigation of Burglary.


My 9-months-pregnant wife pulled up to the Lincoln Park P-Patch (Wednesday) to water our garden. A blue, 2 door, lowered Acura/Honda with gold rims and an exhaust system pulled up when she left and punched out her window and stole her purse containing all of her ID’s and her medical cards. Folks across the street caught the license plate as (ending in) –9YFK. Please, if you see this car, give the police a call.

SATURDAY: Urban Farm Tour, with 4 West Seattle sites, including 1 award-winning ‘farm’!

Four West Seattle urban farms are on the list of 25 that you can tour around the city on Saturday, during Seattle Tilth‘s Chicken Coop and Urban Farm Tour – and one of them, “Buried Treasure,” has won a pre-tour award! Buried Treasure (whose urban farmers are shown in a Tilth-provided photo above) have received the “Garden to the Max” award for attributes including efficient use of space. Theirs is one of four West Seattle stops on this year’s tour, which is already in our calendar, but if you haven’t caught it there yet, here’s the description from the Tilth announcement: “Meet people who are incorporating animals and unique gardens into their home landscapes on a self-guided tour. See unique coops, see goats, ducks, bunnies, and bees, and learn what it takes to have a dynamic urban farm. Go on an urban adventure! Tickets are just $12 and $5 for kids, with discounts for groups, bicyclists, and Seattle Tilth members.” Go here to find out more.

P.S. For a sneak peek at all the award-winners, including more photos from the one West Seattle winner, go here.

BIZNOTE: GoodMed arriving in Morgan Junction as Expedition Trips moves north

Thanks to Brian for this photo of the new sign at California/Holly in Morgan Junction:

Plans for changes at that corner first hit our radar a few months ago, when a building-permit filing mentioned plans for at least some of the office space to be converted into an apartment. We checked back then with the travel agency that had long been in the space, Expedition Trips, and found out they were moving to 5932 California SW. The move was still a ways away at the time, so we saved it for future mention. Now, Expedition Trips has made its move, and the new sign on its former space reveals a health-care clinic called GoodMed is on the way, planning to open next month. According to its website, GoodMed is led by naturopathic physicians Drs. Ryan Campbell and Wendy Hueners, who are moving from other West Seattle clinics, and will have a membership model, explained here.

Concert in the Park next Tuesday, featuring West Seattle Big Band plus honors for its longtime leader Donn Weaver

(2014 WSB photo, with Donn Weaver at left, directing the West Seattle Big Band @ Hiawatha)

If this isn’t already on your calendar, save the date! Next Tuesday night (July 14th) is your chance to come hear the fab West Seattle Big Band‘s annual Hi-Yu Concert in the Park performance at Hiawatha Community Center, and to applaud the WSBB’s former leader Donn Weaver – he will be presented at Tuesday night’s concert with the Orville Rummel Trophy for Outstanding Community Service, an award given every year in connection with the upcoming West Seattle Grand Parade (which is coming up Saturday, July 18th). Weaver is also a longtime music teacher at West Seattle High School and former students/colleagues are especially welcome to come cheer for him. The concert’s free, at 7 pm Tuesday on the east lawn at Hiawatha (along Walnut) – BYO chair/blanket/picnic dinner and get ready for a good time with great music.

TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Thursday updates; Summer Fest eve

(Four WS-relevant views; more cams on the WSB Traffic page)
Good morning! Nothing unusual on the outbound routes from here, so far. One note for Admiral/Alki drivers/riders/pedestrians – we noticed Wednesday evening that the new 47th/Admiral/Waite light was in operation.

And a big Junction reminder for tonight through Sunday night:

WEST SEATTLE SUMMER FEST (co-sponsored by WSB) happens in The Junction Friday-Saturday-Sunday; streets close to vehicle traffic starting around 6 tonight – California between Genesee and Edmunds (Oregon remains open to through traffic) and Alaska between 42nd and 44th. That means Metro reroutes too – all linked from our list.