TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Tuesday updates, alerts

(WS high/low bridges and Highway 99 views; more cams on the WSB Traffic page)
Several of the traffic cams showing conditions through/from West Seattle are down this morning, but no trouble spots are reported right now anyway.

ORCA LIFT: Next month is when Metro fares go up and the new low-income fare kicks in. You can check eligibility now – this announcement from the county explains how.

8:05 AM NOTE: This morning SDOT has announced it’s planning a “hackathon” for community help with commute-tackling tools – details here.

TONIGHT: West Seattle Bike Connections meets, 6:30 pm at HomeStreet Bank (WSB sponsor) in The Junction, with the notorious 5-way intersection on the agenda.

3:08 PM NOTE: Desiree sends word that Harbor Island is hard to get to/navigate because of truck backups that apparently are starting along East Marginal. We haven’t found any additional information about this yet.

1 Reply to "TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Tuesday updates, alerts"

  • J242 February 3, 2015 (3:06 pm)

    This morning around 6:30am Marginal (north of the bridge) heading northbound was terrible. Semis backed up halfway between the last side road to get to 1st and the ramp to the stadiums. Easily 50+ of them on both sides of that main intersection and it took 10+ minutes to get one semi to move forward enough for cars to get around them via the gap. There were a LOT of people passing the NB trucks via the southbound lane. Craziness this morning, I was wondering if there was another strike or something.

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