day : 18/01/2015 8 results

Victory scenes, including West Seattle Seahawks fans’ celebrations

Super Bowl countdown is on! But first, tonight: Some of the photos (etc.) we’ve received since The Big Win. First, intrepid fans waded into Puget Sound to celebrate:

Thanks to Mark for that photo. Next one’s from Amy:

Amy says, “Finnegan from Gatewood Hill brought good luck to the Hawks in the 4th quarter!!” Meantime, two West Seattleites snapped themselves during a historic moment at the CLink:

Gary Potter (left) e-mailed the photo, captioning it, “Josh Sutton snaps a selfie after the final TD in OT!!!!”

Also notable today, the weather. Trileigh Tucker caught video of the brief ice-pellet shower:

Trileigh captioned it “Hailquake“; we’ve also heard it dubbed the “Hail Mary” moment! It followed – after a bit of a time gap – one burst of thunder that coincided with the Seahawks’ big comeback. Earlier, John Bartell caught this sunbreak with a rainbow (promise of victory?):

Last but not at all least – this isn’t in West Seattle but does have a local link. Jim Winder, mastermind of the West Seattle Lights/Helmstetler Family Christmas Spectacular, has a light show in Maple Valley and says it’s 100 percent Seahawks-themed, continuing nightly through the Super Bowl. He shared this clip of “Hawktown Funk”:

Want to go check out the Maple Valley lights? Address and map are here.

So now we have two weeks of pre-Super Bowl excitement to come – if you have a Seahawk-spirit photo or tip, please let us know so we can share along the way.

Update: Smoke, but no fire, at apartments in 9400 block 27th SW

January 18, 2015 8:09 pm
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 |   West Seattle fires | West Seattle news

(Photo courtesy Kyle Moore)
8:09 PM: Seattle Fire crews are checking out a possible fire in apartments in the 9400 block of 27th SW, on the north side of SW Roxbury. So far they’re not finding any sign of fire but possibly some smoke smell in one of the hallways.

8:39 PM UPDATE: We went over to check; that’s all it’s amounted to, so far – smoke, but no fire. Someone activated the fire alarm, firefighters tell us, but then apparently left the building and couldn’t be found for further inquiry. Police have the outer westbound lane on Roxbury blocked right before 27th while SFD is still on scene.

9:03 PM UPDATE: Update from SFD spokesperson Kyle Moore – smoldering food in a kitchen turned out to be the source of the smoke. Everyone’s been allowed back in, and SFD has cleared the scene, closing the call.

Community involvement for MLK Day: Sustainable West Seattle

January 18, 2015 7:11 pm
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 |   Sustainable West Seattle | West Seattle news

Wondering about community work you can do tomorrow on Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day? Might be as simple as coming to a meeting: Sustainable West Seattle has chosen Monday night for its annual membership meeting, themed “Learn, Volunteer, Join.” The invitation is for anyone and everyone, member or not, per the official announcement:

On the National Day of Service, start the New Year off by donating some time to Sustainable West Seattle (SWS), the organization spearheading West Seattle’s effort to provide alternatives to globalization and planet exploitation. SWS is looking for new members and board members for 2015’s “projects of hope.”

Here is your chance to influence the shape of your sustainable community and local projects. The evening will include:

*Review of Projects & Events in 2014
*Look Forward & Idea Sharing for Focus of 2015
*Prospective Board Candidates — Attendees for consideration by Incoming 2015 Board will share their ideas for, and what they can contribute to SWS
*SWS Members at large and interested participants (not SWS members) share ideas for local West Seattle efforts and to help SWS as an organization

Dessert will be provided by the current 2014 SWS Board. Hope you can join in the local effort with Sustainable West Seattle.

It’s happening at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor), 5612 California SW (if you’re taking the bus, the California/Findlay RapidRide station is steps away), 6:30 pm. P.S. New benefit for SWS membership – discounts at several local businesses!

Bicycle rider hurt in collision at 17th/Delridge

January 18, 2015 6:18 pm
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 |   Delridge | West Seattle news

In case you were wondering, as were a few people who have contacted us to ask about it: A bicycle/car collision at Delridge Way/17th SW this past hour sent the rider to the hospital. Her injuries were not major, so she was being transported by private ambulance. Police told us at the scene that they expected to clear the intersection before long.

VIDEO: Signs of hope for sea stars? West Seattle undersea sightings

On another mostly gray, rainy day, following a stormy night, here’s a view that’s bright in two ways: Colorful undersea creatures recorded by “Diver Laura” James in the area known as the “junkyard” – and as you’ll see if you watch it, she found some sea stars:

We saw numerous young sunflower stars in the shallows, far more than I was expecting. There was a healthy medium-sized one in the 40’ depth range as well, so this is a change for the positive. Sunflower stars have been all but extirpated at many of our regular dive sites. It is still winter underwater, so we will have to wait until fall to see the real impact (how many babies show up and how many survive) The majority of the sea stars that were lost in the wasting disease are the types that spawn in the spring to mid summer. The babies will then be in the larval stage and float around in the current before they land and start growing. Baby sunflower stars start with 5 arms and then start growing pairs of additional arms, which is why you see uneven arms in the videos. That isn’t because they’ve lost limbs, it means they are growing :)

Many of the stars in the video other than the young sunflower stars and the mottled stars (there were a few) were species that were not as impacted by the wasting disease, such as Leather stars, so it isn’t a surprise to find them there. We did not see any sand stars, pink spiny stars, pisaster (ochre stars) or morning sun stars, but I’m crossing my fingers come spring/summer.

West Seattle Sunday: Game day! Who’s open early, where to watch the game, what else is up

(NOON NOTE: Just “unpinned” the all-night/all-morning storm coverage, which is now below this)

In addition to our ongoing storm coverage, here’s what’s happening today – before, during, and after The Game:

HARRY’S CHICKEN JOINT OPENS EARLY: Get chicken for The Game at Harry’s Chicken Joint (WSB sponsor), open 9 am-11:30 am. By game time, Harry’s will be closed, with everyone either watching the game at home or at the Clink. (6032 California SW)

FARMERS’ MARKET OPENS EARLY: West Seattle Farmers’ Market management says many vendors will open early, 9:30 am. (44th/Alaska)

WEST SEATTLE ULTIMATE FAMILY FRISBEE STARTS EARLY: 10 am today, instead of the usual 11. And they’re planning on two fields, one for youth players. Walt Hundley Playfield. (34th/Myrtle)

(Added: On a table at HPIC during tailgate party)
TAILGATING AT HIGHLAND PARK IMPROVEMENT CLUB: Doors open at 11:30 am. HPIC says everyone’s welcome, all ages, and no matter who you’re rooting for. More info here. (12th/Holden)

WHERE ELSE TO WATCH THE GAME: In case you lost power and don’t get it back in time so are looking for somewhere to watch, other venues include what one reader once described as “just about anywhere with a TV” but in particular:

*Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor), 6451 California SW
*The Bridge, California/Graham
*The Westy, 7908 35th SW
*Beveridge Place Pub, 6413 California SW
*West Side Public House, California/Edmunds
*Angelina’s, 2311 California SW (all ages)
*Talarico’s Pizza, 4718 California SW (all ages)

Some of the above are via recommendations we requested on Twitter while writing this. Anywhere else to recommend? Please comment, or e-mail us, so we can add. Thanks!

NAVY AIRCRAFT TO BUZZ THE CLINK: Depending on the weather, pre-game flyovers are planned. We don’t know the route but if you see/hear them over West Seattle, now you know it’s game-related. *NOON NOTE: Just heard it over our HQ!*

Also on the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar for today:

GREYHOUND MEET-AND-GREET: 11 am-1 pm, come meet greyhounds at Mud Bay in The Admiral District. (2611 California SW)

KITTY HARBOR ADOPTION EVENT, DAY 2: Again today, noon-5 pm, Kitty Harbor reopens with more than 30 cats/kittens still in need of forever homes. (3422 Harbor SW)

AFTERNOON MUSIC: 1-3 pm, bluegrass and old-time music at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor), with Jamtime. (5612 California SW)

SOME EVENING OFFERINGS TOO … see the calendar!

West Seattle windstorm update: Power back on to all but a handful as of midafternoon

(SCROLL DOWN FOR NEWEST INFO! And in case you need these, City Light outage hotline 206-684-3000 **** Click for mobile version of SCL outage map)

(Updated City Light map screengrab, as of 2:10 am)
1:40 AM: After midnight, the wind kicked up, as the National Weather Service had warned it was likely to do. There’s word of a tree down at a house in the 1300 block of Alki SW and possibly a slide too. (Added: Photo from Suzanne, showing one of the firefighters who were working on the downed trees in that area:)

And power’s starting to go out around the city – including the first West Seattle power outage report, in the Fauntleroy/Lincoln Park area. We’re watching the map. (added) Just got texts from Arbor Heights and north White Center about power woes there too. Let us know in comments or via text (206-293-6302) what’s up where you are.

1:45 AM: The southwest-end outages are now on the City Light map. We’ll add a screengrab – or, wait, maybe not yet; just got a text from Admiral.

1:56 AM: The Admiral outage is on the map as a small pocket, 9 customers; from Gatewood through Fauntleroy and into Arbor Heights/Arroyos, more than 4,700 customers (homes/businesses) are out.

2:07 AM: Map has now added a pocket of 100+ customers out in The Junction, and the Admiral pocket has grown to about that same number. We’ll change the screengrab. Note we have added the City Light outage hotline AND link to mobile version of the outage map, atop this story.

2:26 AM: The National Weather Service upgraded the alert to a “high wind warning” (see it here) as of about 20 minutes ago, in effect through 8 am. Our area’s holding at about 5,000 customers without power, just under half the SCL total. The “estimated time” for restoration is 8 am but keep in mind, that’s always just a guesstimate, could be earlier or later.

3:17 AM: SCL now blames a tree, somewhere, for the biggest West Seattle outage, the 4,700-customer outage in Morgan/Gatewood/Fauntleroy/Arbor Heights/beyond. The wind’s been much calmer the past hour or so, at least from our listening spot.

3:37 AM: About a quarter of those in the biggest outage zone apparently have their power back – the count has dropped from 4,700 to 3,600. By the way, no reports of any injuries so far into all this.

5:57 AM: Checking on SCL’s progress – the big West Seattle outage (now attributed to equipment failure) has halved again, now fewer than 2,000 (looks like the latest chunk of restored customers happened around 5 am). The Admiral and Junction pockets (~100 each, now blamed on trees) are still out. If you are out and don’t see your area included on the map, be sure to notify SCL at 206-684-3000 to make sure they know.

7:24 AM: Looks like no additional West Seattle restoration in the past hour and a half – still just over 2,000 customers out, and the estimate is now “pending.” Via Twitter, SCL says the main problem with which they’re dealing now, here and elsewhere in the city, is downed lines, including one near 44th/Roxbury.

8:32 AM: In terms of businesses affected, looking at the current outage map, it doesn’t look like many are still out BUT the Endolyne/Fauntleroy mini-business district appears to be in the outage zone. We are off to check and will add whatever we find. Meantime, Ocean View has lost power again, according to a text. And we’re sticking this story to the top of the site, but if you scroll BENEATH it, you’ll see our list of “what’s up today” including game-related changes and places to watch – or, click here.

8:37 AM: In all, 5,000 **more** homes/businesses just lost power, so we have 7,000 total in West Seattle. ***UPDATE*** Within minutes, that area (southeast West Seattle, White Center) got it back, though the SCL map doesn’t reflect yet.

9:17 AM: Now out and about. Went to Fauntleroy/Endolyne first, spotted City Light crews:

Power in that area JUST came back on but Endolyne Joe’s (WSB sponsor) tells us they won’t be ready for customers until about 11. Next door, The Original Bakery is closed because of the outage – they can’t simply reopen now because as the sign says, they lost their early-morning baking time:

9:49 AM: Spotted City Light at the Junction outage scene too, on SW Oregon:

According to commenters, both the Junction and Admiral outage pockets (less than 200 customers each) were caused by trees taking out wires/lines in alleys. (Added below: Photo from Gina, showing the Admiral scene. Thanks also to Sarah for sending one.)

10:42 AM: The entire southwest area is now back on, according to the map, texters, and commenters. Now it’s down to the 300 or so residences in the Junction and Admiral pockets, neither of which appears to be affecting businesses.

12:04 PM: Game time, and the number of West Seattle customers still out after 11+ hours is down to 114, per City Light.

3:36 PM: Just a handful still out, per SCL. The weather is continuing to calm, according to the forecast, but there was a bit of thunder about half an hour ago. (No, it was NOT from the stadium, but might as well have been, given what was happening in the game right about then!)

Memorial planned Tuesday for Edward Gottbehuet, 1922-2015

January 18, 2015 1:35 am
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 |   Obituaries | West Seattle news | West Seattle people

A memorial service is planned Tuesday for Edward D. Gottbehuet. Here’s the remembrance that’s being shared with the community:

Edward Donald “Ed Huet” Gottbehuet, 92, of West Seattle, died Saturday, January 10, 2015.

He was born July 1, 1922 in Seattle, the son of the late Donald and Marie (Neupauer) Gottbehuet. He dated and eventually married Josephine Christ. As a child, he lived in Detroit, Michigan, until his parents moved to Seattle (Beacon Hill). Edward graduated from Franklin High School in 1940 and then spent 40 years in the United States Navy. He also worked for Alaska Packers, was a golf caddy at Jefferson Golf Course, and retired as a postal worker at age 65. Edward also sold real estate up until age 89.

He is survived and loved by his wife, son Mark, and daughter Jody. Edward believed in the Lord and could always say “God Bless” to everyone. A Funeral Service will be held at 10:00 AM, Tuesday, January 20, 2015, at Saint Mark’s Episcopal Cathedral, 1245 10th Avenue E., on Seattle’s Capitol Hill, followed by a graveside service with military honors at Evergreen Washelli Memorial Park, Seattle.

(WSB publishes West Seattle obituaries by request, free of charge. Please e-mail the text, and a photo if available, to