West Seattle Saturday: Oktoberfest; ‘Meaningful Movie’; Junction walkshed tour; longhouse celebration; more!

October 11, 2014 6:30 am
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(Dogwood berries, photographed by WSB’s Katie Meyer)
Welcome to the weekend! If you’re not already all booked up, consider some of the highlights from the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar:

DAKOTA PLACE PARK CLEANUP: 9 am-noon, bring your labeled tools and lend a hand during the fall volunteer party at Dakota Place Park – details in our calendar listing. (California/Dakota)

WSHS GREEN SCHOOLS DAY OF SERVICE: 9:30 am-12:30 pm, dozens of volunteers from Washington Green Schools will be hard at work on the southeast side of the West Seattle High School campus as part of their statewide day of service. Students and community members are invited to come help! Details in our calendar listing. (3000 block Walnut)

WEST SEATTLE JUNCTION ‘WALKSHED’ TOUR & TALK: 10 am, meet at Junction Plaza Park for a “community conversation” on foot about The Junction’s past, present, and future, with Seattle Planning Commission members who also happen to be your West Seattle neighbors. More info in this report from last weekend. (42nd/Alaska)

DUWAMISH INDIGENOUS PEOPLE’S DAY: 10 am-5 pm, free event at the Duwamish Tribe Longhouse in West Seattle:

Celebrate Indigenous Peoples Day with Chief Seattle’s Duwamish Tribe at the Duwamish Longhouse. Sing, dance & drum 1-3 pm with Duwamish heritage group “Singing Feet”- winner of a 2012 Seattle Mayor’s Arts Award. Chief Seattle’s Speech film at 11am. Princess Angeline film at 11:30 am. Exhibits/Art Gallery 10-5.

Here’s the Facebook event page. (4705 W. Marginal Way SW)

ANNIVERSARY: As noted here earlier this week, Second Gear Sports in Morgan Junction is celebrating its first anniversary today, starting at 10 am. (6529 California SW)

PLANT SALE: 11 am-3 pm, celebrate fall planting season by shopping the South Seattle College (WSB sponsor) Garden Center. North side of campus. (6000 16th SW)

‘PUMPKIN JUNCTION’ BEGINS: The Beer Junction‘s festival of pumpkin beers starts today – details on TBJ’s website. (4511 California SW)

ROCK GARDEN CEREMONY: As previewed here Friday, the South Seattle College (WSB sponsor) Arboretum‘s Coenosium Rock Garden will be celebrated today in a ceremony for its new status as an American Conifer Society Reference Garden. All are welcome at the event, ceremony at 1, refreshments and tour 2-3:30 pm, on the north side of the SSC campus on Puget Ridge. (6000 16th SW)

OKTOBERFEST: The Rotary Club of West Seattle presents its first-ever Oktoberfest tonight, 6-9 pm at the Masonic Center in The Junction. 21+. Fundraiser for projects such as the annual Children’s Holiday Shopping Spree. Details in our calendar listing. (40th/Edmunds)

‘THE LINESTRIDER CODEX‘: 6-9 pm at Twilight in The Junction, reception for Siolo Thompson‘s tarot-themed collection. (Alaska/California)

WEST SEATTLE MEANINGFUL MOVIES: 7 pm (doors open at 6:30), The Power of Forgiveness” is this month’s movie. Free (donations accepted); discussion follows the film. Neighborhood House’s High Point Center. (6400 Sylvan Way)

MORE SATURDAY NIGHTLIFE: See the listings on our calendar!

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