Update: 2 ‘ assault with weapons’ calls – man shot on 24th, 3 arrested after stabbing at Cottage Grove Commons

FIRST REPORT, 11:56 PM: Two calls initially dispatched as “assault with weapons” – we’re en route to both.

12:08 AM UPDATE, 7500 BLOCK 24TH: This is barely a block from the precinct, where, police tell us, they heard a shot and headed this way to investigate. Someone shot himself in the foot and is described by police as “not cooperative.”

We’re off to Cottage Grove Commons next.

12:37 AM UPDATE, 5444 DELRIDGE WAY SW: Police are inside the building investigating; all we have right now is word that someone was stabbed, and at least one person is in custody. We might not be able to find out more until later this morning.

10:40 AM UPDATE: We have just obtained the police report for the Cottage Grove Commons incident, as noted in comments, and will add a summary here shortly. The 24th SW shooting is one of two incidents (the other wasn’t in West Seattle) in this SPD Blotter post just published. It doesn’t mention what we were told at the scene – that it was believed to be self-inflicted – but does say the victim is 37 and that the injury was actually to the ankle.

11:24 AM UPDATE: Adding the summary of the aforementioned police report on the 5444 Delridge Way stabbing – click ahead if you’re reading from the main page:

The 911 call came from someone who said she was a neighbor of the victim and identified “two male suspects.” The victim was in the lobby, in a wheelchair, “with an extensive amount of blood soaked into his shirt and what appeared to be a stab wound in his chest or under his left arm.” The caller told police she had seen the two suspects leave one apartment and go into another; a few minutes later, she saw the victim come out, in his wheelchair, bleeding from his chest. The victim said it happened in his apartment – one of the two suspects gave the other one a knife and stabbed him. He then was taken to the hospital; “his wounds were not life-threatening,” according to the report.

Security video, the police report continues, showed the two suspects leaving one apartment and going down the hall to another one, that of a “third party.” They found the two there, apparently playing cards; one man obeyed orders to raise his hands, the other one did not and kept holding onto his cards.

The “third party” who lives in that apartment said he didn’t know anything about a stabbing, but said he saw one of the man arguing with someone in a wheelchair in the lobby earlier in the evening when they were all playing Trivial Pursuit. Then the “third party” changed his story and said that the other two men had come over to play cards and were “talking about someone getting stabbed.” In another reported change of story, he then said one of the men came over and gave him a knife, asking him to clean it, and that it was still in his apartment. Police found “a folding knife with what appeared to be a 3″ blade, extended, on an upper shelf, partially concealed by clothing.”

Police took all three men to the precinct. The aforementioned “third party” was arrested for alleged obstruction because, the officer writes, “I believed that he had knowledge that a stabbing had occurred and he attempted to destroy and conceal evidence.” Neither of the two other men admitted stabbing the victim, but both admitted being in the room with him and drinking beer, and both were arrested for investigation of assault. According to the King County Jail Register, one of them had two warrants out for his arrest, both “failure to appear” warrants from Snohomish County, one for a larceny case, one for a DUI case. All three are still in jail as of our register check just before adding this update.

MONDAY NIGHT UPDATE: Jail records show that one of the two men arrested for investigation of assault, James Batchelor, has been charged with second-degree assault; the police report shows him with a downtown address, not a Cottage Grove Commons resident. The other man arrested for investigation of assault has not been charged and has been released from jail after four days; he is a resident, as is the victim, whose condition we don’t know. Batchelor’s charging documents are not available in the court system so we won’t be able to write a full followup until we get them, likely tomorrow. The third man arrested, on suspicion of obstructing a police officer, was released from jail on Friday, and the Seattle Municipal Court docket said no charge had been filed.

35 Replies to "Update: 2 ' assault with weapons' calls - man shot on 24th, 3 arrested after stabbing at Cottage Grove Commons"

  • Eric September 4, 2014 (4:50 am)

    I wonder if the uncooperative person who shot themselves in the foot could be described as a legal gun owner?

  • CandrewB September 4, 2014 (5:28 am)

    Why cooperate and shoot yourself in the foot twice?

  • howdy September 4, 2014 (5:59 am)

    “someone shot himself in the foot”- didn’t this same thing happen about a month ago on 16th?

  • Brian September 4, 2014 (6:25 am)

    When the skate park was being built down at Delridge/Genesee, there was one of those PROPOSED LAND USE notices on the property and someone had scrawled on it in black marker:
    “Lock ’em up, you’re on the ‘ridge.”
    The quote has stuck with me ever since because of what it implies; both a caution to citizens living and visiting the area and an instruction to SPD on what to do.

  • Mark September 4, 2014 (8:16 am)

    Not surprised at all to see Cottage Grove Commons in the news. Over 90 emergency response calls to that place since it opened. Public urination and intoxication seem to be the norm around that area. But hey, it’s all good news to the Super 24 across that street as they specialize in selling cheap malt liquor.

    When are people going to wake up and realize putting Cottage Grove in between a liquor store a daycare, and a school was a bad idea?


  • Maggie September 4, 2014 (8:49 am)

    Nothing quite like a gunshot in the night to remind me that I wouldn’t feel safer with more guns. I hope this guy is OK, more cooperative, and locks it up.
    @Brian – is the implication that everyone on Delridge needs to be locked up, or just skaters? I missed the part where it said this happened at the skate park.

  • Lindsey September 4, 2014 (10:13 am)

    I reserved judgement on the Cottage Grove Commons until there had been some time for it to get up and running. Now that time has passed, and there have been quite a few incidents with these residents. I don’t feel as safe at the bus stop by my house anymore because I’ve encountered, MORE THAN A FEW TIMES, wasted people stumbling around, bleeding from the head and trying to kiss my son. Okay, only one woman tried to kiss my son. But they are often at the bus stop, inebriated in the morning and not interested in getting help for their wounds.

  • Lindsey September 4, 2014 (10:16 am)

    The daycare at 26th/Juneau has since closed, btw.

    • WSB September 4, 2014 (10:37 am)

      Just FYI, I have just received the police report on the Cottage Grove Commons incident and it’s quite detailed so will take me a bit to summarize and add here. Bottom line, two people arrested for assault, one for obstructing a police officer, it all happened inside an apartment there and might have involved an argument over a card game. I will also be checking with SFD to see what condition the victim was in when transported. SPD also indicates they’re working on a blotter post that will include the 24th SW shooting as well as another one that happened elsewhere in the city almost simultaneous to these three incidents. – TR

  • Mel September 4, 2014 (11:25 am)

    Cottage Grove Commons is also known as the “DESC building.”
    There are bound to be incidents – their stated purpose is to house “at-risk” homeless with mental or substance-abuse issues.
    That said, so far, with the exception of a bit more panhandling and jaywalking in traffic, and the regular appearance of emergency responders outside, things haven’t been much different in the area that are directly attributable.
    However, the reappearance of the other crime that had been receding during the pre-recession building boom on Delridge – mugging, shots-fired – is more concerning.
    And the daycare on Delridge/Brandon is still there.

    • WSB September 4, 2014 (11:27 am)

      Just added the summary from the Delridge stabbing.

  • Brian September 4, 2014 (11:40 am)

    @Maggie: It was just general graffiti not directed at anyone in particular; my comment was simply a recollection of the message and how it affected me with regards to the environment on Delridge.

  • Bradley September 4, 2014 (12:04 pm)

    @Mel: the new levels of violence in the area within blocks of DESC is probably due to drug dealers trying to kill each other (as they fight over who gets to sell drugs to the DESC residents). The whole disgusting project was sold to us as these drug addicts needing less emergency responses. But every time I drive by DESC I see at least one paramedic unit. The employees at the Delridge library can also tell you about all the new drug dealers they have around there now.

  • JoAnne September 4, 2014 (12:19 pm)

    This is the reason everyone was protesting the city for building DESC housing in the middle of a neighborhood already struggling for security and normalcy.
    And this is how the city sees fit to spend our tax dollars: giving away free stuff to drunks and bums.
    Well folks, elections have consequences, and the Democrat/Socialist cabal running Seattle and King County does not give a damn about working people except as how they can be exploited.

  • WestofJunction September 4, 2014 (12:51 pm)

    JoAnne, unfortunately elections around here have no consequences – except from the standpoint of the choice between (1) Really Liberal Candidate A and (2) Even More Really Liberal Candidate B.

  • Tracey September 4, 2014 (2:54 pm)

    Why was this place allowed to be built so close to the K5 Stem school?

  • Mel September 4, 2014 (5:32 pm)

    This is a vulnerable area and DESC makes it even more vulnerable…
    …but this crap about “Democrat/Socialist cabal” helps no one. Some people seem to think this problem exists because the homeless/addiction-prone/mentally ill just didn’t pull up their bootstraps and get to work or some such pretend language that has no bearing on the real world.
    The fact is, none of us in this discussion are getting rich. Not now, not in 10 years. We’re closer to the DESC residents than we’ll ever be to a Wall Street manager. Helping them helps us.
    And LOL at the idea that the DESC residents can afford drugs. That’s a good one.

  • RingoPar September 4, 2014 (5:53 pm)

    It’s amusing to see the lower middle class berating the decisions made by the disenfranchised, impoverished lower class. Crabs in a bucket.

  • Eric1 September 4, 2014 (6:42 pm)

    I would wonder what costs more. Imprisonment or this kind of service. If it is even close, I’d rather they go to prison. It is hard to OD in prison and it is even harder to shoot yourself in the foot.
    I get that the residents have problems, I get that the state/county/city is trying to save money. But if you cannot house them properly (drug rehab, asylum, etc…) don’t place the danger on the general public. Just put them in the safest place possible for the general public: jail. Don’t put them in some half-$*& house.

  • phil dirt September 4, 2014 (7:12 pm)

    What is DESC? I lived near 25th and Brandon for 12 years. Sometimes I wonder how I survived it. Of course, I was always armed.

  • Bradley September 4, 2014 (7:36 pm)

    @Mel: the DESC residents have public-aid income and have no rent. They are placed on government assistance (all sorts) and probably have more disposable cash than most working families in the area. They can come and go at will and do whatever it takes in the community to afford the drugs and alcohol that they are addicted to. They can panhandle, burglarize, deal drugs, whatever, when they aren’t in their units/building. There is no requirement for the residents to abstain and most residents are not from the local Delridge area but from other parts of the city. The myth that these residents would be laying around and begging in West Seattle if it weren’t for DESC was one of the fraudulent selling points of the promoters two years ago.

  • Jimminy September 4, 2014 (9:05 pm)

    It’s amusing to see the lower middle class commenters disparaging the poor choices of the disenfranchised and impoverished underclass. Crabs in a bucket.

  • evergreen September 4, 2014 (9:30 pm)

    Great, mentally ill substance users who victimize others placed en masse just a few blocks from my kid’s school. Decisions are made in this town without any common sense.

  • Only A Matter Of TIme September 4, 2014 (9:46 pm)

    At dusk this evening I stopped to drop some library books in the after hours box at the Delridge Library. As I pulled away from the curb and headed southbound I came across a woman who had just staggered out of the DESC building at 5444 Delridge Way. She was wandering around in the center turn lane of Delridge Way so I stopped my vehicle as she seemed like she intended to cross the street, midblock I might add. As I waited for her she just stood there. She then proceeded to wave her arms frantically and began to scream at me to Get The &^%$*** get out of here. All I could think of during this encounter is that it is not a matter of if, it is a matter of when, that one of the tenants of the DESC is run over and injured or killed.
    Thanks to a whole bunch of clueless, self promoting idealogues, we now have our own version of 3rd and James-Yesler down in Pioneer Square right here in the heart of Delridge. And although the Delridge DESC building isn’t as populated as the 3rd Avenue DESC Morrison Hotel project is, it is the exact vibe of wandering wounded going from one side of the street to the other in complete oblivion and creating nothing but mayhem.
    This quote from DESC Executive Director Bill Hobson in a June 14, 2011 WSB story was a pile of crap then, and even bigger pile now; “We have done a bit of research on Delridge. There is a lot of interesting movement to try to stabilize the neighborhood – we would like to be an active participant in that.” Hardee efffing har-har Mr. Bill-:(

  • Ennui29 September 4, 2014 (11:02 pm)

    “They are placed on government assistance (all sorts) and probably have more disposable cash than most working families in the area.” – nice to see someone articulating grossly inaccurate speculation as fact. That’s some sophisticated analysis you got there, did they teach you that in community college?

  • Eric September 5, 2014 (4:53 am)

    Well Mel,

    You can LOL all you want, but the fact is many of the DESC residents are in fact getting and using alcohol/drugs. While in college a friend of mine in the human services field was going to intern at the DESC in downtown. but decided not to. I asked him why and he told me that he was told that the majority of his job was basically to clean up poop and puke due to the fact that the some of “residents” were either too high or drunk to control their bodily functions and/or get sick.

    And Ennui, here’s what I learned from my experience in community college. The government needs to make a serious overall in its financial aid and that many people I came into contact with at community college receiving the aid have an entitlement mindset.

    I used to listen to people complain because even though they were getting their phone bills paid for, the government wasn’t “hooking them up” with the newest iPhone or what not. I used to hear people complain about their FREE computer that was better than mine, you know, the one I had to buy myself.

    And people knew how to work the system. Getting money for classes that they would register for, but they would register for some classes they never planned on taking. They would then get the funds, go to the class, then drop out of the class within the time frame of getting a full refund and spend the cash on themselves. People used to brag about buying all kinds of inessentials with financial aid; from designer boots to concert tickets.

    I feel bad for the people that have to live in this area. They didn’t ask for this. I don’t know what the DESC was thinking. Were they thinking that somehow the residents would assimilate and find a type of normalcy through osmosis of their environment? Or did they just think, “oh screw it. It’s just Delridge”?

  • Mark September 5, 2014 (9:57 am)

    If you look at the 911 calls to the building (over 90 since they opened) you see activity spikes right after the date the government assistance checks are cut.

    It’s not hard to put two and two together.

    The question is does DESC serve the public health? The mission downtown provides shelter but prohibits drugs and alcohol. I just do not think DESC is a safe place for the residents or the community.

    DESC claims to do background checks. How was a man with two outstanding warrants allowed to live in that building? DESC should be held accountable.

    This is crazy.


    • WSB September 5, 2014 (10:31 am)

      I didn’t write that the suspects were residents. I haven’t seen their probable-cause docs yet, which usually list addresses. Following up today.

  • Ok in my backyard September 5, 2014 (11:34 am)

    I think they were thinking “every ‘real’ neighborhood has disenfranchised, vulnerable poor who are dying in the streets, let’s prevent that from happening and care for them.”

  • Lindsey September 5, 2014 (2:53 pm)

    A point of clarification to Bradley’s comment – the residents all sign leases and pay rent. I had a very nice exchange with Levi Denison, who is the director of Cottage Grove Commons. I encourage others who have issues to reach out to him. He lives there full time, so he’s a neighbor too! I encourage my neighbors to educate themselves about DESC’s mission. Levi’s contact can be found at DESC’s horribly designed website, desc.org.

    I’m trying to be empathetic. These people have just as much a right to be in this neighborhood as the rest of us. They are our neighbors, and as such, have a vested interest in Delridge just like the rest of us.

  • WSB September 5, 2014 (6:22 pm)

    One note – I obtained the “superform” paperwork related to the stabbing suspects’ bail hearings. According to the paperwork, the suspect with the previous warrants is NOT a resident – he has a downtown address. The other suspect is. Since I have both their names, I will be following the case, including seeing whether one or both of them is formally charged. – TR

  • Skittles4Marshawn September 6, 2014 (12:54 am)

    @ those who struggle with empathizing with Cottage residents: it seems impossible but your kids could be these people some day. Mental illness and addiction do not discriminate. Even well-heeled families can run out of resources to house and support loved ones. If you’re worried that your kids are going to school a few blocks away, tap one of your more understanding friends to explain the sad medical and socioeconomic factors at play.

    And honestly, us young privileged folks have more to worry about when it comes to taking on enormous school debt, date rape and fending off adderall dealers than politely ignoring/humoring the recovering person who dares to live near us.

  • Bradley September 7, 2014 (2:54 pm)

    @Lindsey: How do you suppose the DESC/Cottage Grove residents pay rent for their signed leases when they don’t have jobs? Perhaps you should ask Levi Denison that question? (I have)

  • Del Martini September 7, 2014 (6:19 pm)

    @ Lindsey: The issues of neighborhood public safety are not to be brought to the director of the DESC, a private, non-profit as you suggest. In a democratic society the issue of public safety issue is to be directed to the law enforcement agency that is accountable and employed by us, the tax payers and citizens. This would be the Seattle Police Department. Suggesting that the people of this neighborhood do otherwise is undermining years long efforts to get people to call 911 when anything is amiss, questionable or suspicious. We do not want anyone trying to determine who lives where when they are observed doing something amiss, and by evening suggesting doing so will cause nothing but confusion and lead to more apathy and or profiling.

    @ Skittles4Marshawn: As for empathizing with the DESC tenants, please spare me the patronizing comments. I already understand the issues because they have been in this neighborhood for a long, long time. What has been done with and to the tenants of the DESC Delridge project is where the problem is. The placement of sixty six individuals with serious, major issues of alcohol, or drug and or mental issues dead center into an area with three convenience stores, a long history of drug dealing, a lot of social issues, and a lot poverty was wrongheaded from the start. If one is to be serious about anything other than feeling good, the individuals in question would be housed in much more stable and functioning neighborhoods with amenities that will help them possibly establish stability in their own lives. Convenience stores, lots of woods and trails, and bus stops located on major arterials almost outside the front door of the DESC tenants apartments are bad news for these folks, and those of us living in the area. If anyone with integrity and honesty existed within the DESC hierarchy, they would come clean on this issue, but they won’t.

Sorry, comment time is over.