One more finale at ‘Original Arbor Heights’: Last crossing

Here in the wee hours of the first full day of summer vacation for thousands of local kids, we have one more scene from the last day of classes, ever, at the “Original Arbor Heights,” as dubbed by our trusty parent correspondent. Also nicknamed, that’s “The Famous Mr. Wilkie” in the crosswalk, last one to enlist the crossing guards’ assistance before the soon-to-be-demolished old school went out of service. Reports our correspondent:

(He is) the heart and soul of The Original Arbor Heights Elementary school. Did you know that he went to kindergarten in the same Room 4 in which he has been teaching? Yup. Known to many, loved by all.

AH will share Boren with STEM for the next two years, while its brand-new school is built on this same campus.

2 Replies to "One more finale at 'Original Arbor Heights': Last crossing"

  • Melinda Jankord-Steedman June 20, 2014 (7:45 pm)

    The fans of Mr. Wilkie are as numerous as the stars in the sky! Ms. J.-S.

  • Ms. J.-S. June 20, 2014 (7:47 pm)

    The fans of Mr. Wilkie are as numerous as the stars in the sky!

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