West Seattle Crime Watch: Daytime car-prowler alert

Unlike burglars, car prowlers tend to work at night. But not the one Susan wants to warn you about. Just out of the WSB inbox:

My car was prowled between 9:02 a.m. and 9:18 a.m. this morning parked just off California between Graham and Raymond. The suspect was a white male driving a white Honda civic or a white Acura. He has a beard, is wearing a camouflage jacket and has glasses. We filed a police report, but wanted to warn people to lock their cars if they haven’t already done so.

She’s still checking to see what’s missing and has noted the thief took “some papers from the glove box”; he was scared away when someone pulled up.

2 Replies to "West Seattle Crime Watch: Daytime car-prowler alert"

  • Scout 15 December 23, 2013 (10:25 am)

    45th and Juneau: Just received an alert that a Grey Sedan with handicapped parking sticker currently cruising thru our neighborhood looking for vehicles with unlocked doors.

  • sophista-tiki December 23, 2013 (11:44 am)

    last minute gringhing

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