day : 12/12/2013 13 results

West Seattle scene: Finished floragraph for Joshua Waleryszak

(WSB photo by Patrick Sand)
That’s the floragraph of Joshua Waleryszak, whose mom Judy Waleryszak finished it tonight at Forest Lawn in West Seattle, 20 years after losing her 12-year-old son to complications of developmental disabilities. It’s his portrait in plant material, ready for the 2014 edition of the Rose Parade float honoring organ donors – as explained in our preview, Joshua’s death meant life-saving donations for three people.

(Photo courtesy Alyson Hallberg)
Joshua’s story is told here, on the website about this year’s Donate Life float, which will include the floragraph just completed by his mom.

West Seattle Christmas lights: Upper Morgan, with music

Tonight’s featured house is on the southeast corner of 38th and Morgan, and it’s another case of lights that you just have to see for yourself – our photo barely does them justice, with both music and blinking going on. Dozens of shutter clicks netted us this one in the split-second when all the lights cycled to “on.” The flashing display will definitely catch your eye as you pass by on Morgan.

We’ll be building a map for the weekend, showcasing lights we’ve already featured (archived here) and others we’re getting to – suggestions and/or photos still welcome, We’re tracking lights in our Holiday Events and Info Guide and via this Pinterest board.

West Seattle Little League: What’s new for 2014, as signups start

Just announced: West Seattle Little League registration is open for next year, and change is in the wind:

2014 is shaping up to be an exciting year for West Seattle Little League. A new division of play called Double-A Rookies is being introduced and is specifically designed for 8 year old kids moving up from Coach Pitch before playing in the Minors. This division will continue the focus on education and development, and will introduce players to pitching, hitting against kid pitchers, more advanced defensive play, and umpires calling balls and strikes.

Also new for 2014 is a revised Little League rule regarding residency and boundaries. Now children that attend schools within the West Seattle Little League boundaries will be able to play in our league even if they live outside the boundaries. This is a wonderful rule change that will enable friends from our schools to play baseball together even though they may live in different parts of West Seattle.

And finally, WSLL is honored to have been selected as the host league and site for the 2014 Washington State Little League 11-12 year old All-Star Tournament. The tournament will take place in early July at Bar S Fields. This promises to be an outstanding culmination to the 2014 season with 13 of the best teams in Washington coming to West Seattle to battle for the opportunity to represent the state at the NW Regional Tournament. Many of you may recall our “neighbors” from Lake Sammamish who advanced all the way to the National Semifinals in Williamsport, PA, last year.

To learn more about WSLL and to register for the 2014 season, please visit the league’s website at: or contact us at

Seattle Fire Department celebrates first of two new medic units with West Seattle donors’ relatives

With Seattle Fire Chief Gregory Dean in our photo are Suzanne Krahmer and Donald Krahmer, Jr., relatives of an Alki couple whose posthumous $550,000 gift made possible the Medic One unit behind them and will provide a second one soon. We first reported a year and a half ago about the money bequeathed by Mildred Krahmer Sanders (1921-2011) and William C. Sanders (1922-2002), longtime Boeing workers who spent their retirement years in West Seattle. Today, the Krahmers came to SFD headquarters in Pioneer Square for a special celebration – you’ll hear from them and from Chief Dean in our video (and you’ll also see the SFD crowd that was on hand to show their appreciation):

They took a look inside the unit that now carries a plaque with Mr. and Mrs. Sanders’ names, a replica of which was given to them today:

That’s SFD Lt. Sue Stangl inside with them. SFD says its medics responded to almost 22,000 calls last year alone. (You can see how busy they are – check out the live 911 log; any unit number with an M is a medic unit; the one based in West Seattle is M32.)

In addition to giving to SFD, the Sanders left $600,000 that will fund a lab for advanced eye research.

Also tonight: Shop Late Thursday, West Seattle Art Walk, benefits, more!

(The meerkat is a “Puny Picture” you’ll see at Wallflower – info below)
Tonight’s the night! West Seattle Art Walk AND Shop Late Thursday AND multiple chances to do a good deed, all overlapping in some cases. Here are some of the highlights:

ART WALK EVERYWHERE: It’s the “Holiday Bazaar” expanded edition of Art Walk, 6-9 pm. And that makes it a gift shopper’s creative dream come true – with venues participating that aren’t even on the regular map, since it’s an all-out shopping event. Check for a sampling of artists/venues. And here are some of the previews we’ve received directly (and have been in our Holiday Guide):

BRUNETTE MIX HOLIDAY PARTY: It’s a party AND a benefit to ensure clean water for kids, at Brunette Mix (WSB sponsor) in The Junction, 6-9 pm. “It is specifically for LifeStraw, a very cool straw that cleans water before drinking, a very important thing to the kids in Kenya that will get them. Food, drinks and SWAG bags are part of the fun. We will also have chair massage and makeup applications.” (SW Oregon just west of California SW)

QUILT RAFFLE AT CAPERS: See the quilt at left? It’s a vintage Berl Baxter quilt, says Shari Sewell from Northwest Hope and Healing, which is raffling it tomorrow to raise money for NWHH’s breast-cancer-patient assistance fund. Tickets are $10, available on the NWHH website and 6-7 pm tonight at CAPERS, right before the winning ticket will be drawn at 7. CAPERS also has Cheryl Zahniser visiting for Art Walk. (4525 California SW)

PUNY PICTURE SHOW AND BENEFIT AT WALLFLOWER: 6-9 PM at Wallflower Custom Framing (WSB sponsor):

It’s NOT the little things… It’s the Puny Things! Our 5th Annual Puny Picture Show & Benefit is Here! The pictures are small, sure, but each are made with huge hearts. Supporting local artists, arts, community while enjoying Holiday Cheer with friends.

Akiko Masker
D. Lisa West
Jack Crawford
Jessica Creager
kelly rae cunningham
Michelle Salazar
Jennifer Zwick
Taylor Reed
Jay Lonnee
Sean Jordan
Ali Serra
Christopher Balder
Michelle Smith-Lewis

Pasado’s Safe Haven is our beneficiary this year.

(4735 42nd SW)

SALE AT WEST SEATTLE CYCLERY: 20 percent off everything at West Seattle Cyclery (WSB sponsor), until 9 tonight – that’s “20 percent off MSRP on EVERYTHING IN THE STORE,” says proprietor Brad Loetel, with “an additional 10 percent off all clearance items.” (4508 California SW)

CLICK! TRUNK SHOW: At Click! Design That Fits (WSB sponsor), it’s trunk-show night “with Erica Gordon, a local blacksmith-turned-jeweler, and our own Frances Smersh, a jeweler-turned-painter” (work seen above) per co-proprietor John Smersh, 6-9 pm. (4540 California SW)

HABERDASHERY FOR THE HOLIDAYS: Fashion Event at Twilight Gallery, 6-9 pm. “Celebrate the holiday season with this preview and trunk show of the innovative designs of Jonquil & Mr. Black and Lovewell Couture, created by local designers Jordan Christianson and Brenda Bryan. Come join our holiday party and fashion show to find your holiday gifts by these local designers and our special guest jeweler Amy Clem of Dirty Pretty!” (4306 SW Alaska)

DENNY BOOK FAIR AT B&N: If you’ll be shopping tonight at Westwood Village, don’t miss the Denny International Middle School Book Fair at Barnes & Noble, 6-8 pm, a chance to have part of your book-purchase proceeds go to the school, and more: “Events include a scavenger hunt for students, student art displayed in the café, Denny orchestra ensemble playing music from 6:30-7, and open mic poetry, story reading in the café from 7-8pm. If you tell the clerk at check out, a portion of sales will go to Denny. Great way to get some holiday shopping done and support our school.”

BENEFIT EVENT AT OLA SALON: Thanks to Teri for this photo (added 7:51 pm) from the Transitional Resources benefit under way right now at Ola Salon in Luna Park:

That’s Emily from TR and Rachel from Ola. The event continues until 9 pm at the salon, with potential gift items including jewelry and fashion.

WEST SEATTLE THRIFTWAY TASTING: Can’t have a holiday party or big dinner for company without appetizers. Stop by 4-7 pm for ideas.

(Photo added 5 pm)
WS Thriftway (WSB sponsor) is at California/Fauntleroy/Morgan.

That’s just a sampling – get out and wander!

Happening now: See the Wienermobile at Roxbury Safeway

Had no idea until Elissa sent that photo from Roxbury Safeway – the iconic (well, depending on your age) Oscar Meyer Wienermobile is there today. Checked online and discovered the appearance is scheduled until 5 pm. While writing this, we received another pic – thanks, Lawrence!

The store is at 9620 28th Ave SW. Elissa says they’re giving away tchotchkes including stickers.

West Seattle development: Land-use OK for 4435 35th SW

Only one West Seattle project in today’s edition of the city’s twice-weekly Land Use Information Bulletin: A final land-use-permit OK for 4435 35th SW, the six-story, 159-unit, 151-parking-space building to be built where The Bridge just closed its original location. This project went dormant for three years after its original 2009 early-design review, then returned this year with a new architect (GGLO) and new design; the rendering above is from the packet for the October meeting where the Southwest Design Review Board gave its final thumbs-up. Publication of the decision (read it in full here) means there’s a two-week period in case anyone wants to appeal, ending the day after Christmas; a link at the top of the decision notice explains how.

You can help! Highland Park Neighbors’ Sunday invitation

December 12, 2013 12:18 pm
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Can you spare some time Sunday afternoon to give the gift of time? Craig Rankin shared the photo and the call for volunteers:

A small informal group called the Highland Park Neighbors have just received a Small Sparks grant for the “Kenyon St Right-Of Way Beautification Project.” The $1000 grant from the City of Seattle /Department of Neighborhoods will be used to purchase plants for the space, which has been an on-going restoration project for just under two years. The sloped area, which is used locally by students and bus riders willing to climb/descend the steep “social trail,” is partially planted and mostly mulched. Most of the grant will go toward purchasing native bare-root plant stock to be planted in the spring.

The first official work party will be this Sunday between 12 pm and 3 pm. There are 10 yards of mulch to move via 5 gallon buckets. If you would like to join the fun, please bring some gloves.

That’s John Gray, moving mulch, in the photo Craig shared. Here’s a map to the area.

West Seattle Thursday, preview #1: Meet the developer, and more

December 12, 2013 10:39 am
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(Today’s sunrise, shared by Karen via the WSB Facebook page)
We’re working on a separate preview of this BIG night for holiday shopping – a special expanded confluence of Shop Late Thursday in The Junction and West Seattle Art Walk peninsula-wide. But first, four other events of note, from our regular calendar:

FLORAGRAPH FOR JOSHUA: As previewed here on Wednesday, a gathering at Forest Lawn (WSB sponsor) 5-7 pm will honor the memory of Joshua Waleryszak, with his mother finishing the floragraph that will be part of a tribute on a Rose Parade float New Year’s Day, celebrating and encouraging organ donation. Community members are invited to come hear his story and support his mom. (30th/Sylvan)

OPENING NIGHT FOR THE BRIDGE: After previews and sneak peeks, the new, extensively renovated Morgan Junction location of The Bridge is officially open to the public at 5 tonight. (6301 California SW)

COMMUNITY MEETING WITH ’30 UNITS, NO PARKING’ DEVELOPER: Last Thursday night, Concerned Morgan Junction Neighbors and the Morgan Community Association presented a meeting with lots of background info about area development and how we got to this point where it’s happening “very fast” (as one city official put it) – see our coverage, with video, here. Tonight, the two groups invite you to meet with the developer of the project that sparked a new height of interest and concern, the “30 units, no parking” apartment building planned for 6917 California SW. The meeting is at 6:30 pm at Neighborhood House’s High Point Center. (6400 Sylvan Way)

‘LITTLE WOMEN: THE MUSICAL’: Next performance at ArtsWest (WSB sponsor) in The Junction at 7:30 tonight. Buy tickets online here. (4711 California SW)

West Seattle Crime Watch: Stolen vehicles; mail prowling

Three West Seattle Crime Watch reports – we request that you send WSCW reports via e-mail ( but the first two happened to come in via other means:

*Via a comment on the morning traffic report:

PLEASE HELP ME; my truck just got stolen at 8 am this morning, I heard it start up and left. Its a BLACK Ford F250 with Colorado license plates, four-door, it’s dirty right now. VMI sticker on rear left window, another sticker in white “Nobody Cares About Your Stick Family,” my cleaning supplies were in it. Please help me. It was stolen from Highland Park on 7th SW and Kenyon.

*Posted in the WSB Forums last night:

My granddaughter’s car was stolen between (Tuesday) night and (Wednesday) morning. It has been reported to SPD. Anyone spotting this car please call SPD. It is 1995 black acura, license #AKM4431 with a volleyball sticker on the back. She is a hard worker and an excellent student and needs it for school and her job. Thanks in advance.

Both also have been reported to police – they’re on the @getyourcarback Twitter feed. Meantime, a mail-prowler sighting reported by Christopher:

Be on the lookout for an 80s era dark blue Toyota or Mazda pick up truck with chrome wheels. It was seen on Wednesday evening at 8:50 p.m. driving up/down 3rd Ave SW [behind Westcrest Park] looking in mailboxes. By the time we figured out what he was doing, he sped down the street and disappeared.

TRAFFIC/TRANSIT TODAY: Thursday updates; weekend reminder

(More area traffic cams on the WSB Traffic page)
Here’s the live look at both major views of the high bridge. (Westbound view has been removed – stuck on old view.

Now, the weekend reminder – Highway 99 north of downtown will be closed late Friday night until early Monday morning, from the Battery Street Tunnel to Valley St., because of the ongoing Mercer work; details here.

7:35 AM: Commenters report trouble on W. Marginal Way. A crash was on the 911 log for the 5900 block but SFD is shown as having cleared.

7:52 AM: Commenter Amy says traffic is being allowed around that scene in alternating directions. We’re heading over to check it out.

8:08 AM: Our crew has just driven through the area and it appears to be clear now.

8:33 AM: Police are checking out word of a possible stalled or otherwise stopped vehicle on the eastbound bridge. Out of camera range with the westward view broken, so we’re waiting to hear confirmation.

8:45 AM: The stalled vehicle is confirmed, blocking the right lane parallel with Nucor.

9:02 AM: Per radio discussion, the vehicle is moved out of the lane, while help is awaited.

9:40 AM: Problem now on northbound 99, reported in comments and via Twitter. This traffic cam shows the backup:

(Live picture, so if you see this later, it will look normal, but we saved a frame grab for posterity.)

5:16 PM: In case you got stuck in a slowdown past South Seattle Community College (WSB sponsor) on 16th, it was a car fire:

Fire’s out and car’s about to be towed. No other details so far, but the road should open all the way up shortly if it hasn’t already.

High-school basketball: West Seattle girls host Lakeside

Wednesday night at West Seattle High School, it was the Wildcat girls’ turn to host Lakeside, whose varsity left with a 42-39 win. Above, that’s WSHS’s Charli Elliott in the foreground, fighting for control of the ball. Here are the game stats, via our partners at The Seattle Times; leading scorers for head coach Sonya Elliott‘s WSHS team were Gabby Sarver with 14 points and Lydia Giomi with 12. Friday night, they are on the road at Rainier Beach.

Video: Mudhoney rocks Full Tilt Ice Cream inside and out

Five nights after rocking KeyArena with Pearl Jam, Mudhoney rocked a wall-to-wall-and-out-the-door crowd at Full Tilt Ice Cream in White Center, inside and out, to launch the honey/cinnamon/chocolate-swirl flavor bearing their name. More scenes from Wednesday night’s party on our partner site White Center Now.

P.S. Were you there? Got a photo/video link? Add it in comments here or on the WSB Facebook page post, where as of this writing we already have a couple bonus links.