PACK YOUR BAG! Final day: Give yourself a treat

November is here and Washington State Disaster Preparedness Month is over. Thanks to West Seattle Be Prepared for a month of instructions on how to put together THE “Go Bag“/kit that can be a literal life-saver for you and your family if disaster strikes. Over the weekend, we’re going to put together one big recap with all the advice and links, but for now, from WSBP’s Cindi Barker:

You get a treat today! Whatever you gave away for Halloween, you probably have leftovers, so dump some of that Halloween candy into your bag. The calories have been removed; you’re welcome. I have been reading the comments as the month has progressed, and thank everyone for their additional ideas and suggestions. I am very interested in how many of you built or are well on your way to completing an emergency bag, so please give a comment on how you did.

And if you’re still getting around to getting started – hey, just get a bag, and pick a random place to start! Everything’s archived, newest to oldest, here.

2 Replies to "PACK YOUR BAG! Final day: Give yourself a treat"

  • justme November 1, 2013 (7:34 am)

    It sure feels great having this just about complete. The only thing I have left is to pack the 100.00 and important papers. I’m not entirely clear on which important papers to include so I think I need to go do a bit more research on what’s best.
    My husband was concerned with including too much personal information due to security risk if we were ever robbed here, but I highly doubt a burglar would take the time to rummage through our heavy emergency suitcase.

    I wonder what other’s thoughts are on “important papers.”

  • Tracie November 19, 2013 (2:47 pm)

    I am not finished yet, but I have a huge jump on it, thanks to your comprehensive list and spoon-feeding it to us! Thank you so much. I always did this when my kids were little, but having just moved to a new home in WS with just my husband and I, we obviously need a new one. All kids adults now and off on their own, doing their own kits. Maybe I will give them some it for the holidays…hmmm, gift idea! Thanks again. Hopefully we will never need these, but if we do, it will be thanks to you that we are better prepared.

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