West Seattle traffic-alert update: Roxbury reopens after crash

6:41 PM: We’ve just arrived at the scene of another crash on SW Roxbury – this time just east of the Safeway entrance. Two vehicles has collided, and one has some smoke coming from its engine compartment – so Engines 11 and 37 are both here along with police. The response has SW Roxbury completely blocked, so if you’re heading this way, you can’t get west of 26th or east of the store, for now.

6:48 PM UPDATE: No indication of serious injuries. We’re told the smoke might have been from one vehicle’s battery – extremely acrid-smelling, we can attest.

7:28 PM UPDATE: Per the scanner, police are now reopening Roxbury.

7 Replies to "West Seattle traffic-alert update: Roxbury reopens after crash"

  • JanS October 8, 2013 (8:23 pm)

    Roxbury sure does have it’s share of accidents…

  • Sarah October 8, 2013 (8:32 pm)

    Isn’t this the 3rd wreck in a week? I am so glad there is a major community effort happening to make this road safer. It won’t be a moment too soon.

  • fauntleroy fairy October 8, 2013 (11:28 pm)

    It’s not the street, it’s the drivers.

  • AG October 9, 2013 (7:38 am)

    That intersection is hazardous with the bad drivers and the buses and so many people turning left. People on the southbound side fly out around the bus while it’s waiting to turn, and people headed northbound can’t see them until it’s too late. Pedestrians add to the mix as they have the walk signal while so many cars are turning. A left turn light is sorely needed in this location – it would allow people to turn and help protect pedestrians at the same time by giving them a signal independent of the turning cars.
    NOTE: I am NOT saying this is what happened in this case – it doesn’t look like the accident happened AT the intersection. I’m just making a statement about what I’ve seen at that intersection, as I pass through it twice daily.

  • David Clark October 9, 2013 (10:10 am)

    I go through that intersection at least twice a day. The intersection is fine. Every near miss I’ve seen has been driver error, inability or inattentiveness.

    The ONLY change I’d make to the intersection: Make the North/South light longer, maybe by as little as 15 seconds. This would allow the traffic to clear and create less anxiety about missing the light, thus fewer passes around the Bus. A Bus turning left is almost always the ONLY car to clear the intersection in traffic light cycle.

  • HelperMonkey October 9, 2013 (12:11 pm)

    that area is like running a gauntlet of inattentive dipwads and drunk drivers coming from Roxy’s.

  • alan October 9, 2013 (6:12 pm)

    SW Roxbury should be made into a 2 lane street.
    Traffic is going too fast past the school and ball park. Presently it’s 4 lanes, its difficult to exit safeway when you have 4 lanes to deal with.
    2 lanes like Delridge would be safer.

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