Hotwire Online Coffeehouse plans Seattle’s first ‘light bar’

(WSB photo by Nick Adams, September 2012 at Lowman Beach)
We’ve been lucky enough to see a fair amount of sunshine lately – but winter is creeping ever closer, and even now, foggy mornings are the price we’re paying. So, going into the season when we just can’t rely on sunshine, West Seattle’s Hotwire Online Coffeehouse (WSB sponsor) is getting ready to install what’s believed to be Seattle’s first “light bar,” with full-spectrum lights that mimic natural sunlight. Proprietor Lora Swift says she’ll call it the Helio Bar: “Basically, a place to get phototherapy during the dark days of winter.” The lights will be installed on November 3rd, after which time, Lora says, “You’ll be able to get your coffee and a 15-minute dose of vitamin D at Hotwire.”

8 Replies to "Hotwire Online Coffeehouse plans Seattle's first 'light bar'"

  • Azimuth October 18, 2013 (9:39 am)

    I prefer to sit in a dark corner with my Sylvia Plath.

  • datamuse October 18, 2013 (10:31 am)

    Looks like they’ll be seeing a lot of me this winter!

  • WestofJunction October 18, 2013 (10:36 am)

    Yeah! Another reason to go to Hotwire!

  • herongrrrl October 18, 2013 (10:58 am)

    Azimuth FTW!

  • Curtis October 18, 2013 (11:49 am)

    I’m sure the coffee is fine there at Hotwire, but I gotta say, I’ve been loving the fog and I’m looking forward to the coming darkness. I just don’t get the whole SAD thing. Guess I live in the right place.

  • sophista-tiki October 18, 2013 (3:42 pm)

    When I lived in Fremont in the 90’s I used to go to the Indoor Sun Shop and sit infront of the people grow lights. it was like a mini vacation. Now I’ve got one in my studio and its like painting on the beach every day. I cant imagine not having one. Small doses are best. too much time infront of the lights can totally get you wired.

  • datamuse October 18, 2013 (4:06 pm)

    My husband’s like you, Curtis. If anything, he gets depressed in the summer by the bright sunshine and heat…guess that’s also SAD in a way, just a different set of conditions that trigger it. He IS from Portland…

  • Longtime WS October 18, 2013 (5:44 pm)

    Can’t wait to check it out while sipping my Americano.

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