Happening now: West Seattle Art Walk, October 2013

Pershing Hall – the new event venue created inside West Seattle’s historic American Legion Post 160 in The Triangle – is open right now for its first WS Art Walk night, featuring artist Jason Tang. Art Walk is on until 9 pm, and here’s the map/list showing who else is open:

Can’t decide where to go? Preview some of the artists via the official Art Walk website at wsartwalk.com.

1 Reply to "Happening now: West Seattle Art Walk, October 2013"

  • Silly Goose October 11, 2013 (9:18 am)

    What happen to all the businesses staying open late for Art Walk nothing was open, we had plans to spend money (girls night) and nothing was open except the business that had the actual artist. Our favorite Fluert was closed! Oh well I hope when it gets closer to the Holidays that more stores are open for shopping!!

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