West Seattle, Washington
07 Friday
‘An Alki Family’ e-mailed that photo to share, explaining:
In the midst of all of the scary news the past few weeks, I thought I would share this photo. We adopted our 8-week=old kitty, Maisy, just two days ago from PAWS animal rescue and it seems that she and our dog, Cookie, have fallen in love.
#32 in our photo is Seattle Lutheran High School running back Abijah Smith, who scored three of the Saints’ touchdowns as they won their homecoming game against Chief Leschi this afternoon, 46-6. He was also homecoming king – reigning with fellow senior Tori Hammond:
Ahead, more photos and notes from the game at West Seattle Stadium!
Another big event tomorrow – your chance to assist, and find out about, a new program to help turn the Delridge “food desert” into something more like a “food oasis.” Starting at 1 pm at West Seattle Nursery, it’s the first fall fundraiser for The Little Red Hen Project. Jen Dowell explains:
The Little Red Hen Project will provide the underserved Delridge community with a way to grow, maintain, cook, and preserve sustainable back yard food.
We are a new Seattle Tilth fiscally sponsored program located in the heart of the Delridge food desert at the Delridge Community Center. We have begun work at the DCC with the teens program and will continue our progress by encouraging community members to enter our teaching program to learn how to grow their own food. With the support of the Seattle Master Gardeners program, we have access to Seattleites in the Master Gardener program who are completing their volunteer hours by contributing to our need for strong teachers.
This will be going on all Sunday afternoon, so even if you’re going to the Junction Harvest Festival, head a few blocks south afterward. More details on the official Facebook event page for tomorrow’s event.
Four West Seattle coyote reports have come in today – two with photos, starting with the one above, from Kerry Murphy:
We were at Lincoln Park today around noon and a very bold coyote was lurking in the same pretty public spot for about an hour. We were surprised that it was lurking so close to so many people, kids, dogs – it was actually pretty busy there today! It was hanging along the path that runs just west of the gravel path that leads toward the baseball field from the north parking lot.
Stacy saw one on Genesee Hill around 6 tonight:
I was just heading out to walk my dog and saw what I thought was a loose dog running down the middle of 53rd between Genesee and Dakota. [map] At second glance I realized it was a coyote. He ran down the sidewalk, crossed over Dakota and continued down 53rd then turned back and darted into a neighbor’s yard. He must have been hiding out there because my dog started going bananas as we walked down that block. Pet owners in the area, please keep your pets inside!!
Susan photographed the next one in the Forest Lawn Cemetery (WSB sponsor) area east of High Point [map] today:
And Sean sent a sighting report this afternoon:
Just saw a big coyote going down 36th. He/she turned and went down Raymond heading west. [map] Pretty cool. First coyote sighting for me in West Seattle.
We had two holdover reports from earlier in the week – Eve saw one Monday morning at 32nd and Holden (map), “headed south,” while Jeff saw one near 48th/Raymond (map) last Sunday afternoon, “seemed like a juvenile that was not sure where to go.”
What to do if/when you see one? Best thing: Try to scare it off. Other advice/info here; our five-plus years of coyote reports are archived here.
That “Go Bag“/kit we’ve been building day by day for Washington State Disaster Preparedness Month is getting more full by the day. But the next items to add are small things you can tuck in around the corners. From West Seattle Be Prepared:
A few more odds and ends to put in your bag today – a small sewing kit, safety pins, a small bottle of liquid dish soap and a small bottle of household chlorine bleach. The bleach has two purposes – you can use plain common bleach to eliminate bacterial contaminants in water. The general rule is 8 drops of chlorine bleach (must be common bleach, not scented, not color-safe) per gallon of water and then let sit for 30 minutes. This will kill many, but not all, disease-causing organisms. The second use is as a disinfectant, for surfaces that might be contaminated. For those of you who backpack, you can throw in water-purification tablets instead.
If you’re wondering what this is all about – or just getting started/catching up – the previous installments are all in our archive of preparedness-related stories, newest to oldest, Day 24 to Day 1; find them here.
The National Weather Service has a “special weather statement” out for our area, expecting things to get breezy, maybe even windy, late in the day tomorrow and on into Monday. Here’s the full text of the alert. The NWS isn’t predicting HIGH wind – likely 15-25 mph with possible gusts to about 40 – but it’ll be coming out of the north, which the NWS describes as rare. On the bright side, the conditions that are expected to bring this breeziness are the ones that have finally sent away the seemingly endless (yet lovely at times) fog.
SUNDAY MORNING UPDATE: Here’s the newest version of the “special weather statement” – still the same basic outlook, some wind (but NOT windstorm level) out of the north kicking up this afternoon, strongest along the shoreline.
We missed the 5K that started this morning’s second annual West Seattle Monster Dash, but got to Lincoln Park in time to see some of the little ones readying for the kid dashes that followed.
Three more photos ahead:
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(Spencer Schulz with parents Bryan and Regina)
17-year-old Spencer Schulz of West Seattle is now an Eagle Scout – and his family has shared the announcement in a unique format: It was written by his younger brother Reece Schulz, 13, who proud mom Regina tells us is historian for his troop:
In the first grade, scouting became a major part of Spencer Schulz’s life. As a Cub Scout, with the help of his den leader, mentor, and current scoutmaster, Mr. Grueter, he was led in the way of scouting.
In the sixth grade, Spencer became a Boy Scout for Troop 282. Over the years, Spencer has achieved all the ranks in scouting, including the highest rank, Eagle Scout. With myriad extra-curricular activities such as rowing, where Spencer raced at the US Nationals and got first in light-weight men’s four, baking, bicycling, more than 100 service hours, and altar-serving at church, he definitely has had a full plate, but still manages to put time in for scouting and being on the president’s list for school.
Spencer now goes to school at Seattle Prep and is looking forward to the new experience of college and is striving for all three palms in scouting. All in all, Spencer looks forward to helping further our society.
This week’s high-school football games are stretching across three days – the West Seattle HS Wildcats‘ homecoming game was Thursday (WSB coverage here), the Seattle Lutheran HS Saints‘ homecoming game is less than an hour away, and last night, the Chief Sealth International High School Seahawks wrapped up their regular season with a win on the road – 28-6 over Ingraham. They finish third in the Metro League Sound Division, per our partners at The Seattle Times.
A chance to get and a chance to give, right now at West Seattle Thriftway (WSB sponsor). Art projects and treats are what kids can get during the store’s annual Halloween Party, continuing until 1 pm in the deli dining area (one of today’s featured activities in the WSB West Seattle Halloween Guide). And then, as part of Thriftway’s month-long hunger-fighting campaign, the White Center Food Bank is on hand for donations until 3 pm:
West Seattle Thriftway is at California/Morgan/Fauntleroy in Morgan Junction.
Hasn’t been much campaigning on this side of the bay during this year’s race for Seattle Mayor – some quiet fundraisers, only one public forum (WSB coverage, with video, here). But both candidates have sent word they’re headed this way in the next week:
SEN. ED MURRAY: “Get Out the Vote” rally, all invited, 3-4 pm tomorrow (Sunday, October 27th) at Beveridge Place Pub. The Murray campaign says local supporters including King County Councilmember Joe McDermott and State Rep. Eileen Cody will be there.
MAYOR MIKE McGINN: He’s on a pre-election town-hall tour, with a West Seattle stop next Saturday (November 2nd), 2:30 pm at Delridge Branch Library.
Remember that ballots are due November 5th, and the county will have dropoff vans at West Seattle Stadium and in Greenbridge in White Center; addresses and hours (the days are Nov. 2, 4, and 5) are on this King County Elections infopage.
(Fall colors = wall colors! Mid-October photo by alextutu1821, shared via the WSB Flickr group page)
From the WSB West Seattle Event Calendar and/or the WSB West Seattle Halloween Guide:
WEST SEATTLE MONSTER DASH: This 5K and kids-dashes event raising money for SSCC Cooperative Preschools is under way right now and continuing for most of the rest of the morning in Lincoln Park.
PUMPKIN-DECORATING AT PCC: Kids’ pumpkin-decorating at PCC Natural Markets-West Seattle (WSB sponsor), under way now and continuing until noon. Free pumpkins and decorating supplies. (California/Stevens)
DRUG TAKEBACK DAY: 10 am-2 pm, bring your unwanted/unneeded/expired medications to the front desk at the Southwest Precinct and they’ll dispose of it for you. Here’s our preview. (Delridge/Webster)
HALLOWEEN PARTY AT THRIFTWAY: It’s the annual Halloween Party at West Seattle Thriftway (WSB sponsor), 11 am-1 pm, for ages 1-10, in the deli dining area. “Decorate your own mini-pumpkin, win a treat bag, have a spooky good time!” (California/Fauntleroy/Morgan)
SPOOKY STORYTIME: Halloween theme at today’s weekly storytime at Barnes and Noble in Westwood Village, 11 am.
HIGH-SCHOOL FOOTBALL: Seattle Lutheran High School‘s homecoming game, 1:30 pm at West Seattle Stadium. (4432 35th SW)
SEE ART, MAKE ART: Another chance to be inspired by the Community Artist Showcase at the Southwest Branch Library – come make your own art, 2 pm. (35th/Henderson)
HALLOWEEN AT THE LONGHOUSE: Halloween Party 6-8 pm at the Duwamish Longhouse & Cultural Center. Children of all ages; family-friendly event. Games, prizes & refreshments. Suggested donation $10. (4705 W. Marginal Way)
FINAL NIGHT FOR ‘THE TAMING’: Last chance to see the political satire that’s kicked off the new season at ArtsWest in The Junction. 7:30 pm. (4711 California SW)
POETRY AND PHOTOGRAPHY: Theme for tonight’s apertureSTOP! event at Twilight in The Junction is “Haunt!”; details in our calendar listing; 8-10 pm. (SW Alaska just west of California)
GHOST GAME VII: THE WILD HUNT – It’s the Halloween-time production by The Cabiri, and you’re invited (provided you’re at least 16 years old). Youngstown Cultural Arts Center. (4408 Delridge Way SW)
’80s NEW-WAVE MUSIC: Listen – and dance if you feel like it! – with DJ Shane at Duos Lounge in Luna Park, 9 pm-2 am; details in our calendar listing. (2940 SW Avalon Way)
ROCKY HORROR, PRE-HALLOWEEN EDITION: Midnight tonight, special date for this month’s screening of “Rocky Horror Picture Show” at the historic Admiral Theater. (2343 California SW)
8:38 AM: Be on the lookout for SB‘s car:
Our white 1994 Honda Accord was stolen from the back of our house in the 3800 block of 35th Ave. SW early this morning. I noticed it was gone when I woke up and looked out the window just after 3 a.m. It was there when I went to bed just before 10 p.m. License plate is 182 ZVK. I filed a police report and noticed that this is just a block from where an Infiniti was stolen about the same time yesterday. They’d wiped the condensation off of the window of another car we have…apparently to look inside and see if there was anything valuable in it…or if the keys were inside?
We have pictures since we’ve been trying to sell it. It was all cleaned up and ready to go. :-(
We’ll add a photo if we get one.
10:26 AM UPDATE: SB says police found her car:
SPD called just after 9 a.m. to let us know they found it. It was abandoned with a bunch of stuff inside and minus the stereo in an alley behind 60th just north of Admiral.
Unfortunately, if you check the comments, another car was then stolen there. If we get more info on THAT car, we’ll update this again.
(WSB photos by Katie Meyer)
It was a night to yell BOO! as much as to yell BINGO!
The Senior Center of West Seattle scared up almost 200 people – a sell-out crowd – for its almost-Halloween edition of Rainbow Bingo. Click ahead for more photos!