Signs of what’s ahead for your West Seattle Wednesday night

Thanks to the Fauntleroy Community Association for allowing us to republish that photo from the FCA Facebook page – FCA past president Bruce Butterfield took it after finding old West Seattle street signs at Seattle Antique Market on the downtown waterfront. P.S. The city still sells old signs direct to the public, too – info’s here (and if you follow the “inventory” link, you’ll see it was updated just a week ago). Now, on to the future in our belated daily roundup – six events you might want to know about for tonight:

HEALTHY FAMILIES CELEBRATION: Fun, food, more this evening at Neighborhood House‘s High Point Center, 5-8 pm – details in our calendar listing. (6400 Sylvan Way SW)

PUB RUN: West Seattle Runner (WSB sponsor) is the launch point for a pub run sponsored by Adidas tonight; meet at the shop (California/Charlestown) at 6:30 pm, try on Adidas shoes if you’re interested, head out on a 3-mile run, meeting at Spiro’s Pizza and Pasta (California/Hinds) afterward, where, WSR says, Adidas buys the first round of beer and provides free pint glasses to all, as well as prizes for highest scorers in “trivia games about running, adidas and West Seattle Runner.”

SUBSTATIONS MEETING: If you’re near one of the former substation properties whose future will be determined soon by Seattle City Light, you might want to come to tonight’s meeting, 6:30 pm at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center – see our preview from last night to find out about the locations – some are on tonight’s agenda, while some will be discussed at a different meeting next week. (4408 Delridge Way SW)

NATURE WALK: Explore Lincoln Park with naturalist Stewart Wechsler – looking and listening for owls and more. 7 pm; details in our listing.

‘UNPLUGGED!’: The Seattle Classic Guitar Society‘s open-microphone event is 7-9 pm tonight at C & P Coffee Company (WSB sponsor) – details in our calendar listing. (5612 California SW)

CYRCUS NIGHT: 9-11 pm Wednesdays at Shadowland in The Junction, it’s a free aerial-arts and circus show – details here. (California/Oregon)

4 Replies to "Signs of what's ahead for your West Seattle Wednesday night"

  • zeetrains August 21, 2013 (1:37 pm)

    Oh my lord, they finally updated the list. It said April 8 for the loooooooooongest time and I’d given up on them ever updating that thing.

  • petert August 21, 2013 (4:20 pm)

    Me too. And I still can’t find a Beach Drive SW sign.

  • sunny.206 August 21, 2013 (7:48 pm)

    I’m so glad we paid money to have these street signs replaced when the money could have been used elsewhere. They were so hard to read!

  • Nick August 27, 2013 (2:36 am)

    Interesting, the inventory seems to only include named streets and not numbered ones. I would buy a 49th Ave SW sign if they would keep the numbered streets as well.

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