WestSide Baby ‘Stuff the Bus,’ report #2: Today’s tally

July 21, 2013 9:44 pm
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Car by car, box by box, the diaper donations came, and tonight – following up on our in-progress coverage earlier today – we have the official wrapup for WestSide Baby‘s 13th annual “Stuff the Bus.” From WS Baby’s executive director WestSide Baby:

Thank you so much to the communities of West Seattle and Burien today for the amazing support of Stuff the Bus. As of today, the Stuff the Bus Campaign for WestSide Baby has raised 193,000 diapers! We still hope to reach 250,000 diapers but we see it in sight. We count our goal through a combination of physical diapers donated, cash gifts and sponsorships.

The West Seattle Bus brought in 35,595 diapers and the Burien Bus gathered 23,750 today!! We have special thanks for all of our staff and the 80 volunteers and board members who blanketed Seattle in yellow over the last 2 days to support our efforts.

Special call outs to Burien Toyota and Burien Chevrolet for hosting a record drive, gathering more than 12,000 diapers for a first-ever effort. AmericanWest Bank lent us their support, parking lot and an incredible group of energetic volunteers. First Student bus company, and especially Jerry our bus driver, rock for donating services and time. Much appreciation to Bright Horizons and Ages and Stages child-care programs for diaper drives and volunteer efforts. Local grocery stores at Safeway, West Seattle Thriftway, QFC and Albertsons offered incredible support, resulting in many diapers and gifts. There were many, many drivers, volunteers, and others who went out of their way to make our event a success. We will continue to recognize folks on our Facebook page, website and other outreach over the next couple of weeks. Thank you to everyone who gave!!

In the waning moments today, we photographed Nancy and daughter Mcinnis:

WSB is proud to be among the many community co-sponsors for “Stuff the Bus.” And it’s important to note, you can help WestSide Baby help local families in need ANY time of year – by donating diapers, other items they need, your time as a volunteer, and/or money – details on all of the above can be found on the WS Baby website.

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