Video: West Seattle High School trio compete for ‘Top Teen Chef’

Outside West Seattle High School today, that big, wrapped bus announced the event that’s had the school abuzz since news started circulating a few weeks back – a visit by “The Cutting Edge Tour: The Search for America’s Top Teen Chef,” with three of WSHS’s ProStart culinary students participating – Sarah Rosenthal, Garrison Smith, and Chance Stubblefield – judged by TV celebrity chef Maneet Shauhan. The challenge: An entrée in 40 minutes. We were allowed inside for a quick look at the student chefs as they worked – note the cheering fellow students (with the WSHS band in the background) peering in:

When all was said, done, and cooked, Sarah was the winner. She’s at right in the collage (below) by Emily Austin, with Garrison and Chance at left and center, each chef’s dish shown below her/him:

Outside, the judging – that’s Maneet Shauhan, star of the tour, at center:

It’s part of the tour introducing her latest book; she is signing it at the “Chef Shop” downtown tomorrow. Meantime, we still have a few more photos to add before the night’s out – congratulations to WSHS and to all the young ches, and good luck to Sarah!

ADDED: Four photos by WSB’s Patrick Sand, ahead:

Sarah and her cheering section:

Judge Maneet and company, inside the school:

One more look at the three student chefs – from left, Garrisson, Sarah, and Chance:

And the WSHS Band, cheer squad, and mascots:

18 Replies to "Video: West Seattle High School trio compete for 'Top Teen Chef'"

  • Alki Resident May 8, 2013 (8:19 pm)

    I can’t be more proud of the youth representing our community lately. It makes me so happy to see it and makes me feel encouraged about our future adults. Way to go you guys.

  • Ferryboat May 8, 2013 (8:48 pm)

    Glad to see that there is still a FACE (family and consumer science) program in the West Seattle schools. My mom taught the FEAST program at Sealth for 19.5 years. I now teach in a district that only has FACE at two buildings. In this day and age I feel it’s even more important for students to learn cooking, nutrition, money management, etc…because so many of the kids are not getting it at home. Way to go WS! Is the Stubbelfield related to Marcus Stubberfield of CSH? If so, grew up watching the fab 5 basketball games…hope they get together and play at the next Endquist classic!

  • Paula Tortorice May 8, 2013 (8:53 pm)

    Absolutely proud of our students and our school. They rocked it today with great cooking and spirit! It was a special day indeed. I wish all three could have won because they did a fabulous job. Congrats to Sarah for being named today’s winner!

  • anti-obstruction May 8, 2013 (9:07 pm)

    Wonderful to see ambitious, creative young people adding positive energy to the world through their endeavors…good luck to all. :)

  • Paula Tortorice May 8, 2013 (9:25 pm)

    @Ferryboat – I went to Chief Sealth in the early 70’s, was she there? The program was new at that time! Her name?

  • Danielle S May 8, 2013 (9:27 pm)

    Chance IS related to Marcus…..his son! How exciting today was. Very proud of these 3 young and talented students. And of their peers for showing awesome support and school spirit!

  • Ferryboat May 9, 2013 (6:24 am)

    Paula, yes she was there Mrs. Burke, room 107.

  • miws May 9, 2013 (7:56 am)

    Ferryboat, I remember your Mom! I don’t believe I was ever in her class, but having worked in the Bookroom all three of my years, I was acquainted with, even to a small degree, most of the Faculty.



    Spirit of ’76!

  • WSThaiMassage May 9, 2013 (8:58 am)

    Best part of the video: in the last seconds when you hear the chefs check in with each other to see how they’re doing – supporting each other and communicating despite what I imagine was a pretty fierce competition. Awesome!

  • brandon May 9, 2013 (9:13 am)

    nice job guys, those dishes look super delicious

  • AN May 9, 2013 (9:27 am)

    Wow, That looks nothing like the food we cooked in high school home economics.
    It’s great to see them teaching something like this in the schools

    • WSB May 9, 2013 (9:37 am)

      True, AN! I have typed-index-card recipes from 8th grade home ec in the seventies … peanut-butter cookies, pizza. Not long after the time when processed food (cans, jars …) was considered the nutrition revolution! – TR

  • AJP May 9, 2013 (12:47 pm)

    All three of those entrees look delicious! Cool kids!

  • Bean May 9, 2013 (1:17 pm)

    I remember Ms. Burke. I had her for some classes too at csh!!

  • Sarah Rosenthal May 9, 2013 (2:20 pm)

    Thank you so much to everyone who came out to see us and to everyone who supported us, even if you couldnt be there. We appreciate your encouragement and will continue to make West Seattle (and hopefully America!) proud. Thank you for acknowledging how hard we work and rooting us on, you motivate us to make quality food and keep on cookin’ no matter what life throws at us. Congratulations to Garrison and Chance, I couldn’t have had more worthy competitors. And major thanks to my culinary team: Garrison Smith (who I competed against), Vu Nguyen, and Zach Myers. You guys have taught me so much. It’s been an honor to work with you, I wouldn’t be where I am today if you hadn’t pushed me. Immense gratitude to my instructor Danielle Henry, I couldn’t have done it without her. She’s supported us throughout this entire competition and through all the other trials and tribulations we face on the daily. Thanks to mom and dad, I adore you both. Thanks for encouraging me to go for it. One last shoutout to Robert Spaulding, Executive Chef at Elliott’s Oyster House. Chef, you’ve taught me about what it means to cook local, healthy food, thank you so much. It was a privilige to be a part of this competition and I can’t wait to see if I’ll move on to nationals. Garrison and Chance will both go far, I know it. They have such drive and such respect for the craft, that’s something that can’t be taught and is absolutely essential to success in the culinary industry. Thank you for supporting WSHS in all our endeavours, we’ll make you proud West Seattle.

  • GOONTER GREEST May 13, 2013 (6:54 am)

    Sarah is such an inspiration to us all. Her invention and artistry will be a true gift to the world and our stomachs!! I know I’ll meet her in person SOON to tell her how OUT OF MY MIND PROUD I AM OF HER!!One in a million!!!!!To you I hail. Now, save us some Quail!!!

  • Deborah Sells May 16, 2013 (8:24 am)

    Congratulations to West Seattle High School for being selected for this honor, Sarah Rosenthall for winning the competition, and to the culinary arts instructor, Danielle Henry for inspiring her students to reach for the stars.

  • Reba Ricks May 17, 2013 (9:02 am)

    I went to CSHS and had Mrs. Burke for FEAST! It was a blast and learned so much. Now, my son Garrisson is competing. Congratulations to all the kids for their dedication, passion, and hard work.

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