West Seattle scene: West 5 toasts 10th anniversary; party Sunday

On this date 10 years ago – February 8, 2003 – West 5 opened its doors at 4539 California SW in The Junction. You’re invited to a big party this Sunday night – but before that, co-proprietors Dean Overton and Dave Montoure (center and right in the photo above) commemorated the milestone this afternoon by re-enacting a historic moment: Making a guest appearance as bartender, Dean served a beer and a shot of whiskey to the man who in 2003 was their first customer, Bill Reid (left):

Dave noted that Bill was known as “The Tallest Man in Radio” during stints with KNDD (“The End“) and KJET. Dave and Dean, as pointed out when they announced their 8th-anniversary party two years ago, are “born-and-bred West Seattle natives,” and West 5 has gained fame for its food as well as its cocktails, gaining an especially huge helping of fame for its Astral Mac ‘n’ Cheese. They invite you to be on hand this Sunday night for a “raucous party,” starting at 8 pm.

P.S. Found a party-entertainment hint on West S’s Twitter page:

(They performed outside West 5 on Summer Fest eve last year – there’s video in our report from that night.)

11 Replies to "West Seattle scene: West 5 toasts 10th anniversary; party Sunday"

  • thelmasue February 8, 2013 (11:11 pm)

    hey! it’s my two favorite bar owners and my favorite dj! happy birthday, west 5!

  • Julie February 8, 2013 (11:13 pm)

    Can’t believe it has been ten years already! Where does the time go?

  • shed22 February 9, 2013 (12:17 am)

    Hip, hip, hooray!

  • Greg February 9, 2013 (12:32 am)

    Congratulations Dean and Dave! Raise a glass for another successful 10 years (at least).

  • chocki February 9, 2013 (7:14 am)

    Well done West 5. My wife and I refer to your establishment as ‘ Greatness’ when we are considering a place to enjoy food and drink(s); the choice is never difficult. Thanks, West 5, see y’all Sunday!

  • kayo February 9, 2013 (7:17 am)

    Happy Birthday! We have enjoyed many yummy dinners at West 5 over the last 10 years. Can’t believe it has been that long!

  • Teri Ensley February 9, 2013 (11:25 am)

    Congratulations Dave and Dean. Thank you for being such great people and community supporters while providing some of my favorite meals!

    We love you and your staff.

    Furry Faces Foundation

  • JayDee February 9, 2013 (6:08 pm)

    My friend from L.A. when he is visiting, always asks about stopping in for brunch, cocktails or a beer. As a good host, I humor his wishes…gladfully.

    West 5 is a treasure and nothing needs to change.

  • Cashmere February 9, 2013 (10:51 pm)

    I love west 5!! But what up with that smell? It smells like an old sponge. Is it just me? But I love it!

  • Michele and Michael February 10, 2013 (11:13 am)

    Yahoo Dean and Dave, we love West 5, delicious food, great drinks, wonderful people. Here’s a toast to next 10 + years! Thank you for being consistently charming!

    Michele and Michael

  • Steak Daddy February 11, 2013 (10:10 am)

    To Cashmere. Sorry about that, it was probably me…

    Congratulations Dave and Dean, and a big thanks to Mike for all the delicious Mai Tais!

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