Tony’s Market reopening, with more of the flavor of its founder

Joey Genzale has been making signs and choosing produce, getting ready to reopen Tony’s Market on Monday for the third year since the passing of its namesake, his dad Tony Genzale, whose portrait hangs over the entrance:

This year, Joey told us on Sunday, he will run Tony’s with more of his dad’s trademark spirit, “do things the way my dad would” – you might even hear those Dean Martin songs again. And there are other reminders and tributes here and there, like this framed bag (“one of only two like it”) dating to his dad’s Pike Place days:

After “a couple years of trial and error,” Joey says, he plans to focus closely on what people want most, so you’ll find fewer non-produce items this time. The ones he will carry include Penny’s Salsa and cage-free eggs from Puyallup. This year, Joey also expects to take more time to manage, to scout the best produce for the best prices, since his longtime friend Aaron will be helping run the market:

And the prices will be lower, he says, gesturing to the bright, shiny apples awaiting customers on the south side of the store: “99 cents a pound!” he says proudly. More than ever, Joey says, he wants to live up to Tony’s standards – “When he said it was the best, it was the best.” See for yourself as Tony’s Market gets going for the year under the red/white/green canvas at 35th/Barton, 9 am-7 pm every day.

18 Replies to "Tony's Market reopening, with more of the flavor of its founder"

  • Andi February 11, 2013 (2:01 am)

    I’d been wondering when this was reopening! Nice to hear about changes in price and quality, the grocery stores nearby often sorely lack in one or both.

  • Heather February 11, 2013 (7:11 am)

    Yeah! I do love this place – it’s a wonderful neighborhood asset.

  • Idle February 11, 2013 (7:30 am)

    I think that Joey has done a great job carrying on what his dad started. Thanks for keeping the place going and making it have such a nice neighborhood feel.

  • miws February 11, 2013 (7:33 am)

    Heh, in the nearly two months since I’ve been back in WS, the thought of visiting Tony’s had crossed my mind a few times.


    I had totally forgotten they were still closed for the season!



  • Gary February 11, 2013 (8:19 am)

    Last year was definitely different. I hope Tony’s gets better, I love this place.

  • Halyn February 11, 2013 (9:17 am)

    Yay!! I’m sorry I missed seeing this before I hit the grocery store this morning. Will definitely be buying next week’s produce at Tony’s!

  • CMT February 11, 2013 (9:24 am)

    Yay! Love Tony’s!

  • Donna Lawson February 11, 2013 (9:59 am)

    YAY! Welcome back guys!

  • JEFF HANSEN February 11, 2013 (10:12 am)

    what about the store they had on Delridge last year?

    • WSB February 11, 2013 (10:22 am)

      They were supplying some produce to Martin’s Way at Delridge/Findlay, which is currently closed TFN while regrouping, as I understand it.

  • Kelly February 11, 2013 (10:41 am)

    I’d love for them to add more/better signage about what’s local and what’s organic. I haven’t been there in years, so maybe they do have it now, but I rarely bought much there because it didn’t seem any different from the stuff I could buy at a chain grocery store.

  • West Seattle Hipster February 11, 2013 (4:39 pm)

    They are such a great asset to our community, glad to see them staying close to their roots.

    I’d rather give my money to local businesses over chain stores any day of the week.

  • MMB February 11, 2013 (5:39 pm)

    Thank you, Joey!

  • Desertdweller February 11, 2013 (7:05 pm)

    Tony’s is amazing! Since Joey took over there has been more organic produce and so many amazing improvements! Seriously, if you haven’t stopped by in the past few years, try it out!

  • Carrie February 12, 2013 (1:31 am)

    Can’t wait to shop! Welcome back Tony’s!

  • wakeflood February 12, 2013 (11:09 am)

    Loved the salsa and those addictive fresh corn chips!! Hope those stick around. :-)

  • DM February 12, 2013 (10:05 pm)

    YAY! So glad they are open again! Will be great to resume my weekly/weekend produce purchasing. It’s always such a pleasure to shop there!

  • Dave February 13, 2013 (3:35 pm)

    Congrats, Joey! Miss having Tony’s right around the corner.

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