Ben e-mailed today to ask, “Where/when do we take our Christmas trees to be removed? Will the city pick them up?” The info is in the WSB West Seattle Holiday Guide, but for expediency’s sake, here’s the bottom line: Between now and January 13, you can put your tree out for curbside pickup OR take it to the transfer station (nearest one is in South Park). If it’s taller than six feet, you need to cut it to that length before putting it out for curbside pickup – or take it to the transfer station, where it can be intact up to eight feet tall. The city’s full how-to is here. P.S. Also remember, if you have Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday trash/recycling/yard-waste/etc. pickup, it’ll be on one-day delay again this week because of the holiday – Tuesday pickup will be on Wednesday, and so on. Then it’s all back to normal the week of January 7th.
West Seattle, Washington
02 Sunday