Two reader reports in West Seattle Crime Watch – first, a hit-and-run solved by the husband of the victim. She writes:
I woke up (Saturday) morning to find my car had been sideswiped overnight. I park on the street because I have no driveway (39th & Hinds). The genius lost a very distinctive wheel hub. I called the police and an officer came within 30 mins. While they were on their way, my husband canvassed the neighborhood and FOUND THE CAR! Just a block away. Unbelievable. The officer headed right up there after I told her where it was. Two criminal citations later and justice is served. Karma wins!! Oh and yes, they have insurance. I am just glad they didn’t hurt anyone!
Second report, about a car break-in at Westcrest Off-Leash Park – and extra information thanks to victim vigilance in tracking down who was using her stolen card:
Just wanted to let everyone know that I had a car prowl and my purse stolen out of my trunk at Westcrest Dog Park on Tuesday, September 18th between 2:00 and 3:00. Because they did not steal my expensive golf clubs in my trunk (that have since been removed with anything else of value in my car) and a camera lense in my car, I think they must have been sitting and watching me from a parked vehicle. There was a suspicious silverish mauve colored van with tinted windows and a vertical rectangular window parked very close to my car and I think they might have been sitting in there watching for me to leave to go to the small-dog area of the park. I was parked in the lot closest to the kids’ play area and small dog unleashed dog area. They attempted to use my debit card at the Shell station on Roxbury by the Safeway and again at the QFC in Normandy Park.
I was able to get the exact time that the card was scanned from my bank and the QFC and Oficer Norris at the Normandy Park Police was able to see their camera footage and the perp. He is about African Amercian, bald with black sport sun glasses propped on his head, 40ish, heavy set with a middle-aged gut, wearing all Adidas athletic clothes with a cap sleeved black shirt with while stripes and black Adidas sweats with white stripes and looks like Adidas Soccer sandals and a large sport watch with silver trim on his left wrist. In the picture he doesn’t look like a criminal….more like the Dad of a kid that your kid might play football with….don’t be fooled….he is a chronic offender and your things are not safe.
I spoke with the staff at the Shell station and they say that this guy is known to them (but not by name) and is a known alcohol user, druggie and criminal. The staff person has the impression that this is “a bad guy and he has been to jail many times”. He has been instructed to call the police if he comes into the Shell Station. I have informed both Seattle PD and Normandy Park PD. Apparently the perp comes in the Shell station with someone else, so he has another criminal in tow.
I also spoke with (a deputy) at King County Sheriff’s office and he states that his wife’s purse was recently stolen at an athletic field in the area and he is looking for a red Jeep associated with that crime. Apparently there is a ring of thieves that are targeting dog parks and ball fields in the area.
Please let them know if you have any additional information so that we can catch these thieves and protect our community……and don’t leave anything of value in your car…..including your trunk.
We’ve been talking lately about Crime Watch reports meant to empower, not scare… so here’s a link to a comment in which we shared some links you might find helpful.