More scenes from West Seattle’s back-to-school day – and a poem

Before Wednesday ends, a few more scenes from the start of school:

First, two photos shared by families: Chloe started kindergarten today! Next, it’s Tilden School first-grader Grayson:

Also from a parent … this poem by Kate Calamatta, whose youngest child started kindergarten today:

The Pause

Sandwiches, beakers, cereal bars, first day treats;
New rucksacks, writing pads, folders, and socks;
Fall haircuts, nails clipped, skin scrubbed;
This day, marked on the mailed-out calendar, has arrived.

We did wading pools, beaches, the mountain;
Had BBQs, picnics, saw jets, and whales;
Got tans, bought hats, lived in shorts;
I encouraged, enthused, quietly prepared.

Family came and went, laughter and love;
Celebrations and birthdays, play dates and playgrounds;
Adventures and explorations, bike rides in the never ending sunshine;
And it had to end, for another year.

A quiet daytime house, with questions of “what’s next?”
No younger siblings to command my attention;
Just me, whoever I may be;
After seven years of raising boys;
My motherhood remains, but is changed;
For me, forever, and now I pause.

Back to photos: At Lafayette Elementary, day 1 for new principal Shauna Heath (right, with staffer Mimi Armitstead):

(Lafayette remains West Seattle’s most populous elementary, slightly more students than Schmitz Park, according to the district.) And at Arbor Heights Elementary, led by second-year principal Christy Collins, everyone gathered in the sunshine before trooping in:

This was also a milestone day for new Roxhill Elementary principal Sahnica Washington – who we visited last week for the Seattle Police Officers Guild donation event – and new Westside School (WSB sponsor) head of school Kate Mulligan.

(Whichever school – if any – you are affiliated with, please help us share the news of events and achievements through the year – or 206-293-6302 any time!)

3 Replies to "More scenes from West Seattle's back-to-school day - and a poem"

  • AH MOM September 6, 2012 (10:40 am)

    I just want to add that the students & parents were equally as excited at Arbor Heights yesterday! Principle Collins is doing a great job! I think I speak for a lot of parents when I say we’re glad she’s there. I think everyone needs to remember the students, parents and staff make a school what it is – not the building.

  • c September 6, 2012 (11:43 am)

    Darling photos!!! Have fun kids!!

  • Denise Gilvear September 7, 2012 (9:40 am)

    Grandparents, Janus faced, watch as the grandchildren march off to school, faces shining, excitement & some tears, holding the hands of MY children, marching off to school, faces shining, holding back the tears.

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