West Seattle Crime Watch: Car prowlers/vandals, again

We have multiple reports this morning of another street where parked cars were hit by prowlers/vandals – FLS reported at least two in the 37th SW/Hanford vicinity – “windows smashed in, vehicle ransacked.” Police were on their way when he e-mailed us earlier. Rena mentioned it on the WSB Facebook page, too. Earlier this week, at least half a dozen cars were vandalized on Beach Drive, according to this report from Beach Drive Blog. Even if damage wasn’t too serious and nothing was taken, police ask that you do file a report for these types of crimes, which at least helps them track trends and figure out where to focus more patrol resources.

7 Replies to "West Seattle Crime Watch: Car prowlers/vandals, again"

  • A February 3, 2012 (12:38 pm)

    I live in 37th and Hanford and didn’t see any cars vandalized. Was it on 37th?

  • A February 3, 2012 (2:00 pm)

    My car was broken into, ransacked and they look clothes and items out of my trunk. I just filed a police report. It happened on 47th Ave SW, between Hinds and Spokane street. During the day with my windows open in the house. Hope you catch them!

  • KG February 3, 2012 (2:31 pm)

    My van was one of the cars broken into last night on 37th ave south between Hanford and hinds. A neighbors truck had his window smashed as well. They stole a Dell laptop computer and some other work equipment.

  • tk February 3, 2012 (4:35 pm)

    Another car was also broken into last night- window smashed & inside ransacked. Same block- on 37th between Hinds & Handford.

  • KG February 3, 2012 (6:32 pm)

    Also I found someone’s side view mirror in front of my home. It looks like it belongs to a large vehicle.

  • kazzmere February 7, 2012 (11:09 am)

    My silver 4 door car was broken into last night, and a suitcase belonging to my houseguest was in it. I live off Othello & Fauntleroy. The suitcase was pink & black. Please contact me if you know anything about this. No questions asked, reward offered.

  • DollarTreeNut February 12, 2012 (10:37 pm)

    uh oh, too close for comfort!!

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