West Seattle Crime Watch followup: No hate-crime arrests yet

Following up on the reported hate-crime attack against a Genesee couple, first reported here on Saturday night – someone smashed windows and slashed tires on their vehicles, and that they found a threatening, anti-gay note – we have checked with both Seattle Police and the victims. Police will say only that it is an “active and ongoing investigation.” Meantime, after more than 100 supportive comments following the original WSB coverage, Chris and Lyle added their own:

From the bottom of our overflowing hearts, we can’t begin to thank everyone for their show of support through the incident that happened at our home. We were surprised, as all of you were, that this even happened in our community. We have been residents of West Seattle for over 4 years now and have always been welcomed with open arms. If these cowards thought for one minute that we plan to be a victim and to live in fear, they thought wrong. Your kind words through this horrible situation have strengthened us beyond imagine and are even more proud to be part of this community. …

8 Replies to "West Seattle Crime Watch followup: No hate-crime arrests yet"

  • A September 27, 2011 (3:57 pm)

    Chris and Lyle, from another queer WS couple, you have all our sympathy.

    We were burglarized a few years back, and it turned into what the police called a “hate crime of opportunity.” Once they got inside and saw the GLBT-themed books in the bookshelf, they began tearing them all to shreds and stomped our furniture apart, destroying nearly everything in the main room. They were interrupted before they got to the bedroom, and got away with some small electronics, but none of our REALLY valuable stuff… except the books and furniture they destroyed.

    Our burglars were never caught, despite having cut themselves on the way in and left blood smears and really good fingerprints. It was never cataloged as a hate crime, though the officer on the scene (N. Nguyen also!) verbally referred to it as such when he saw the level of damage and the targets. Keep pushing to ensure your situation isn’t downgraded to a standard vandalism or something. I’ve heard of the “well we can convict on a lesser charge” excuse. Don’t accept it. Let the community know if we can help in applying the pressure to keep it high-priority.

    I’m so sorry you’ve had to go through this. Let WSB know if there’s anything you need that we, your neighbors, can provide.

  • LivesinWS September 27, 2011 (9:09 pm)

    Hope the perps are caught and convicted promptly. Hate has no place in our community.

  • liveherenow September 28, 2011 (1:17 am)

    Just know that 95% of your neighbors are behind you and the other 5% will probably die from old age or be in prison in the near future.

  • Lola September 28, 2011 (6:43 am)

    Chris and Lyle I hope they catch the punks who did this to you and they prosecute to the fullest extent of the law. I am a neighbor as well and hate to see any kind of crime happen. I will be even more vigilent and on the lookout for anybody suspicious in our neighborhood.

  • Josh September 28, 2011 (10:49 am)

    Chris, it was great meeting you the other night, but I certainly wish it had been under different circumstances. I really hope they get these guys, and prosecute them to the fullest extent of the law. Please let us know about any neighborhood organization/watch programs, as we are eager to help stop this kind of nonesense! We are behind you 100%, and eager to help in any way we can. Let’s keep our neighborhood safe and free of these senseless acts! I hope you guys have begun to find a sense of normalcy again, and I’m glad that it was only property that was damaged by these cowards.

    Best Wishes!

  • Brent Schindel September 28, 2011 (3:43 pm)

    I would urge you guys to read this. On behalf of real Christians, we apologize.


  • P September 28, 2011 (4:41 pm)

    We have 2 children.. all of our family lives on the East Coast where my husband and myself grew up…in a all white wealthy community.
    When we choose to have children we wanted to raise them here in West Seattle so they could grow up with a big diversity of people. Our boys do not know the difference between white,black, asian, straight or gay etc…. We all should be created equal. We are very lucky to have so much diversity in our kids lives..

    We are so blessed to live in such a great community..when something like a hate crime comes into our area (or any area)I get so upset..what are we teaching our children..?

    Hats off to the both of you for sticking up for yourselfs! Keep it up : )

  • Kirajean October 1, 2011 (7:58 pm)

    Live and let live. Hate has no place and is a poison that destroys mainly those who try and spread it.

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