Missed our window for the standard morning preview again, but there are a few things tonight you might want to know about if you hadn’t heard yet (and there’s even more on the WSB West Seattle Events calendar page):
OUTDOOR MOVIE: The 4th grade class at Schmitz Park Elementary is hosting an outdoor movie night, featuring the movie “Rio” (trailer above), to benefit their trip to Islandwood. On the playground (unless it rains, in which case it’s in the cafeteria) at 5000 SW Spokane, doors at 5:30, movie at dusk around 7:30 pm, $3/person, kids 3/under free. Pizza will be available for purchase by the slice, along with drinks, popcorn and other snacks. All items will cost $2 or less. Bring a blanket, sleeping bag, pillow or something comfortable to sit on and plan to join us for dinner and a movie!
WESTFEST AT HOLY ROSARY: The 2-day festival kicks off with fun 6-10 pm more info here – food, beer garden, bingo, kids’ bouncy rides, entertainment (see the schedule here). 42nd/Genesee.
WINE, WOMEN, AND BIN: Weekly wine tasting at Bin 41 wine shop in The Junction with Mary Tuuri Derby from DaMa Wines, 6-7:30 pm, described by Bin 41 as one of Walla Walla’s “premiere female winemakers.”
GEEK GIRL CON IMPROV: Support Seattle’s upcoming Geek Girl Con with a night of improv theater at Youngstown Cultural Arts Center, 8 pm – full details here.
HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL: Two 7 pm games scheduled, West Seattle HS vs. O’Dea at West Seattle Stadium , Chief Sealth IHS hosting Cleveland at Southwest Athletic Complex.
LIVE MUSIC AT THE FEEDBACK: One of those rare nights for live music at Feedback Lounge (WSB sponsor) in Morgan Junction, 9 pm.
P.S. ALL WEEKEND – CHEERING THE 3-DAY WALKERS: The Susan G. Komen breast-cancer-fighting 3-Day Walk isn’t going through West Seattle this year, but many West Seattle women are walking, and if you’d like to go to an official “cheering station” to root for them – here’s the list of times and locations.