Update: Woman shot and killed in White Center

3:38 AM: A 22-year-old woman is dead and a block of 15th SW is closed off just south of Roxbury (map) after a shooting in White Center early this morning. So far, no arrests, according to the King County Sheriff’s Office, which is investigating the case. We have ongoing coverage on partner site White Center Now.

8:38 AM: Still no arrest(s) reported; we expect a more formal update from KCSO later this morning. 15th SW has reopened, though.

11:39 AM UPDATE: Official news release in from Deputy DeFries, who briefed us and TV crews at the scene early today – note that it changes the victim’s age:

A 23-year-old female is dead and detectives are working leads in a shooting incident that occurred overnight in the White Center area of King County.

This morning, at about 12:20 AM, deputies were called to the area of SW Roxbury St. and 15th Ave. SW by a passing witness for a fight disturbance. When deputies arrived they met with a small group of females, including the now-deceased victim of the shooting. Deputies were told that the disturbance was minor and that the other group, which consisted of 3 black males, had left the area. The group of women declined to speak further about the incident.

Deputies stayed in the general area and began to walk on foot to increase their visibility and to try to prevent further violence from erupting. Just before 1:00 AM these deputies heard several gun shots coming from the area of the original disturbance. When the returned they found the victim lying in the middle of 15th Ave. SW with at least one gunshot wound. Witnesses said that at least 2 of the original 3 black males had returned and one then fired on the victim. The suspects then fled the scene on foot.

At this point, no suspects are in custody and no weapon has been recovered. Detectives from the Major Crimes Unit are investigating. We have not been able to rule out if this was gang-related or not. Detectives from the Sheriff’s Office Gang Unit will be assisting, as needed.

2:08 PM: We’ve just published a new update, with what a relative has told us about the victim.

54 Replies to "Update: Woman shot and killed in White Center"

  • Sara August 16, 2011 (4:47 am)

    I live on 12th & Trenton and they had cops on bl. For a while just sitting there. Hope they find killer..

  • Robby August 16, 2011 (4:50 am)

    Just drove by and saw the poor woman covered up in the middle of the street with a bunch of people watching. Go back to bed people and let her rest in peace. Such a young age to go.

  • adrienne August 16, 2011 (5:24 am)

    I heard this last night. It was really loud and I live by the new Denny/Sealth. That fact that I could feel it on 27th Ave makes me sick to think that a girl died. My heart goes out to the woman who died and her family. I really hope they catch the S.O.B. who without a second thought just took her life away from her so young.

  • CD August 16, 2011 (6:47 am)

    I live just on the other side of white center next to the new wonderful “Greenbridge Project,” where the homes have solar panels and painted bright colors and every few buildings there is a bright brand new mini playground for the kids. I can walk to that Bartells almost faster then driving. But i don’t. Not in the morning. Not in the middle of the afternoon, and especially never after dark. Bartells is just an example of course, point being this is a very convenient neighborhood, Zippys just moved in there, Big Al’s down the street, even the guy who runs the laundromat is trying real hard to make it feel welcome, coffee shops, all kinds of international eats and cultural opportunities in this area. They can upgrade this area all they want but untill we as citizens of white center stand up and demand some sort of violence and gang control we will never get to experience what it is like to live in a real neighborhood. A neighborhood where people can walk their dogs or take their kids for ice cream or just sit on a bench in a park and not worry about who you look at wrong can go a long way to providing some sort of peace of mind for our “community.” If we don’t start challenging our city, county, state officials and each other as community members to take action then we are merely settling for this quality of life instead of changing it.

  • toddinwestwood August 16, 2011 (6:58 am)

    When will the police, business owners and community come together to put a stop to all the crap going on in White Center?
    And those of you who are in “West Seattle” and will be immune to this disease, it will spill over and creep up into your neighborhood.

  • moved up August 16, 2011 (7:51 am)

    Very sad news. I used to live close to the scene and back then -2000 – I felt somewhat safe. Then I started having kids and wanted a better place and schools for them. Now we live in North Admiral, a safer neighborhood, but as toddinwestwood points out, crime can and will spill over unless we fight against it as a community.
    May the victim rest in peace.

  • AJP August 16, 2011 (7:56 am)

    CD, I live just north of Roxbury and walk with my daughter to Zippy’s, to Full Tilt, to the Asian grocery markets, to the Dollar Store, to the Steve Cox playground (through the swamp trail) and all over White Center. It’s a great neighborhood where in 10 minutes of walking I can reach a library (KCLS Greenbridge), a multitude of grocery stores, restaurants, three different playgrounds, restaurants, bakeries, etc. Westwood is a 15 minute walk away. Just yesterday we walked to that very same Bartells. I HAVE NEVER FELT UNSAFE WALKING IN THIS NEIGHBORHOOD. (Of course I’ve also traveled to places like Mexico and India and walked alone there so maybe I just have a higher tolerance for “interesting” places.) People can’t hide in their houses and demand “something be done.” That’s the point of the “Night Out” parties. Get out! Go for walks, make your presence known in the neighborhood! The more people who care about the community are out and about in it, the less thugs will think they have a place here.

  • datamuse August 16, 2011 (8:05 am)

    I’ve never had a problem on that street (Il Paisano is there, and it’s where I catch the bus to the airport) but I gotta admit I avoid it after dark.
    CD: so what’s your opinion on the possible annexation? Not being snarky, I really want to know. Because it seems to me that part of the problem is the area’s few deputies who are stretched really thin. I’m all for neighborhood activism and I love White Center, but I’m thinking you could use a stronger LEO presence too…
    Hope they catch the shooter.

  • sosorry August 16, 2011 (8:18 am)

    Whenever something like this happens its a the police’s fault. But if the police are proactive in trying to make areas safer no one likes that. Who was to know this woman would be shot by this person? This area is akin to a border town. SPD doesn’t patrol it – and King County is in charge. They are spread way too thin due to cuts and can’t do the kind of police work toddinwestwood expects. Why do you think its a dangerous place? As far as spillover WS is of course not immune. It already has its issues. But it also, thankfully, has SPD covering it. I hear CD’s comments loud and clear and White Center deserves a safe community.

  • bridge to somewhere August 16, 2011 (9:09 am)

    This is a very tragic loss of life. I’m sure more details will emerge, but the fact remains that despite the best wishes of community activists, this area has been and does remain a sort of border town. Crime is prevalent (and I find it ironic that AJP talks glowingly about Steve Cox park, which, of course, was named after a deputy who was murdered in the area), and frankly no reasonable person would stroll through the area after midnight. While this morning’s murder wasn’t about police per se, it makes sense to talk about police coverage when violence happens in our community. Actually, the Seattle border of this area is in a sort of little patrolled no-man’s land too–if you don’t believe me, count how many times you’ve seen an SPD patrol car heading down Roxbury. I think the community would be better served to have SPD and KCPD very actively patrol Roxbury and one or two blocks North/South. It probably wouldn’t stop folks from doing horrible things like what happened this morning, but it would serve to nullify the perception that this area is becoming lawless–a perception held by a number of citizens, and it’s plain to see, a number of criminals.

  • Jiggers August 16, 2011 (9:15 am)

    I lived in White Center for five years, I never had any problems living there, In fact, I kind of miss it. White Center is not as bad as other hoods in Seattle. Every area has its fair share of crime. No one is safe.

  • toddinwestwood August 16, 2011 (9:17 am)

    A dangerous place could be defined by:

    1. seeing open air drug deals while walking on 16th during the daytime.

    2. being asked if I would like to purchase drugs while walking on 16th.

    3. witnessing public drunkenness on 16th.

    4. Almost never seeing a King Co. police car anywhere in W.C.

    5. As of late, I think W.C. now has prostitutes. I cannot confirm it, but have seen some very fancy dressed ladies walking the same route up and down Roxbury from 15th to 17th. Though I am sure they were already there, probably less visable.

    6. Being told by one of the W.C. business owners that one of the “security guards” for a W.C. business happens to be one of W.C.’s biggest drug dealers.

    My family and I will not walk the 4 blocks to pizza and ice cream or hamburgers either. It is just too sketchy. Before anyone calls me out for “living in my home with the doors bolted and the shutters closed” we lived in Echo Park/Silverlake area of L.A. for 3 + years. I know what sketchy is.

  • DP August 16, 2011 (9:27 am)

    Per toddinwestwood:

    When will the police, business owners and community come together to put a stop to all the crap going on in White Center?

    —When White Center becomes part of Seattle. That’s when.
    King County police have been ignoring the place for quite some time now. All kinds of bums and thugs are now allowed to congregate there with impunity. You wanna fix that, White Center? Then get with Seattle, if they’ll still take you . . .

    P.S. AJP must be wearing prescription-strength rose-colored glasses, because he/she is not talking about the same place as the rest of us. Night-Out parties are great, but they won’t stop a bullet. A police presence will.

  • A August 16, 2011 (9:51 am)

    I would never live there. I don’t like going anywhere in WC. I don’t feel safe. That’s the truth and that’s how I feel.

  • 35this35mph August 16, 2011 (10:17 am)

    Next story down: Armed Robbery in Admiral.. There is no WS/WC divide. It’s all us, it’s all them…

  • samson August 16, 2011 (10:39 am)

    I totally agree with Toddinwestseattle. I have no choice to drive through this WC neighborhood instead of going to west seattle bridge. I do not hate WC as the community has been trying to improve BUT very SLOWLY….

    Almost everyday with my own eyes, I wish I could be hearing person and call 911 quickly almost each day at the traffic light on the 15th and Roxy early afternoon as why I see people do drug dealing, why I have seen girls and boys fighting or jump on them to tackle down. Why am I suffering see them doing stupid stuffs and drunk people hurt themselves, drivers hit passengers by jaywalking on the Roxy?? I am starting to feel disgusted daily as I see them at Target or Safeway. I wish I could say “hey, I saw you do drug dealing couple days ago and good job getting away…” I hope something could do better than this.

    God Bless you victim…. nothing more to say…

  • Adam August 16, 2011 (10:40 am)

    The open-air blatant drug dealing on 16th and 15th has gotten out of control. Basically every time I drive down that strip within the last few months (I live 4 blocks into Seattle) I see clear dealing going on. WTF?

  • CD August 16, 2011 (10:50 am)

    AJP: There is a difference between “interesting places” and Gang Members City! Also I find it hard to believe that your “spidey senses” never tingled even once as a parent or even walking alone in this area. Maybe you only walk around when the thug wannabes, hookers, drug dealers..aka “interesting people,” are sleeping! I admire your adventorus spirit however I hope for your sake you are not really that naíve

  • datamuse August 16, 2011 (11:10 am)

    This is why I asked the question above…KCSD just doesn’t have the manpower to patrol this area, it seems to me. I grew up in an unincorporated area (Silver Spring, MD, which would be the fourth-largest city in Maryland if it actually incorporated). One of the differences is it has its own police department.
    Mind you, I’ve seen everything toddinwestwood described, with the exception of number 6, in the International District on numerous occasions. Every so often SPD comes through and clears it out. A few months later they’re back again.

    • WSB August 16, 2011 (11:26 am)

      We have covered White Center, beyond what you see on WSB, since mid-2008, and to Datamuse’s point, KCSO doesn’t have the manpower to patrol many areas. It’s yet another case of cutbacks. The “storefront” office on 16th hasn’t had a dedicated deputy in a long time – it has a community-service officer, and that’s it. Theoretically, it’s another problem that annexation, by somebody, would solve – added law-enforcement officers. Burien is currently going through the process of looking at a financial analysis on whether it wants to proceed with annexing White Center, Boulevard Park, and most of the rest of the still-unincorporated area, since Seattle councilmembers indicated some months back that they don’t think our city can afford it. In fact, hours before the shooting, the Burien council was getting another briefing on the new financial analysis. There are strong opinions in WC on both sides – Burien or Seattle – but at the moment, the only city actively looking at the possibility of annexation is Burien. – TR

  • B-Flat206 August 16, 2011 (11:14 am)

    I live on 8th and Roxbury, it’s not the greatest area to live but it’s my home. I refuse to be scared and sit in my house and complain about all the bad sh*t going on outside! It’s not going to get better until we(the people of the community) make it better…This young girls death is a terrible thing but sadly it’s not the first and definitely won’t be the last. Stop waiting on the so-called law to protect you, take your streets backs. I am not afraid to walk anywhere in my community at anytime of day. As long as we let these “shady individuals” get away with this crap they will continue to take our power away…Stop complaining and start living!!!

  • fulltilt August 16, 2011 (11:15 am)

    “When white center becomes part of Seattle.” Seriously? Have you ever been to Belltown, The Cd, the Id, rainier, Southpark? Maybe if we had the income brackets of wallingford Seattle would help out here.

  • Steph in WS August 16, 2011 (11:29 am)

    The White Center community center is trying to help the community by doing lots of events. I was just there with people from my company down in Federal Way to clean up around the business on 16th. I wanted to do this because I live not far away and love this area. There was one business that was scary and had some really bad people in it. Those are the business that need to go. There also needs to be more police. If you think the community needs to come together than go and contact WCCDA and volunteer.

  • charlabob August 16, 2011 (11:30 am)

    Take back your city, your neighborhood, your block. We live in North Admiral — we would live in WC (or columbia city/rainier?) if we could afford to sell our house and move. Would I get a license to carry (I’m not telling you :-). Would I adopt or share a dog a little more scary than the Katskys? Maybe.

    The point is if an area means something to its residents, it doesn’t have to be turned over to the outlaws without a fight.

    — this also means sometimes you turn the other cheek or look away. If person A sells drugs to person B, I’ll work my ass off in general to create drug-free zones (including legalizing a lot of stuff). I won’t decide I don’t want to live there because of what Person A and Person B do. I will also work my ass off to make alternative *attractive* lifestyles available, especially to kids.

    When I worked with kids in Lowell, Ma. I had a very hard time explaining to them why they should accept legitimate minimum wage jobs over the more lucrative “street” possibilities. That’s when I realized these kids really didn’t expect to live beyond 20, so “It’s safer,” was just annoying.


  • marty August 16, 2011 (11:31 am)

    CD is right on. If the community doesn’t react WC is headed in the same direction as Detroit, Cleveland, DC, Newark, Philadelphia etc. South/Central Seattle isn’t the best either. The whole country needs to turn around while there still is a chance. Too many people are in total denial…

  • B-Flat206 August 16, 2011 (11:34 am)

    Exactly Fulltilt…Another reason why I support your business!

  • Deanie Schwarz August 16, 2011 (11:38 am)

    There are three on-duty (five total) deputies to protect and serve about 20,000 people in the unincorporated area of White Center. When other officers are available, they back up and increase patrols as needed, but more importantly, as they are practicably able. There is no longer any Storefront Sheriff’s Office in White Center and Boulevard Park *just* got their’s back after the severe budget cuts.

    There is a petition being circulated in North Highline to have the White Center KCSO Storefront restored. If people are interested in that petition, the North Highline Unincorporated Area Council has the information.

    The King County Sheriff’s Office had to make severe budget cuts which prevent the kind of police presence to protect and serve which everyone knows is needed.

    The tragedy is both the loss of this young woman’s life and the diminished public safety of a community.

  • RickB August 16, 2011 (11:39 am)

    I have also seen obvious open-air, broad-daylight drug dealing along 16th, along with prostitutes and public inebriation, just about every time I’ve been there.
    On another note, does anyone know what the police response and aid calls were about at Roxbury and 17th (by the Taqueria) on Saturday morning around 2:15?
    On annexation, when I first moved to White Center, I was for a Seattle annexation. But since my girlfriend bought a house in Burien, I’ve gone over to the Burien side. It may not have the cachet of Seattle, but at least they can keep their streets paved!

  • Deanie Schwarz August 16, 2011 (11:46 am)

    Since TR brought up the impact of annexation on public safety, Burien’s City Manager has initiated a feasibility study for Burien to establish it’s own Police Department. If North Highline were to proceed with annexation (which requires a decision of the Burien city council, as well as a vote of the people), the police coverage might potentially expand under a new Burien police department. But as TR pointed out, it’s all theoretical until it’s a done deal.

  • MountDave August 16, 2011 (12:09 pm)

    I live in West-Sea near WC and the area is definitely “interesting.” I’ve lived in some of the best neighborhoods in Seattle and I have to admit, I did feel safer.

    On the other hand…we never knew the neighbors very well, and were sometimes treated pretty badly because we were “the renters” and had (omg!) not-so-perfect cars. Out here, we enjoy close and generous relationships with our neighbors and feel a stronger sense of actual community.

  • AJP August 16, 2011 (12:49 pm)

    No, I’m not naive. I’m very watchful and careful, but I refuse to be scared back into my car and my house or into another neighborhood. I walk straight and tall and make eye contact with everyone I see and say hello in a friendly voice with a smile. I don’t wear head phones. When I walk with my daughter we sing songs and talk about everything we see. I know exactly why Steve Cox park was named that, but I’m pretty sure Deputy Cox would want me to take my daughter to that park and have a great time. I’ve gotten to know several of the local business owners and shop workers in the area, as well as many of my neighbors. When I walk around I take pictures of the graffiti and tagging with my phone and send it to the police. I talk to my neighbors (even the teenagers with the baggy pants!) about the recent uptick in tagging in the area. Do I walk with my daughter at night? No. Have I walked with my husband up to 16th for a date of pizza and ice cream and over to the skating rink at night? Yes. It’s not naivete that gets me moving around my neighborhood, it’s a desire to enjoy the resources it has and make it a better place.

  • Jiggers August 16, 2011 (12:56 pm)

    White Center is nothing compared to areas I’ve been in outside this state. It is a hard working ethnic community. Your goody two shoes high end Admiral District just had shootings several months ago, no place is immune to crime and violence.

  • Not scared August 16, 2011 (1:20 pm)

    Bummer. I love WC. The crime doesn’t scare me away at all because I don’t put myself in dangerous situations. I realize that not all shootings are random, but it seems that most are not, perhaps gang related, perhaps for other purposes. It seems to be the victims may have known the shooter, and are keeping mum (see original report) perhaps for fear of retaliation. Not sure why else they wouldn’t want to decline to speak further on the incident. I would probably feel more unsafe in WC if the violence was random, but that doesn’t seem to be the pattern here. Perhaps I am wrong. At any rate, I won’t think twice about going to WC when I want to go grab dinner or ice cream.

  • Amanda August 16, 2011 (1:22 pm)

    Such a tragedy to have another fatal shooting at 15th and Roxbury. That is one rough corner, anytime of day or night. Maybe it’s the bus stop, or the DSHS Building, maybe it’s the gas station or the mechanic’s garage. I’m not sure. All I know is that I am personally working on making WC a safe place to be. It’s takes a caring community to make a safe community. We must care about everyone and as 35this35 said, there is no WC/WS divide.

  • Jiggers August 16, 2011 (1:46 pm)

    Oh man…its not A rough corner. I’ve seen rougher corners in Hawaii. You guys have no clue. Get out so more. Seattle isn’t even that bad overall. I’ve walked down Rampart in L.A. before. Now there’s a place you don’t want to be in.

  • Mika August 16, 2011 (1:53 pm)

    I heard the whole thing and afterwords three guys ran past our house……

    • WSB August 16, 2011 (2:02 pm)

      If that’s true, I hope you have spoken to deputies.

  • higgins August 16, 2011 (2:07 pm)

    Bravo, AJP.

    I think it’s important to remember that relatively few violent crimes are random. Victims like the young woman who died last night are often already mixed up in shady business. That doesn’t make her death any less tragic, but it sounds like her chances of being a homicide victim were higher than average.

    So, yes, I would go ahead and stroll down the street, past the drug dealers and fancy ladies. You probably won’t get shot, and you’ll be letting them know you’ve got your eyes open.

  • Eric August 16, 2011 (2:15 pm)


    I think that is part of the problem with PC Seattle. If the police come out and say “we are looking for three black males” upfront then people like Mika would put 1 + 1 together.
    The police always say stay tuned for updates. Well if the updates come after I go to work, you won’t get anything until I get home.
    But they never say what the suspects look like if they are minorities and I won’t call just to say gee there were three black guys in front of my house just because a crime was committed up the street (that would be prejudiced). But I would call in three black guys if they said they were looking for three black guys. I am a minority and if you are looking for one of “us” I want to know about it and I hope they get caught.

    • WSB August 16, 2011 (2:22 pm)

      We’ve had this discussion here a hundred times. Yes, they do often mention race, and sometimes that’s all police say, and if they say it, we report it, and THEN somebody says “why did you say that?” and we explain that we will provide whatever information we can get from police, even if it’s just a fragment, like “pale skin” or “purple shoes” or “red car” … The full story on WCN had the sheriff’s deputy briefing with the info they had at the time – unedited. – TR

  • bluegirl August 16, 2011 (2:25 pm)

    Not Scared: “I realize that not all shootings are random, but it seems that most are not, perhaps gang related, perhaps for other purposes.”

    that doesn’t really ease the mind of people who happen to be in the vicinity when these ‘not so random’ shootings occur. my friend was at that bus stop last night when this happened. i had to go down there at 1am and pick her up because she was in shock.

    what i am wondering, is if the police talked to the group shortly before the shooting occured, dont they have a pretty good idea of which 3 were missing after the shooting.

  • LN August 16, 2011 (3:05 pm)

    My condolences to the friends and family of the victim. So sad to have someone taken so violently at a young age. Regardless of where you live, it can, will and/or has happened in your neighborhood. I hope she is able to rest in peace.

  • B-Squared August 16, 2011 (4:06 pm)

    I was supposed to take ST560 home from the airport on monday at 10:15pm. Apparently, ST560 does NOT go to west seattle anymore after some hour – it only goes to Burien Park & Ride even though the schedule i had printed out from their website said it did. the bus driver suggested i could take the 120 to 15th and Roxbury, then transfer to the 54. when i balked at that, he admitted that the bus drivers refer to that corner as Planet of the apes. i settled on taking ST560 to the light rail station, where i got off at University and took the 54 from there. good times. got home at midnight. sounds like i made the right call.

  • none ya August 16, 2011 (5:44 pm)

    Why is there not cope there NOW drove by sevral times today and lots gang memebrs where she was shot & not 1 officer!!

  • liss August 16, 2011 (7:12 pm)

    B Squared, the bus drivers then have poor taste in words and it doesn’t help the discussion right now to share it in my opinion. Glad you’re safe and that you have good intuition etc but- how does that comment help bring community together? My condolences to the family and friends of the deceased woman. My husband saw her body in the street last night as he drove by on his way home from rehearsal, emergency sirens coming from every direction. On my way downtown to work, an hour ago I saw a camerperson with a tripod on that corner filming the area. Has there been news coverage aside from WSB?

  • DP August 16, 2011 (7:30 pm)

    fulltilt, I know that you are against Seattle annexation because you’ll have to pay more in taxes, but this stance is actually hurting YOUR business.
    I was accosted by a thug right outside of your shop about three weeks ago. I’m not going to bring my family and friends to downtown White Center again until it gets some serious police protection, and it’s not going to get police protection as long as it’s in the never-never land of unincorporated KC.
    The Seattle budget may be a little stretched right now, but the KC sheriff’s department is stretched even further.
    So who you gonna call? Ghostbusters?

  • Not Scared August 16, 2011 (8:35 pm)

    Bluegirl, I totally understand where your friend was coming from. If I was scared of being in the vicinity of whatever crime/dangerous situation might or might not occur, I wouldn’t drive on the I-5, visit WC, go drink in Belltown, walk in crosswalks in the city of Seattle, etc. Quite frankly, I am not willing to limit myself in that manner, since the chances are very slim I will get shot/hit/stabbed. FWIW, my family members were violent crime victims, and somehow I guess that made less scared? Sounds opposite, but true.

  • Justin August 16, 2011 (10:08 pm)

    Dp, I am very sorry that you were accosted near my shop, but Seattle is not going to change that. Also, I am not against Seattle because of taxes. I am against Seattle because they destroy poor and minority neighborhoods. Take a trip to Hillman City. I own a business right on the edge of that neighborhood, and Columbia City. The main three blocks of Columbia have old fashion foot patrolling beat officers. Those three blocks are of the new, mostly white owned businesses. The high end boutiques and bistros are protected. Walk another half block, and Rainer Ave changes to Hillman City and is mostly recent African immigrant owned businesses. You will never see a beat cop there. You will see hookers and crack dealers working 24/7.

    Seattle is going to dump more low income housing into the area. Their building department will stop most new small building owners from opening. They don’t have enough police officers to patrol the streets now, let alone taking on White Center. Yes, something has to change. Seattle has already said they can not do it at this time, and Burien is our only other option, and we need to take it.

  • Cascadianone August 16, 2011 (10:43 pm)

    I think some facts need to be submitted to this debate:

    Fact #1- The Police/Deputies are not responsible for your personal protection, YOU ARE.

    Fact #2- A WA State Concealed Pistol License costs $55.25 and takes about 30 days to arrive by mail. You can apply in person at the Sheriff’s Office.

    Fact #3- Research supports the theory that criminals fear an armed citizenry:

    Fact#4- Normal folks RESPECT the Officer’s Badge. Criminals only FEAR the Officer’s gun. It is illegal for you to carry a badge if you aren’t a cop- it is perfectly legal for you to carry a gun. Do the math, people.

    Fact#5- When the victim’s friends won’t even speak with the police, you have a bigger problem than just a lack of police presence…

    Fact#6- Avoiding White Center will only hasten its decline. People who get out into the streets, proud, armed, unafraid- those people will turn WC around.

  • CD August 17, 2011 (5:00 am)

    So just to clarify I did not say I did not go to WC, I said I do not walk there. To me the idea of walking west on s102nd or even s104th or newly formed s100th (through fore mentioned new housing projects) is asking for trouble. My point is that it is a shame that an area so close with so much potential makes me want to park as close as I need to be to my destination in order to experience it. A neighborhood would make me feel like I was safe in my decision to walk the 10 minutes to run errands, (sidewalks would also help). Also if you re-read my original comment I never criticize or blame either SPD or KCPD, they have a tough and underappreciated job. I am saying that we all need to hold our public officials and each other as COMMUNITY MEMBERS responsible for what we expect our quality of life to be instead of waiting for some magic spell to fix it for us. It’s great to sing songs and talk about everything you see but to pretend there isnt a bigger problem here,(gangs, drugs, hunger, hookers) sounds like the passing on of naiveness to me.

  • AJP August 17, 2011 (12:47 pm)

    Excuse me, but did I say I didn’t see problems? Nope. I said I go outside despite the problems, in fact IN SPITE of them. I’m having a really hard time understanding your comment “It’s great to sing songs and talk…” which makes it sound like I’m doing nothing for our community in my perceived naivete. As a community member, I’m going out to take my streets back. What, pray tell, would you have me do instead? To me, I’m not waiting for a magic spell to fix it for me, I’m getting out and living my neighborhood the way I WANT it to be!

  • AJP August 17, 2011 (12:49 pm)

    In fact I said I take pictures of graffiti and send it to the police and talk to my fellow community members as I’m out walking around instead of driving in the isolation of my car.

  • liss August 17, 2011 (4:05 pm)

    @Cascadianone- If guns were harder to get, i.e. ILLEGAL, Sweetheart would likely be alive right now. Your logic is weak and rather insulting to suggest more guns when guns just caused this death of a young woman. More guns! are you serious, every jane and joe sixpack should be packing heat? seriously? I don’t trust people driving cause they’re on their phones and distracted and I certainly don’t trust most people with guns. drunk people with guns, uneducated people with guns, dumb people with guns, mentally ill (but undiagnosed) people with guns. GUns would be like cell phones. Let’s leave the guns to the Police who know what they’re doing.

  • Cascadianone August 17, 2011 (6:17 pm)

    Liss: Yeah, making drugs illegal really put the brakes on their availability in the streets! The Drug War has been failing miserably for FORTY YEARS now. You want to start a war on guns? How long will that take?

    Besides, cops do not have magical gun powers, they have training. You can get the same or better training at various local ranges and gun schools.

    Talk about insulting- you propose to treat us all like children and make us live in your silly little fantasy world. You would slap more rules and restrictions on everyone, erode existing State laws, trample our right to property, ignore the 2nd Amendment, when the vast majority of us are no threat to you! Meanwhile these rabid animals will still run around unchecked in our streets.

    Oh, I’m sure the cops will take their guns away if they ever find these thugs, but until then I will stay armed and vigilant, thanks anyway. Actually, I will stay armed and vigilant forever.

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