West Seattle Crime Watch: Admiral burglary

From Len:

Our house (in the 3000 block of) 46th Ave [map] was burglarized today between 4.30 pm and 5.15 pm (when my wife went to pick up our kids). The thieves made off with an iPad, a laptop, a bottle of vodka, some clothing, and some of my wife’s jewelry. They attempted to unplug the flat-screen TV but gave up for whatever reason. Most of the jewelry has only sentimental value and has been passed down through generations. The thieves used a blue canvas bag with the words AHLA on it to haul away their loot.

The thieves appear to have entered through an open upstairs window facing the alley between 45th and 46th aves. None of our neighbors saw much of anything, despite being outside at the time. One neighbor reported seeing a dark, late-model Cadillac with two caucasian males in it driving erratically near at the entrance to the alley on Hanford around 4 pm. Not clear if this is related. They could have been on foot as they didn’t take anything big.

As of an hour ago, they were awaiting police, so they could file a report.

Meantime, if you do see anything even somewhat suspicious, police reiterate, call 911 – that’s what led to an arrest on Beach Drive last week, reported by Beach Drive Blog.

7 Replies to "West Seattle Crime Watch: Admiral burglary"

  • Aman August 22, 2011 (8:58 pm)

    “The thieves appear to have entered through an open upstairs window facing the alley between 45th and 46th aves.”

    Did they use a ladder? If so, where did they get it?

    So sorry to hear of your misfortune.

  • SuperAwesome August 23, 2011 (8:17 am)

    I was wondering the same thing. How did they get in the 2nd story window without being noticed?

  • angelm569 August 23, 2011 (8:56 am)

    yes, more details about that would be helpful. I’m on 38th and hanford and very often leave windows open that would require ladders if someone wanted to try and enter…. If the thieves in the area actually climbed in using a ladder then i’m going to have to really re-think any windows open at all! Scary. I’m so sorry this happened to you and your family.

  • McGruff August 23, 2011 (10:41 am)

    Do not leave any windows open, ever. Pro tip: a barking dog (even a small yappy one) is your best deterrent along with alarm signs in the windows (even if you do not have a house alarm.) Burglars are looking for the easiest target. It’s similar to encountering a bear in the woods. You don’t have to run faster than the bear – just faster than the people you are with ;).

    Help take a bite outa crime! [CRUNCH!]

  • Len August 23, 2011 (11:11 am)

    To answer the questions, the house is a craftsman so there is a roof above the first story of the house that they climbed up on to hoist themselves into the second floor window. It must have been a small, athletic person as the window is very small. They probably had a second person helping them climb up. Then they went out the back door. The window faces the alley but I am surprised that no one saw them as there were a lot of people around. They were likely in the house for only a few minutes.

  • Paul August 23, 2011 (11:21 pm)

    I sit in my house with my windows open and winchester ready but they never come

  • foy boy August 24, 2011 (7:46 pm)

    During days when it is warm or hot out, you tend to see alot of homes with windows open. This maybe an atempt to keep the house cool. Solution is to put in airconditioning. You keep your house locked up tite and nice and cool.

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