New opening date for Admiral Safeway: August 11th

(Exterior signage going up this afternoon; photo by WSB’s Patrick Sand)
The official opening date and time is finally set for the new Admiral Safeway, which is close to complete, as you’ve noticed if you have driven by (or checked the construction webcam): It will open to the public at noon on Thursday, August 11th, Safeway’s Sara Osborne tells WSB. That’s ten days short of one year after the old store closed, three and a half years after first indication the store would be replaced, and one day earlier than the tentative opening date mentioned previously. More details about the opening festivities will be out soon, according to Osborne.

Other recent updates we’ve published regarding the redeveloped site (which is more than the store): Menchie’s Frozen Yogurt will join Umpqua Bank as a tenant in the new retail building north of the store along California SW, opening in September, and the 78-unit apartment project on the southeast side of the site will be called Element 42, with leasing scheduled to start sometime next year.

51 Replies to "New opening date for Admiral Safeway: August 11th"

  • Alvis August 3, 2011 (4:30 pm)

    Any chance our beloved J.P. Patches or some other Seattle TV legend will be at the Grand Opening?

    • WSB August 3, 2011 (4:55 pm)

      Safeway’s Sara Osborne, who’s been the main contact on the project team for the past few years, says they are still finalizing who’ll be there.

  • JanS August 3, 2011 (5:04 pm)

    Hallelujah..I’ve missed it. It looks awesome. It’s huge…and they are already stocking the shelves. They have also repaved the parking lot, and put up a beautiful wrought iron fence with brick pillars on the 42nd SW side, and next to the JITB drive through.

  • KatherineL August 3, 2011 (5:06 pm)

    I look forward to being able to go to the library and the store in the same trip. But (sigh) another round of learning where to find everything. I hope they’re going to have people available to ask for help.

  • gina August 3, 2011 (5:09 pm)

    I think they should have Jan S at the opening!

  • Max August 3, 2011 (5:42 pm)

    Nice building and nice stores going in, but it’s just the 78 unit apartment building with it. I wonder how many lanes we will need to add to California and Admiral to accomidate the added traffic attached to all these new projects? I can’t remember, didn’t we vote to keep high density out of this area some years ago. Honestly, I can’t remember.

  • Mack August 3, 2011 (6:27 pm)

    Now that the back parking lot is gone, where will all the Lafayette parents park to pick up their kids?

  • JanS August 3, 2011 (6:35 pm)

    Mack, they didn’t have it all this past year. I’m sure they figured it out.

  • JanS August 3, 2011 (7:51 pm)

    Gina – lol..I’ll be there quite enough, thank second refrigerator :)

  • bebecat August 3, 2011 (8:19 pm)

    I have sooooo missed my Safeway. The folks @ Jeff Sq have been nice and I love seeing the familiar faces of some of our old staff down there. But I have missed my Safeway. I remember when it was remoldeled back in the late 70’s…It was an adjustment just to deal with the new skinny lanes back then….Ha apts. and strange parking with elevators density density density.

  • Marc M August 3, 2011 (8:20 pm)

    Yum! Can’t wait to load up on corn syrup and lousy meat!

  • debbie August 3, 2011 (9:16 pm)

    Seems like just yesterday I went to the original grand opening there. I know I am dating myself. I think JP Patches may have been there. Late 50’s? My brothers and I loaded up on the free food – little frosted donuts. John Miori was the manager. I ended up working there in high school. They had a little cafe in the corner where the deli is now. You could pull a steak from the meat counter and bring it over – we would fry it up and serve it with french fries and salad.
    The good old days…

  • JanS August 3, 2011 (10:12 pm)

    debbie…deli isn’t in that corner anymore – lol. I have looked in the windows as best I can, and the place is just huge, cavernous, even. I’m thinking that they will be paying attention to quality to go with the newness for quite some time. And gelato…they’ll have gelato !! lol…

  • rbjacobs August 3, 2011 (10:48 pm)

    That’s cool. I’ll be pumping my funds into local grocery stores rather than nasty multinationals like safeway.

  • Kate K August 3, 2011 (11:01 pm)

    PCC has gelato – yum!

  • Sara August 3, 2011 (11:40 pm)

    I wish this was a Whole Foods! PCC (I love you, but..)and Metropolitan are too expensive, and Safeway doesn’t have a good selection of the brands I want (or good prices,if they do)….and no, Trader Joe’s stuff is not the answer. Their shelves are full of crap too, it just has cuter packaging.

  • Diane August 3, 2011 (11:44 pm)

    there will be 3 weeks of “Taste of Safeway”, should be fun to have samples of hopefully good healthy food; Safeway had posting on craigslist jobs last week, hiring a bunch of temps to give out food samples, starting on Aug 11; I would expect them to also have plenty of customer service folks on the floor to get us all oriented to the new store

  • Neighbour Jo August 3, 2011 (11:58 pm)

    1 question . Will BECU be returning to thr premises ??! We sorely need a BECU branch in the area ! Reaaly Really Really Really !!!!

  • JanS August 4, 2011 (12:56 am) say that PCC and Met Mkt are too expensive, yet in the same breath wish for a Whole Food, aka Whole Paycheck. Really? I say give the Safeway a chance…you may be surprised. I’m lucky enough to live right smack in the middle of all three, SW, PCC and Met Mkt…all within walking distance

  • Bill August 4, 2011 (6:34 am)

    Max and others, you’re so right about increased density problems. What with what has already developed in the way of multi-family projects plus what’s still in the near future pipeline (Spring Hill, 5020 California Ave, 101 units), we’re heading for that Capital Hill/Queen Anne Hill look. The reconfiguration of SW Alaska St. isn’t going to do anything to reduce traffic flow generated problems. But, hey, with the probable coming of the increased auto licensing fees, maybe, just maybe … naw, that won’t help anything except for the expansion of public transit. How about a S.L.U.T project for California Ave from end to end?

  • mightymo August 4, 2011 (7:12 am)

    At the Summerfest, I asked the person at the BECU booth (probably not an insider) about a BECU branch and she said that they definitely have plans for West Seattle at some point. There’s a lot of vacant spots now but with all these mixed-use projects coming up there’ll be even more options (even if we have to wait a while).

  • WMO August 4, 2011 (7:14 am)

    I am with Sara regarding WF’s. Their produce and meats are superior. I avoid the whole paycheck problem by knowing what things really cost. WF’s house brand is competitively priced, and without preservatives and other junk. I will shop safeway for the convenience, but not for most of my food.
    I always seem to need to shop more than one store anyway for all of my needs.

  • Robert August 4, 2011 (7:29 am)

    Congrats to the construction crews. Anything like this where they can go from demolition to being open for business in a year is awesome. If you look at the webcam you’d think no way will they be ready in 7 days.

  • Gina August 4, 2011 (8:32 am)

    amazonfresh has been great for the general items that aren’t carried at PCC, Baretell or Met Market, or require using a car to haul items home. I use it once a month for delivery, don’t have the parking hassle, and can walk from home to choose produce and protein items that I want to see before buying.

    What I missed at Safeway: The trash magazines at checkout. Great reading while in line.

  • SuperAwesome August 4, 2011 (9:04 am)

    Yay! Can’t wait for the new Safeway!

  • sun*e August 4, 2011 (9:36 am)

    Safeway is my first choice (love getting that 10 cents off per gallon of gas) “go to” store and I’ve really missed the convenience of having it in Admiral. I hate the parking debacle at the Jefferson Square store so I never go there. I sure hope the parking at the new Safeway in Admiral is good and smart. How unfortunate that a thing like parking would keep you from shopping at your favorite grocery store but it definitely has. Can’t wait to check out and shop at the new digs! :-)

  • JanS August 4, 2011 (10:26 am)

    Robert…living across the street (to the east) of the construction, I have had a pretty good view of the going’s on there. They work frantically. It’s always a jumble of activity, from 7am until they go home. Has truly been an amazing venture, esp. when the weather was so crummy!

  • BDD August 4, 2011 (10:27 am)

    I actually find PCC to be less expensive since I don’t buy all the impulse garbage promoted at stores like Safeway, nor all the impulse gourmet promoted by stores like Metro Market.

    Gotta love the gelato and pizza by the slice at PCC.

  • Taylor August 4, 2011 (11:04 am)

    Sooooooooo Excited to have Safeway re-open! wooo hoo!!!

  • Sara August 4, 2011 (11:06 am)

    JanS, when was the last time you were in a Whole Foods to shop? No offense, but I’m guessing your my Mom’s age, a lot of people her age have that “Whole Paycheck” idea stuck in their heads from years ago. They do have expensive specialty items just like Metropolitan, but they also have a lot of every day items that I can get cheaper than anywhere else. Some of their organic items are cheaper than the regular stuff at other stores.

  • RG August 4, 2011 (11:18 am)

    Safeway is my first choice as well. I think it’s still rated as the 2nd healthiest grocery chain in the US (right after Whole Foods). I hope all my favorite checkers come back as well.

  • WSfamily August 4, 2011 (12:29 pm)

    Oh how I have missed thee Admiral Safeway.. Jefferson Square is a nightmare!!

  • MSW August 4, 2011 (12:44 pm)

    My wife started using Safeway delivery after the Admiral store had closed and it’s been great. She’s going to continue using the service. No driving, parking and dragging the kids to the store. It’s been a great time saver.

  • todd_ August 4, 2011 (1:01 pm)

    The were 2 crosswalk accidents in the last year at the intersection of California Ave and Lander.. I understand zoning, etc but what I don’t understand is how such a large complex can be added across the street from an elementary school with kids as young as 5. This area was already congested when the old Safeway was there, now there is a bigger store, more retail, and apartments. Just seems like another accident waiting to happen. Hope I’m wrong. Last time I tried to draw attention to density/congestion/accidents at this intersection I got “the beat down.” I’m not trying to say people can’t live here.

  • Wally August 4, 2011 (1:30 pm)

    Is BECU going to be back in the new renovated Safeway? Need a location closer to the junctions.

    • WSB August 4, 2011 (1:52 pm)

      That’s earlier in the comment thread. No in-store branch. Just an ATM – TR

  • JanS August 4, 2011 (2:13 pm)

    todd…the accidents have nothing to do with Safeway, IMO…but everything to do with inattentive people. It’s hard to miss the store, so everyone pay attention, and slow down if you have to :)

  • CMT August 4, 2011 (4:37 pm)

    Gotta give a shout out to the much maligned Jefferson Square Safeway. The people that work there are great but no denying that parking lot is a pain.

  • JanS August 4, 2011 (4:50 pm)

    Robert…I just realized…the webcam was stopped at 8:54am on MOnday 08/01, so it’s no longer functioning…They removed the pole that it was attached to so they could finish with paving the parking lot. Guess you’ll just have to drive by and see the progress ;-)

    • WSB August 4, 2011 (5:07 pm)

      thanks, Jan, I had tried to get a grab from that camera when I first published this story yesterday – and noticed it hadn’t updated in a day or two – then Patrick got a pic of the crew putting up the new signage and I didn’t need it any more anyway so I didn’t check back – now I know there’s no reason to bother! We’ll have to revisit some of the great pix from along the way, though – I seem to recall Diane had some cool ones showing the “bones” of the Safeway as it was before the LAST remodel … TR

  • Max August 4, 2011 (4:57 pm)

    Yeah Bill, I don’t think people get it. I just hope the development slows a little. I have lived here since mid ’80’s, and I always tell people what a great place West Seattle is because it is so unique in that it feels like it’s own self-contained small town within a huge city, with it’s own identity, a little slower paced and easy going than the rest of the mega-crush-growth of Seattle. I welcome back Safeway, my only problem is with the 78 unit apartments. I mean, I don’t see 78 units above the Met or PCC. But then again, Safeway wouldn’t be developing 78 units and adding congestion to our neighborhood if it wasn’t affecting their bottom line in a positive way. Oh well.

  • Tony S August 5, 2011 (8:23 am)

    SO if we’re against further “density”, where are we supposed to put all the more people? Continue to strip the outlying areas of greenspace and forest to build more houses and cookie cutter apartments? I’m genuinely curious about your opinions on this: population continues to grow, since it seems to be everyone’s opinion that it’s a god-given right to continue to procreate. We have to put people somewhere. Managed density (since we all ready live in an urban, developed city) seems like the best answer. I understand clearly that this increases traffic and noise. But what alternative do we have? Just pushing it into someones elses neighborhood isn’t the answer.

  • Max August 5, 2011 (3:14 pm)

    Tony, I said that it was my “hope” that development would “slow a little”. “Cookie cutter apartments?” What do you call what’s going in above Safeway? And yes, if the city needs to grow, then “dense-up” other areas that actually have room to build, and fund light rail and other forms of proven mass transit while at the same time protecting greenspace. And what, you or maybe some community organizer should be given the authority to govern anybody’s right to have kids? (this isn’t China yet) And it’s not just the traffic. How many toilets flushing in one area before they tear up the streets and rebuild our 100 year old sewer lines. (like the one that caved in over by Hiawatha) But I guess they could regulate flushes too. I am just saying that it is my opinion that our little neighborhood is too small to handle much more growth. So honestly, should there be no restriction to it? Should we have 10 story multi-use apartments lining California from Admiral to Morgan, and a 4 lane road all the way like 35th? How bout we tear down Admiral Theater and build a Wal-mart. I mean, when would you, personally, say enough is enough?

  • JanS August 5, 2011 (8:50 pm)

    Sara…I was in a Whole Foods not too long ago. The one in Ballard. Age has nothing to do with it. Income does. And there’s none here, so I don’t go there.

  • denbol August 6, 2011 (9:08 am)

    All the building and all the traffic is sad. I don’t know what the answer is. No one does!!! People live in West Seattle because it is different…..than say Queen Anne or other dense neighborhoods. It will not be different for long. Hummm….1/2 hour or more to get from Morgan to Admiral. I spoke to two families this week that are thinking of moving because of the traffic getting out of WS.

  • Andrew August 6, 2011 (6:22 pm)

    Now will someone please get Jefferson Square to reverse the lanes in the parking lot? Cars should enter down the middle lane and then leave out the sides for an easy exit. We avoid the place altogether, but would probably go more often if they re-design that parking lot. Thanks for listening…

  • Melissa August 7, 2011 (2:11 pm)

    I hope the guy who sold kettle corn will be there! We LOVE his corn and so do our kids! Please kettle corn guy, come to West Seattle!

  • Bob August 8, 2011 (7:52 am)

    We all wished that Barb Fuda could have been there for the opening on this new store.The family would like to say thank you for all the love and support that you have show us durning these past couple months.We all miss her smile and her laughter as I know all her fellow employes and her customers will also.And a special Thank you to Safeway for honoring her the way you did.The family Bob,Melissa,Whitney,Tim and Little Conner

  • Kathy August 8, 2011 (9:33 pm)


    Those trash magazines at the checkout are the reason I quit Safeway. Notice they very frequently focus on the physical appearance of female personalities. They show them rear view, bent over with captions about their cellulite, or skeletally thin, having a bad hair day, coming out of rehab, or else airbrushed to “perfection”, then held up as the ideal feminine beauty. Try to raise a normal teenage girl with that crap plastered all over the media. If you’ve ever known anyone with an eating disorder you will not look benignly on those photos, they will infuriate you. Notice the guys don’t get nearly as much body disrespect in the media. I have suggested to Safeway in the past that they clean up their act at the checkstand, hopefully if they are trying to compete with the upscale stores in our neighborhood they will see the light. I think Metro Market, PCC, and Thriftway are terrific for not displaying these negative images everywhere.

  • Cows August 11, 2011 (6:08 pm)

    Why is anyone excited about this store? It’s no better than Walmart entering our small town. I’d rather buy quality, healthy food down the street at PCC. I will not support this chain.

Sorry, comment time is over.