The WSBeat: Teller’s hunch leads police to big haul, and more

By Megan Sheppard
On the WSBeat, for West Seattle Blog

From reports on cases handled recently by Southwest Precinct officers:

*On Monday just before 6 pm, a drive-thru teller was able to stall for time when a customer tried to cash a $5,000 check with a suspicious signature. She called the man who had supposedly written the check, and when he denied having done so, other bank employees called 911. An officer arrived and pulled in behind the suspect’s car. The suspect was ordered to turn off the ignition and drop the car keys to the ground. He did so, but while the officer was running a computer check, the engine started up and the car squealed out of the bank lot, nearly hitting a pedestrian. Continuing eastbound, the driver swerved into oncoming traffic and ran a red light, just missing additional pedestrians. Because a chase would have posed additional dangers, the officers opted to not pursue the fleeing car. But citizens later noticed a suspicious car in front of an abandoned house in the 5600 block of 31st SW. Officers identified it as the suspect’s vehicle. Behind the residence? A pile that included ID cards for more than 15 victims, stolen checks, washed checks, cell phone chip cards, a laptop computer, and a loaded Springfield Arms 9mm handgun stolen in a car prowl in north Seattle earlier in the month. The car and all of the property was placed into the evidence room. The suspects remain at large.

8 more summaries after the jump, including two cases of bullet casings found in local streets, and two updates on crimes previously covered on WSB:

*Multiple citizens reported hearing shots fired in the 5400 block of 31st early Thursday. A dark-colored SUV was seen leaving the area, and officers found four 9mm casings on the street in front of an address. They found no bullet damage to any homes. The casings were placed into evidence. Also Thursday, in the 4000 block of 45th SW, a citizen called 911 after she found three bullet casings in the street.

*Update on the shooting last weekend in front of a home in the 9700 block of 33rd SW: The report says the victim was first robbed of $1,100 and then shot in the leg and buttocks. (He had managed to deflect the gun from where it had been pointed – at his temple.) No arrest reported so far.

*Around 2 a.m. Tuesday, residents heard a man yelling for help from the greenbelt behind the 2100 block of Arch Ave. SW. Officers were led to an overlook at 41st and Hill and determined that the man was about 75 yards into the treeline and down a steep slope. Seattle Fire crew members were able to descend, find the subject and walk him back through the woods to safety. The 46-year-old had become disoriented after taking a walk on a nearby path. After losing his shoes, wallet, and house keys he decided he had better call for assistance. Medics determined he had no serious injuries, so officers drove him to his home a couple of blocks away.

*Around 6 a.m. Thursday, near SW Alaska and Fauntleroy Way SW, someone threw a rock through the window of a cab and hit the driver in the face, causing bruising and swelling that had to be treated by medics.

*Thursday around 8 p.m., officers were sent to investigate reported juveniles drinking and open containers in the 5000 block of SW Genesee. Nineteen of the twenty juveniles were let go. One was a prolific car thief mentioned before in this column, and officers found that he was wanted for driving with a suspended license. The 18-year-old was booked into King County Jail for the warrant.

*Around 9:30 Friday of last week, four men came in through the rear door of a High Point-business, displayed a handgun and demanded money. After being told repeatedly that there was none on site, one suspect struck an employee in the head, causing deep gashes and blood. They finally left empty-handed. A K9 track ended at 35th and Morgan and no suspects were located. The victim later discovered that his laptop had been stolen during the attack. (The holdup was previously covered here.)

*Just after 1 a.m. Tuesday, at a bus stop near 35th and Avalon, a 27-year-old man asked a 66-year-old man in the shelter when the next bus would arrive. In response, the older man, who was drinking a beer, punched the victim in the face and accused him of theft. Bystanders confirmed that the younger man had not started the incident. The intoxicated suspect was taken into custody and transported to Harborview for detox.

*Two 44-year-old men have caused so much trouble at a Junction-area apartment that they are being evicted. Around 8 p.m. Wednesday, the intoxicated pair were banging on walls and were seen waving a hatchet around inside their unit. Officers arrived and calmed them down but had to return almost immediately after they began to threaten neighbors. The two were booked into King County Jail for investigation of harassment, but not before one deliberately wriggled out of his pants and walked “proudly” around the precinct holding area showing off his front and rear assets.

WSB Editor’s Note: The WSBeat has an archive category of its own. We also continue to publish crime reports the rest of the week, when we get tips or hear noteworthy incidents via the scanner, so don’t be shy about letting us know when you see/hear something happening.

7 Replies to "The WSBeat: Teller's hunch leads police to big haul, and more"

  • WayToGo July 24, 2011 (11:16 am)

    Great job teller. I love people who use their instincts. Just wish there were two cop cars, so they could have book-ended the guy. Have no fear, he WILL be caught. Good job all’round.

  • WayToGo July 24, 2011 (11:18 am)

    P.S. Wonder, when the guy is caught, if all the pedestrians who were narrowly hit could file a civil suit against the guy for attempt to commit bodily injury, in hopes they could get a settlement that would prevent this AH from driving a car ever again!

  • mm July 24, 2011 (11:50 am)

    What does that mean, “after the jump”?

  • JoAnne July 24, 2011 (1:53 pm)

    Always like to read M. Sheppard’s reports on the doings of baddies in W Seattle. Great to have her on the beat for WSB!

  • ummm July 24, 2011 (2:29 pm)

    At the end of the WSBeat article on the main paig it only had one story, then a link to the others. The link would be the jump. They were referring to more stories in the link, aka ‘after the jump’.

  • Foy boy July 24, 2011 (3:53 pm)

    What bank did this happen at? Or was this in a part of the story I missed?

  • Bill July 25, 2011 (7:50 am)

    With all of the evidence left behind along with the car itself, it shouldn’t be too much of a who-done-it problem to positively finger and eventually apprehend this low-life bagworm.

Sorry, comment time is over.