80 mph on the West Seattle Bridge, and other recent citations

The Seattle Police SPD Blotter website has just published a couple rounds of highlights from recent activity by the Aggressive Drivers Response Team, including an 80-mph citation on Sunday on the West Seattle Bridge. That’s in this roundup; here’s another new roundup, with activity last week on the bridge and on SW Roxbury (plus a few non-West Seattle spots). P.S. SPD will have some news a bit later this morning; early today, their Twitter feed suddenly morphed into a fast-moving stream of activity, somewhat similar to the Seattle Fire Department’s online 911 log, and they’re explaining it at a media briefing right now.

15 Replies to "80 mph on the West Seattle Bridge, and other recent citations"

  • alki guy July 26, 2011 (11:06 am)

    Duplicate links posted..80 mph not shown. Good job spd!!!

  • rockergirl5678 July 26, 2011 (11:39 am)

    I traveled between West Seattle and Magnolia last Sunday around noon and counted 6 cops on speeding patrol between here and there! Made sure I was extra careful to not speed or violate the bus lanes! Be careful out there folks!

  • T July 26, 2011 (11:57 am)

    80 is ridiculous. I speed on I-5 and don’t hit 80. I hope they lose their license for a while.

  • lucky chick July 26, 2011 (12:13 pm)

    Good job, SPD! Get ’em all! Especially the cell-phone yappers (second only to outrageous speeders in how dangerous they are, IMO).

  • 365Stairs July 26, 2011 (12:26 pm)

    Have a little self-discipline to control your right foot pressure…because it is the right thing to do! I’m guessing…most of us have this in our minds behind the wheel…

    Lacking that…violators of 25+ over the limit should be faced with a much bigger fine OR installing speed “governers” to limit them to just 60…one year sentences…call it a mobile “boot”…sort of like the old breath-a-lizer to blow into for dui offenders…

    If they try to remove the unit…their cars don’t work period…

    It’s a hogwash pipe dream to think this can go away…too many fearless kids and undisciplined adults out there…

    Keep it up SPD!

  • Mike July 26, 2011 (12:37 pm)

    Love the fact they are catching these idiots on their cell phones while driving

  • Donn July 26, 2011 (1:15 pm)

    Wish they would at least post the speed limit on SW Roxbury west of 17th. There are no signs.

  • J July 26, 2011 (1:29 pm)

    What does 2nd & 3rd degree violations mean pertaining to suspended licenses? I assume multiple violations. How are they still on the road?!

  • West-is-Best July 26, 2011 (1:29 pm)

    Thought I saw Ricky Bobby driving fast on the bridge with a cougar and shouting “Shake and Bake”!
    Seriously, you Ricky Bobbys out there, slow down because speed does indeed kill.

  • Question Authority July 26, 2011 (5:59 pm)

    I don’t understand why the speed limit on the bridge is only 45. I mean it’s three lanes with Jersey barriers on both sides. In LA, the same stretch of road would average 80mph in heavy traffic. Is it because all the Volvo and Subaru wagons drivers panic above 35mph?

  • metrognome July 26, 2011 (6:49 pm)

    QA — it is NOT a freeway and if LA is your example of how we should do things …
    This is a short stretch of road with several on-ramps, several off-ramps, lots of semis and buses and lots of high-speed weavers who make lane changes at the last minute to cut in front of people who have patiently waited in line. If those extra few seconds of your time are that important, buy a helicopter.

  • Renaissance Red July 27, 2011 (5:39 am)

    would be nice to see the cops during the weekday morning commute…. Especially in the 45 to 35 mph area between the WS bridge and I-5 since NO ONE bothers to read the POSTED speed limit signs.

    I get tired of having some speed demon ride my bumper through this stretch….seriously, slow it down.

  • anonyme July 27, 2011 (6:32 am)

    I’m with Metrognome. The last thing we need around here is an “LA” model for traffic. In fact, Californication may be part of the problem. Yesterday on 35th the speeding was so bad that the radar display couldn’t even register the speeds – it would wildly blink red for a split second before the speeders were long gone. Excessive and/or repeated speeding should be rewarded with excessive punishment, including self-paid jail time.

  • WS commuter July 27, 2011 (9:41 am)

    J – “2nd degree” and “3rd degree” DWLS offenses don’t necessarily refer to multiple offenses – they refer to a person’s driving license status of suspension with DOL. There are different ways to get there, but usually DWLS 2 means you lost your license for a period of time due to various reasons which might include a DWI, or lack of insurance, or as you suspect, multiple violations. Usually a DWLS 3 means someone who is suspended, but now eligble to get reinstated (usually dependant on paying traffic fines), but hasn’t gotten reinstated yet.

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