West Seattle, Washington
11 Tuesday
In West Seattle Crime Watch tonight – two reader reports. First, from Mike:
My house at 32nd and Roxbury [map] was burglarized for the second time in 4 months (Monday). The first time, the neighbor reported seeing a primer-gray mid-’80s pickup truck in my driveway during the burglary but thought it was a friend. The second time, no one saw anything; however, the thieves stole a black powder musket and 3 cameras and smashed a window to get in. The black powder musket was in a Flambeau case, and they broke one of the latches that close the case in the process of stealing it.
Next, a scam, also out of the WSB inbox: J&J tell the tale of what a friend fell for; even if you think you would know better, you might want to warn your more-trusting friends and relatives. Read on:Read More
(Photos by Torin Record-Sand for WSB)
A great start tonight for the Admiral Neighborhood Association‘s 2011 Summer Concerts at Hiawatha series – hundreds of people out to enjoy the perfect weather, good company, and The Gothard Sisters:
As ANA president Katy Walum had recently announced, the Beloved Mexico food truck was there too – a new feature so concertgoers can buy dinner if they’d like to, as frequently requested in the past:
The KidPicks truck from PCC Natural Markets (WSB sponsor and a major sponsor of the concert series too) is back again this season with tasty, healthy treats to sample:
And the portable edition of Full Tilt Ice Cream “bike” was there (ice-cream bars and Otter Pops):
What about the music, you ask? The Gothard sisters dance and play instruments as well as singing – (updated) here’s some video:
And make plans for the next five Thursday nights, 6:30 pm – next week, again on Hiawatha’s east lawn, it’s Massy Ferguson; August 11th, the series takes a brief beach break with an Alki show for Yogoman Burning Band; then 8/18, 8/25, and 9/1, it’s back to Hiawatha – full season slate here. (WSB is proud to be among the sponsors that help ANA bring this family-friendly fun to the community for free; see the full sponsor list on the right side of the schedule page.)
With all the coverage of the demolition at the old Denny International Middle School site, it’s gone almost unnoticed that the new Denny, adjoining Chief Sealth International High School, is almost done. Tomorrow, we get a sneak peek inside the new Denny – so last night, we stopped by for a few exterior photos, including the basketball court and playfield:
The new Denny faces SW Kenyon, and its parking/bus dropoff-pickup entrances are separate from Sealth. You can find out more about the project here, and we’ll have many more details after tomorrow’s interior tour.
Sightline Institute, which advocates for sustainability, recently set out to find out where in the Northwest it’s against the rules to hang your laundry out to dry. With help – including Diane‘s thread in the WSB Forums – they discovered several communities, including the High Point development here in West Seattle – a place where clotheslines aren’t allowed, though “green” features abound. Sightline says the ban is a missed opportunity for saving a significant amount of electricity. So why isn’t outdoor laundry-drying allowed at High Point? We asked the Seattle Housing Authority, which manages the development, and spokesperson Virginia Felton sent a lengthy reply – including word that the policy might be up for reconsideration:Read More
The first Blue Angels plane to arrive in Seattle will get here Monday morning (with the rest arriving Tuesday), as reported here earlier this week; Monday’s the day they take selected media and community leaders up for a ride. And South Seattle Community College just sent word that SSCC instructor Heidi Lyman is one of those community leaders. She’s a former aerospace engineer described as “exuberantly passionate about math” and expecting she can incorporate that into what she takes away from the flight – SSCC’s announcement quotes Lyman as saying, “I often talk about the equations of motion in space as position, velocity and acceleration, using examples such as bike riding, skiing, sky diving and bungee jumping,” explained the former aerospace engineer. “A flight with the Blue Angels will be an incredible example to use!” She’s set to go up at 11 am Monday.
At the King County Courthouse downtown, we’ve just left the courtroom of Superior Court Judge Joan DuBuque, where jury selection is now complete for the trial of Brandon Chaney and Bryce Huber, after prospective jurors went through almost two full days of questioning. Eight women and six men comprise the fourteen-juror panel (12 jurors and two alternates) who remained in the courtroom after the rest were dismissed. Huber and Chaney are on trial for the February 2009 West Seattle shooting death of 26-year-old Steve Bushaw; two others, Danny O’Neal and John Sylve, have pleaded guilty. The trial is now in recess until 9 am Monday, when prosecutor Jeff Baird and defense lawyers Tony Savage (for Huber) and Jim Roe (for Chaney) are scheduled to begin opening statements.
MONDAY MIDDAY NOTE: Opening statements haven’t started, after all – one of the jurors had to be excused from the case, and they are going through a new pool of jurors to select a replacement. That’s expected to take the rest of the day.
Various updates this afternoon as the biggest Seafair events get closer – for one, Metro has issued a transit advisory for Saturday, including some West Seattle bus routes- plus, the Museum of Flight is out with more details of its “Blue Angels Week” activities while the Navy flyers are based there next week (just over the ridge from West Seattle) – and more – click ahead!Read More
As reported here previously, SDOT is planning “>a “rechannelization” for SW Alaska from The Triangle to The Junction – adding a bike lane and transit lane, and reducing the lanes used by other vehicles as well as removing some street parking. Most recently, we mentioned a public-comment period is under way. SDOT has told WSB they are NOT going to have a public meeting solely devoted to this proposal as they’ve done with two previous “rechannelization” plans (Fauntleroy Way and Admiral Way). The city feels it does not need a public meeting because it already has done “extensive outreach,” according to SDOT’s Jonathan Dong – so if you have something to say, e-mail him before the weekend’s out (July 31 is the deadline, jonathan.dong@seattle.gov). SDOT reps are also expected to be available to talk about it at tonight’s West Seattle Candidates’ Forum at South Seattle Community College‘s Brockey Center (southeast side of campus, 6000 16th SW), with community tabling and ice cream at 6:30 pm, candidates and issues at 7:30 pm.
9:55 AM: If you haven’t headed toward downtown (or beyond) yet – you might want to wait. We were on the eastbound West Seattle Bridge for a while around 9 am and it was worse than usual for that time; then, heading back en route to cover the Morgan Junction crash, it had worsened by 9:20 am – probably because of what’s listed on the 911 log as a crash on northbound I-5 at Spokane. 10:22 AM: We’re adding a larger version of the “live” bridge cam, so you can check it for updates.
(First photo added 9:44 am)
9:22 AM: Fire and police are responding to a “heavy rescue” call at 42nd and Morgan. More as we get it.
9:38 AM: The crash is on Morgan east of 42nd – so the Fauntleroy/California intersection area is not affected, but Morgan is blocked off at 42nd (which is just east of West Seattle Thriftway, whose entrances/exits are NOT affected).
(Photo by Christopher Boffoli for WSB)
9:44 AM: Crews on scene tell us the woman driving the car has gone to Harborview; she was alone in the car. As you can see from photos, it hit poles and has taken down wires – the 41st/42nd/Morgan area is likely to be blocked off for hours to come – City Light is en route to evaluate. We are told the driver’s injuries are NOT life-threatening.
11:13 AM: Tow truck and City Light were on scene when we stopped by a short time ago, so cleanup is under way, but it’s still blocked and the 128 bus is being rerouted – check with Metro for the latest. (Video added above.)
Your ballot for the August 16th election could arrive as early as today, since King County Elections had planned to mail ballots yesterday. That makes the timing perfect for tonight’s West Seattle Candidates’ Forum, one of several big events from the WSB Events calendar:
SEATTLE PUBLIC SCHOOLS SIGNUPS: Community Resources on Wheels comes to West Seattle again today to help parents register their children for school and get information on a variety of Seattle-area resources for families. The bus will visit from 11 am – 2 pm at High Point Neighborhood House, 6400 Sylvan Way. Parents and caregivers who plan to enroll their student in school should bring the following: Birth Certificate (K-1st grade only); immunization information; current proof of Seattle residence (utility bills, lease, DSHS; shelter/transitional housing letter); admission form (parents can fill out in advance at seattleschools.org or it will be available on the bus) and photo ID of parent/guardian. For more information, visit the website or call the SPS Service Center at 206-252-0760.
WS DEMOCRATIC WOMEN: Warm up for tonight’s forum with the West Seattle Democratic Women’s lunch meeting at the West Seattle Golf Course (4470 35th SW). The Pre-Meeting Discussion Group meets from 10:30-11:15 am; subject is “How to have good quality of life in this time of economic stress and deficits?”. Registration is from 11:15-11:30 am with the Meeting/Program from 11:30 am – 1 pm. County Councilmember Joe McDermott and Port of Seattle Commissioner Gael Tarleton, along with representatives from both sides of Seattle Referendum #1. Endorsements will then be considered by the membership for all remaining un-endorsed applicable candidate positions and issues. Members $12; non-members $15 or a minimum fee of $5 which includes coffee/tea & dessert. If you have a question or wish to make a reservation, please contact WSDW (206.935.3216 or wsdwomen@yahoo.com) ASAP. For more specific and up-to-date information, see WSDW’s website.
VOICE YOUR VIEWS! West Seattle Candidates’ Forum at South Seattle Community College’s Brockey Center. Starts with ice cream social (donations to West Seattle Food Bank) at 6:30 pm; forum at 7:30 pm. Full details here.
SUMMER CONCERTS AT HIAWATHA: First concert tonight! 6:30 pm on Hiawatha’s east lawn (photo above from a past-season concert), featuring the Gothard Sisters. Free; bring your own blankets/chairs. More details on the Admiral Neighborhood Association website.
DESIGN REVIEW TIMES TWO: Southwest Design Review Board meeting for two projects, Nova and an Avalon Way proposal, 6:30 pm – 8 pm at Senior Center of West Seattle, details here
ZERO TO 13.1: West Seattle Runner (WSB sponsor) hosts an Information Night for its next Couch-to-Half-Marathon training session, getting ready for the Amica Seattle half-marathon in November. 7 pm (3727 California SW).
BRITISH LEGENDS AT KENYON HALL: At Kenyon Hall(7904 35th Ave SW): The legendary British political songwriter Leon Rosselson, with Robb Johnson. They appear together one night only, in a jaunt through the decades from That Was The Week That Was and the satire boom of the sparky sixties to the curdled present, evoking the spirit of the times through song and story. Reserved table seats are $14. Row seating is $12 general and $10 seniors. With a reservation, row seating is only $10 general and $8 seniors. Elementary, middle, & high school students are $5. Pre-school children are free, and Root Beer Floats are still only a buck. To make a reservation, please e-mail kenyonhall@earthlink.net with your request; you’ll receive an e-mail confirming your reservation.
IN THE JUNCTION TONIGHT: Shop Late Thursdays in The Junction, till 9 pm; participants’ list here … Gin Creek plays blues, rock, and Americana at The Poggie Tavern (4717 California Ave. SW), 9:30 – 11:30 pm.
It’s a first for the Rotary Club of West Seattle – a fun-draiser bringing together premium wine and chocolate – and with one week to go until the August 4th event at Salty’s on Alki, the lineup is set: ‘O’ Wines, DeLille Cellars, Hedges Family Estates, Goedhart Family Estates, La Coye, Two Brothers, Baron’s V, Hestia Cellars, Fat Cork, JM Cellars, Rasa, Theo Chocolates. Plus live jazz/blues music, hors d’oeuvres, and a live/silent auction, all supporting scholarships for local youth, the 38th annual Children’s Holiday Shopping Spree, and other humanitarian work. Major discount for signing up before next Thursday’s 5:30 pm event – you can register online right now. (The official poster/flyer can be seen here.)