West Seattle Crime Watch: Stolen-car case with a familiar name

By Tracy Record
West Seattle Blog editor

One week ago, a sizable police response at Admiral Chevron caught a few eyes, and brought in a few tips. Getting info on what happened wasn’t easy, even though the topline turned out to be fairly simple: Police spotted a car that turned out to have been stolen, and arrested the man they found at the wheel. But it turns out there’s a lot more to this story, because of who that man is.

You might remember the name Skyelar Hailey (February 2009 mug shot at right), who first made news here for a burglary case two and a half years ago in North Admiral, downgraded to a trespassing conviction, with sentencing in April 2009 that mostly involved community service. That was by no means his first or last brush with the law. He is in jail right now, status “bail denied,” on three issues. Besides the arrest last week, there is a probation hold that traces back to the trespassing case, and a White Center stolen-car case from May that’s still pending. Read on:

The King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office charged Hailey on Tuesday with possession of a stolen vehicle and making or having vehicle-theft tools, in connection with the arrest last Thursday in West Seattle.

Here’s how court/police documents tell the story: Police passing Admiral Chevron last Thursday afternoon ran the plates on a red 2000 Honda Civic del Sol seen at one of the pumps, and it came up as having been stolen a week earlier from the University District. In the driver’s seat, engine running, was Hailey. Two other people were standing outside the car talking to him, according to a police report, but police determined they were not involved, and weren’t arrested. Police say they found “several shaved vehicle keys of Japanese-make autos” in Hailey’s possession. The car was still running and while police managed to finally turn off the ignition, they couldn’t get the key out, which, their report says, “indicat(es) that the key did not belong to the vehicle. The vehicle was towed from the scene with the key still stuck in the ignition.” Hailey was taken to jail.

The scenario was similar in the most recent case pending against him before last week’s arrest: Hailey was arrested on May 10th in the unincorporated area south of White Center, according to court records. A King County Sheriff’s Deputy had tried to pull him over; he bolted, but was caught. The car he was in belonged to a resident of the Nia Apartments at the Greenbridge development in northern White Center; its owner didn’t even know yet that it had been stolen – she had left it in a “secured” parking garage at her apartment building. The report in this case says he was in possession of the same type of “shaved” keys, for multiple makes of cars.

After his arraignment in the White Center case, online records show, King County Superior Court Judge Mary Roberts granted his lawyer’s request to allow Hailey out of jail on “personal recognizance.” He had been behind bars 16 days when he got out on May 26th. He was supposed to participate in the CCAP program – but, records show, didn’t show up, so a $10,000 “failure to appear” warrant for his arrest was issued on June 6th. And that was part of what police found in the system when they found Hailey in the stolen Civic at Admiral Chevron a week ago.

Overall, the report in the new West Seattle case summarizes Hailey’s history as “17 arrests on record in Washington State, with additional arrests in Oregon and California. … six felony convictions in Washington, including Burglary 2, Residential Burglary, Theft 1, Theft 2, plus 2 for Harassment/Previous Conviction or Threats to Kill. He also had several gross misdemeanor convictions, including two for Criminal Trespass 1.” Arrest forms for this year’s two cases show him listing a Burien address, though he previously had lived in West Seattle.

Our previous reports would take hours to recap, but here are a few: He spent about half a year in prison after pleading guilty to burglary and theft in October 2009 (WSB coverage here); the case involved the theft of a purse at West Seattle High School and stealing from a nearby acquaintance’s home. After he finished that sentence, he was back in court early this year (WSB coverage here) because he hadn’t shown up for some of the community service he was supposed to do; the judge told him to finish it by June 1st, and released him from jail, where he had spent eight days.

So what next? He is scheduled to answer the newest charge on July 11th.

35 Replies to "West Seattle Crime Watch: Stolen-car case with a familiar name"

  • Neighbor June 30, 2011 (1:34 pm)

    As an Admiral resident and a taxpayer what is it going to take to put this man behind bars for good? He has chosen not to be rehabilitated. 17 arrests in this state alone!
    I am very thankful to SDP for keeping an eye out, since wherever he seems to be there is always something askew. He is a threat to the social compact civilized people live by.

  • Alki resident June 30, 2011 (1:40 pm)

    Just WOW.

  • JanS June 30, 2011 (1:48 pm)

    this guy’s a real piece of work. Time to keep him locked up, as his “personal recogizance” means nothing to him. Perhaps a two year stint on a chain gang, doing some hard labor, will show him how crime pays. Letting him out to do what he does over and over ain’t workin’ !

  • Surprise! June 30, 2011 (1:48 pm)

    So, any more loving girlfriends want to chime in to say how misunderstood poor Skyelar is?

  • sam-c June 30, 2011 (2:06 pm)

    when I opened the WSB cover page, I thought there was a new feature, definition of the day with added photo for reference. I thought, that’s funny, I didn’t realize WSB started allowing profanity on their page, much less providing definitions….

  • Traci June 30, 2011 (2:10 pm)

    ugh :(

  • Cowpie June 30, 2011 (2:14 pm)

    I’ve said this before… We have 7 billion people with a growth rate that science says is unsustainable. If you can’t play by the rules we need to remove you; and I don’t mean life in jail.

  • kim June 30, 2011 (2:15 pm)

    I saw most of this go down as I got some gas. Seriously, the noise that car made–and the driver seemed to be showing it off to the other two guys–was so horrific, it hurt! I almost said something. He screeched out of the Chevron and then into the 7/11 lot. After I filled up, drove out and back around, I saw the police had him on the ground under that souped-up screecher. Had no idea. The noise it made–I swear–he was looking to get caught.

  • Dave June 30, 2011 (2:16 pm)

    “As an Admiral resident and a taxpayer what is it going to take to put this man behind bars for good?” Stop voting for the same soft on crime judges and politicians!

  • Anomie 2 June 30, 2011 (2:19 pm)

    Does the zebra ever change its stripes? It’s a basic philosophical question. Progressive-liberals (the majority here in West Seattle) always come down on the side of rehabilitation–until it affects them personally. I like to believe people can change, but the odds are against that ever happening. Too many stories like these prove the point.

  • CandrewB June 30, 2011 (2:26 pm)

    Unfortunately, as has been proven time and again, unless you commit violence, you’ll never really see the inside of a cell for an extended period, no matter how many times you are arrested. Unless of course you find a way to really make the powers that be look bad.

  • mookie June 30, 2011 (2:34 pm)

    Did Superior Court Judge Mary Roberts not have access to his lengthy record information when she let him out on PR, or does she need to be voted out next election? Good lord. This “kid” has had MORE than enough chances to stay out of trouble, and he keeps showing what he thinks of them —and the rest of his fellow citizens.

  • DW June 30, 2011 (2:45 pm)

    What does it take to lock this guy up for good?

  • csw June 30, 2011 (2:46 pm)

    “King County Superior Court Judge Mary Roberts granted his lawyer’s request to allow Hailey out of jail on “personal recognizance.” Is the judge as insane as the criminal? Out on personal recognizance? Please remember the name Mary Roberts, King Co. Superior Court Judge next election, and vote for someone else. I don’t know how many judges let these hoodlums off, but it’s WAY TO OFTEN!! Good job West Seattle Police.

  • smokeycretin9 June 30, 2011 (2:54 pm)

    we should give him another chance. Society has let him down.

  • JanS June 30, 2011 (2:57 pm)

    Perhaps we should all be writing letters, making phone calls, sending emails to the powers that be…as Admiral/Alki community members, stating how we feel about this guy. Think it would have an impact? Irukandji? Got any suggestions?

  • Norma June 30, 2011 (3:29 pm)

    As a victim I still have nightmares that he is breaking into our house in the middle of the night. I don’t know what the answer is for Skylar. Prison doesn’t seem to change him the way we wish it could and of course he always gets out. Our desire has always been that he will wake up and see the error of his ways.
    Thanks WSB for keeping us informed.

  • WSB June 30, 2011 (3:49 pm)

    Sam-C, what are you referring to? What profanity?

  • Kris June 30, 2011 (3:53 pm)

    What happened to 3 strikes? I REALLY LIKED that idea.

  • sam-c June 30, 2011 (4:05 pm)

    sorry that was a joke (too obtuse) –

    you know, you’d expect to find that photo next to the definition for …….. fill in the blank

  • Recall McGinn June 30, 2011 (4:59 pm)

    I happened upon Skyelar’s MySpace page:


    Obviously, he needs a good role model.

  • Mr Magoo June 30, 2011 (5:39 pm)

    I hope the Officers didn’t use any profanity when they arrested Skylar or they would be looking at 15-20 days off. How ironic….their punishment would be worse than all of skylar’s combined because it actually involves monetary loss.

  • informed June 30, 2011 (6:09 pm)

    I am a young adult who has lived in West Seattle all my life and I can not tell you the extent of harm this man has done to the community. I know of 3 people he has robbed. Yet shows no remorse or concern for anyone but himself. I have even heard a story when he was living with friends (this i did not experience myself so can not say for sure) and the first oppurtunity he had and took almost everything worth any kinda of value out of that house. He is not a child, I am younger than he is, he is a man. That does not care about his future or the affect his actions has on other people. I really hope they send him away for a long time because if hes out, i can guarantee it wont stop.

  • Dean June 30, 2011 (7:00 pm)

    Wow can’t believe all the chances he has had to straighten out! He is not a dumb kid! I got to know him a bit when he went to WSHS. For some reason he gets reinforcement from being a thief. I’ve always assumed and hoped that he would put his energies into good instead evil actions. It appears that it is too late for Skylear to turn it around.

  • watertowerjoey June 30, 2011 (7:33 pm)

    What happened to three strikes (caught), you’re out?????

  • Sonoma June 30, 2011 (7:36 pm)

    Hey, how’s that community service workin’ out? I hope he wasn’t working with teens, helping them stay out of trouble. By the way, not all liberals are “soft on crime.” And not all conservatives are “tough on crime.”

  • Irukandji June 30, 2011 (9:24 pm)

    @JanS et al.,

    I have a preliminary note in to the general mailbox for the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office. I’ll let you know what info I get back regarding whom to send your letters to.

  • old timer June 30, 2011 (11:38 pm)

    Trouble is, even locked up, this guy would get clean clothes, laundered sheets, fed regularly, health care, cable tv, and postage allowances, public defender., etc, ad nauseam.
    That’s more than a lot of law abiding men who are trying to raise a family can achieve in this economy.
    Something is not right about that.

  • velo_nut July 1, 2011 (7:19 am)

    He should be thrown in jail for still using MySpace.

  • Jesse July 1, 2011 (8:55 am)

    Im not surprised about this… I went to high school with him at West Seattle High. He was in my 9th grade math class when he was in 11th grade….

  • Paul July 1, 2011 (3:18 pm)

    last time I voted it seemed almost every judge was running unopposed

  • Wendyl July 1, 2011 (4:28 pm)

    Hmmmm…..this is the same night that I had my car prowled within two blocks of Barnecuts….

  • Mike July 1, 2011 (11:13 pm)

    I always found it amusing that criminals get cable TV. My parents still don’t have cable TV. How did I ever handle growing up without it???
    This guy is a great example of our messed up justice system.

  • george July 18, 2011 (6:48 pm)

    So who wants to build a bigger prison in WC to house the criminals that need the space to be put away? *deafening silence*

  • Krystal July 18, 2011 (9:49 pm)

    Cowpie and velo_nut FTW!

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