Politics to potholes: Chat with Councilmember Rasmussen Saturday

He’s not only the only City Councilmember living in West Seattle, he also chairs the Transportation Committee, and that means lightning-rod issues galore. Councilmember Tom Rasmussen has been on a community-conversation tour around the city, and in case you hadn’t already heard (it’s in the WSB Events Calendar), an early reminder that he’s on home turf this Saturday afternoon, available to chat with anybody who wants to come by, West Seattle (Admiral District) branch of the Seattle Public Library, 2:30-4 pm. His website promises, “All topics are on the table.”

1 Reply to "Politics to potholes: Chat with Councilmember Rasmussen Saturday"

  • Michael Taylor-Judd May 6, 2011 (1:36 pm)

    I’ll be there as well, as a PROSPECTIVE City Councilmember from West Seattle, to hear more of the concerns from my neighhbors about where our city is headed. ;-)

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