Happening now: Rock show, trunk show, school cleanup

April 30, 2011 2:08 pm
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More of what’s happening around West Seattle this afternoon:

Inside the Alki Masonic Hall, you can pan for gold during the West Seattle Rock Club‘s annual Rock and Gem Show, admission free, continuing till 5 today and running again 10-5 tomorrow. The hall’s at 40th/Edmunds on the east edge of The Junction. Not far away, at 4540 California SW just steps north of Walk-All-Ways –

That’s metal artist Erica Gordon, presiding over a trunk show of her wearable art – handmade belts and buckles — at Click! Design That Fits (WSB sponsor) in The Junction till 5 pm. It’s also a benefit for Lettuce Link – Click! is donating 10 percent of proceeds from sales during the trunk show, in honor of the “Urban Farming” theme from Gordon’s new line.

And if you just have to be completely outside – amble over to Arbor Heights Elementary School:

An AH parent volunteer sent us that photo from their Spring Cleanup, under way right now, and says you’re still welcome to come join the folks who are working to make their campus sparkle.

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