Two West Seattle Crime Watch notes this afternoon. First – recognize that bicycle? Seattle Police have it and think it might have been stolen, so if you recognize it, Detective Brian Ballew wants to hear from you – 206-233-7836.
Second, another afternoon burglary, close to the location of one reported here last week – details after the jump:
From Jo:
Within hours of Julia’s break-in Thursday @ 48th and Graham, my house was also broken into at 48th and Eddy (one block away) from a window in the back of the house. They threw a big rock through the top half of the window and reached in to unlock the latch. I believe they got scared off when we arrived home @ 4 pm. Shortly after 6 pm, a tallish, thin guy wearing a gray North Face jacket with a black yoke and a dark knit stocking cap walked past my house headed down the hill. It was unusual when I saw him again within 20 minutes, so watching more closely this time I noticed that he turned the corner around my house. There he could easily glance up as he passed to see what had been done about the window. Rarely do people walking down the hill on 48th turn up this street, which is why he stood out.
The 48th/Graham break-in she mentions is in this Crime Watch report. And this gives us another occasion to remind you that the West Seattle Crime Prevention Council meets tonight, 7 pm at Southwest Precinct (Delridge/Webster) – the guest speaker will talk about SPD’s victim-advocacy program, but you can also expect to hear from police about the latest crime trends – and if you have a concern/question, there is a chance for you to bring it to their attention, as well.